
Well in advance, when you just agreed on a date and time when people with questions will finally meet people with answers, start preparing documents immediately.

The most important material is your future modeling space. Remember, your problem is way bigger than any whiteboard you can find in any meeting room (except maybe the one you designed to held EventStorming sessions, but I doubt you have one). It means you will have to use walls as the modeling space. Sticky notes do not stay well on walls, except those made of glass. You would also like to remove your model from the wall afterward in order not to frustrate people who will use the room after you.

Therefore, you will need a paper roll. For guerilla-style EventStorming, you might use a simple paper roll from IKEA, whose original purpose is to provide unlimited painting space for children. But it is too narrow, and the best option is to acquire a plotter paper roll. Such rolls are wider (usually about one meter wide), longer and made from higher quality paper.

The next thing is to have something that you could use to fix the paper on a wall. You might need to inspect the wall surface on the particular room where you plan to hold the workshop and try different methods. Ensure that you have little or no obstacles for the paper roll, so the wall should not have paintings, holes, doors, or windows.

Of course, you need a lot of sticky notes. And I mean a lot. You never know how many domain events people are going to write and the last thing you want to experience is when people start reconsidering events because there are no more sticky notes left. Stickies are cheap, and ideas are expensive, so take care of bringing enough stickies to capture all ideas. You would need different sizes and colors; we will go through the color notation later in this chapter:

This is the least you would need

And the final part is stationary. It is too often forgotten as something obvious, and then you are left with a handful of highly paid, very busy people in the room and only one working pen. This can be very frustrating. So, buy enough permanent markers, preferably black, not very thin and not very thick. Ideally, you need one marker pen per person and some to spare.

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