The room 

Now, the place. EventStorming cannot be done when people sit. Quite the opposite, they need to stand and walk freely among the whole space. This is why the traditional meeting room set up with a large table in the center, and lots of chairs around this table does not work. So, the first thing you will need to ensure is that those walls where you plan to put the paper roll on, have enough space among them for people to move freely. Ideally, all chairs need to be removed or at least moved to one place, far from the modeling space.

There should be some space where all stationary will be placed. So you will need at least a small table somewhere in the corner. Also, it is helpful to have the notation visible, so people use specific colors for the relevant concepts. Using different colors for one concept is very confusing and should be avoided.

EventStorming sessions are usually very intense and involve a lot of movement, thinking and talking, sometimes arguing. This is generally fun but can be exhausting. So, as a facilitator, you need to keep the sugar level high and throats soothed. Prepare some snacks, drinks, and fruits; this helps. People also respect this kind of treatment and get a feeling of being invited to some special event.

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