Chapter 1

Welcome To (Or Back To) Coding


check Why kids are coding

check Why you need to know coding

check Where do you come in?

check Working with young coders

Who are you and where do you fit into the brave new world of coding? You may be a newbie programmer who wants to learn or “level up” coding skills to coach the next generation of kiddos to programming success. Or perhaps you’re a seasoned programmer who wants to “dial it down” and explore a good starting point for kid coders. Or perhaps you’re someone in between — you’ve coded in a past school or career experience — maybe in a language that’s lost steam — and now you’re returning to the practice to learn the newest tricks of the trade.

Whoever you are and whatever your goal, we’re excited to welcome you to (or back to) coding!

In this chapter, you find out why kids are coding and why so much attention is currently focused in education on the discipline of computer programming. We also talk about the range of roles you can play in the teaching and learning of computer science, and identify strategies you can employ when working as a coding teacher, parent, or coach.

Why Kids Are Coding

Literacy has been a societal goal for centuries, with conscientious parents and teachers working to ensure that the children in their charge learn the skills necessary to succeed in their careers and in life. Until the 1970s, literacy meant mastering the traditional three “R’s” of “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic” (spelling was considered less necessary). As technology started becoming commonplace, computers started appearing in educational settings, and tech literacy became viewed as the fourth literacy.

Fast-forwarding to the 21st century, technology has become so ubiquitous that not only is tech literacy a skill that makes you educated, it’s a skill that makes you highly marketable in the workplace. While tech literacy can include general skills such as word processing, generating spreadsheets, and creating slideshow presentations, the real skills lie in computer programming, or coding. That’s because coding allows people to be not just users of technology, but producers of it (at least on the software end of things).

Schools are recognizing that to prepare kids for their futures, a good education must include coding instruction. In some countries, including the United Kingdom and Canada, coding instruction is a national directive. In others, such as the United States, fewer than 10 percent of schools teach coding. To fill in the gaps, many online courses, after-school programs, and summer camps are providing kids instruction in coding. Just like learning to ski or learning a foreign language, learning the basics of coding is best accomplished at a young age: Every learning experience is “new and different” and it’s easy to get back up when you fall down. Regardless of who is delivering the instruction, kids everywhere are coding — and you can help facilitate that learning with the kids in your life using the guidance provided in this book!

What are they learning?

Kids are learning more than just coding. They’re devising solutions to problems, building games, and creating programs that do the routine and redundant work humans don’t want to do. There’s a lot kids have to learn to perform those tasks. Here’s a quick rundown of what they’re learning:

  • Computational thinking: Computational thinking is the reasoning and planning you perform “in your head” when translating a problem and solution into a process that a computer can perform.
  • Algorithmic thinking: Algorithmic thinking is mapping out an organized, efficient set of steps, which you can use and reuse to perform a task.
  • Communicating in a foreign language: No, not an international language that’s native to a country or people on Earth. But they are learning to communicate in a language that’s not their native tongue — the language of computers. And they have to learn new words, new punctuation, and new rules for establishing successful communication.
  • Patience and resilience: No matter what you’re making — a computer program, a musical performance, or a gourmet meal — patience is required to learn a new skill, and resilience is required to bounce back from challenges to master that skill.
  • Creativity: Contrary to popular belief, coding is not the cold, calculating discipline you may think it is. From inventing novel solutions to a problem, to inventing new video games, creativity is inherent in the coding process.
  • Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting, or debugging code, means tracing and retracing your steps — sometimes by isolating and testing smaller sections of code, sometimes by tracing through the syntax, and sometimes by testing sample data to example the output — to find and fix problems.

How are they learning?

Kids are coding on their tablets, laptops, and desktops, using a variety of widely available software tools, many of which are free! They are using books, online resources, and tutorials in web and video formats, and discussions with friends to guide them.

Unlike the early days of coding, many of the programming languages and environments kids are using are visual in nature. Many offer tile or block-based formats in which kids can drag and assemble code blocks together like interlocking puzzle pieces to create programs. This type of structure allows kids to tinker without worrying about spelling commands correctly, syntax (grammar), or punctuation. Modern, introductory languages often feature built-in “assets” such as character costumes and sound effects. And they usually provide some sort of error reporting to help kids in their debugging.

If you tried coding before the 21st century, you probably learned text-based, also known as “line” coding; the new, visual ways of coding are most likely foreign to you. You may have used languages such as Basic, Pascal, COBOL, or FORTRAN. While these languages have mostly faded away in popularity, they were powerful tools and popular in their heyday. Other “older” languages you may have used which are still around today include C, Python, Visual Basic, Ruby, Lua, and R. If you had the opportunity to tackle some serious coding, you may have worked with C++, Java, or JavaScript — some of the past and current heavy hitters in the coding world. The main kid-friendly language of yesteryear was Logo, what you may recall as the “turtle” language. Invented by MIT professor Seymour Papert, Logo and its derivatives were popular in schools, and still exist in several modern incarnations today. “Turtle” languages were about as close as most kids got to non-text based coding prior to Y2K. Fortunately, the more kid-friendly coding environments now available provide a lower floor for entering easily into the world of programming.

warning Some purists are not fond of “kid” computer languages, especially those that are block-based, expressing concerns that this structure is not realistic, nor professional. They worry that these types of environments are not sufficiently authentic to lay proper foundations for future coding. However, research indicates that exploration in these languages still build the desired programming skills cultivated by working in more traditional, text-based, coding environments.

What does it mean down the road?

Your efforts in helping kids get started with coding lay the foundations for them to pursue more challenging programming activities in the future. You can help them build content skills, confidence, and the mindset required to succeed at coding. Whether they choose a career in computer science, or just dabble in writing small programs for various projects, your positive guidance and support contributes to developing an educated and confident young person. Who knows, you might even be responsible for cultivating the next Grace Hopper or Bill Gates!

Why You Need to Know Coding

You have this book in hand, but you may still be asking yourself why you need to know coding. Why should you learn to code when your young coder has a teacher or a camp instructor or a YouTube video guide?

You should learn to code for many reasons:

  • The more you know, the better you can help. More content knowledge and more relevant experience on your end leads to better ability to coach your young coder. This is especially true when it comes to troubleshooting code: kids make the same mistakes you make; if you’ve “been there, done that,” you can help them find and fix their errors.
  • The more you code, the more you can empathize with your coder. Sharing the joy and frustration of coding is part of being a good coach. The more you experience these emotions yourself, the better you are at understanding and appreciation the mindset and affective disposition of your kid.
  • It’s the fourth literacy. Maybe coding was offered when you were in school. Maybe it wasn’t. Either way, it’s here now and it’s here to stay — and as the “fourth literacy,” you need to learn it to be fully educated and a full participant in today’s world.
  • It’s quality time with your kids. If you’re a parent, you do a lot with your kids, but sometimes that “doing” is spent more passively than you’d like (driving to soccer practice, buying school supplies at Walmart). Learning something new (coding!) and working together on an app or website provides a great opportunity for you to spend quality time with your kids.
  • Doing so allows you to practice what you preach. You’re a teacher, a parent, a coach… and you’re also a role model. If you don’t already know how to code, it may be a challenge to encourage someone else to do so. As they say at Nike, Just Do It!

Fear and loathing (of coding)

One of your biggest challenges in learning to code may be your own fear and self-doubt. Perhaps you think you’re “not smart enough.” Another challenge may be a genuine dislike or disinterest in code. Like any new endeavor, there is often a sense of concern that you won’t be capable of learning something new. Maybe you won’t like it. Maybe it’s too much work.

It may be worthwhile to note that a lot of other people who came before you shared the same fears (and loathing, of course) of coding. Like learning any new field — playing piano, ice-skating, speaking Mandarin, cooking, gardening, sewing — there is a learning curve in which the introductory phases are not especially fun or rewarding. But hopefully the experiences leading up to adulthood have shown you that, over time, sticking to the process of learning a new skill eventually results in elevated abilities and satisfaction in a job well done.

Computer programmers are not smarter than you are; they’ve just been at it longer! Like you, they started with introductory coding, building their skills a bit at a time, learning new programming languages and writing many programs until they built a solid base of coding knowledge and skills. Congratulations on taking the first step of learning to code and coaching the next generation to early successes in the world of computer science.

You may already know more than you think

If you’re panicking that you suddenly need a degree in computer science to learn coding to successfully help the kids in your life… don’t! You may already know more about coding and its underlying principles than you think. Just ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are you good at learning new languages? Because coding uses its own languages featuring vocabulary, grammar, and syntax — you may find that learning to code is a snap!
  • Are you good at planning and organizing? Because coding is about using concise, reusable instructions, start-to-finish — you may find that learning to code is familiar and easy!
  • Are you confident about tinkering with your computer or mobile device to learn and use new features? Because coding is about commanding your technology devices to bend to your will — you may find that learning to code is easy and empowering!
  • Are you excited by new challenges? Because coding energizes you to invent something tangible from nothing more than an idea in your head. You may find that learning to code is an exciting new adventure!

Sarah has taught hundreds of adults to code for the purpose of engaging the kids in their lives in coding. You can do it, too!

Where Do You Come In?

You come in by guiding and supporting young people in their coding endeavors, as a classroom teacher, a camp or after-school coach, or a parent/mentor. You do not have to be an expert coder — just an interested and caring adult who is willing to co-learn and support your kids in their pursuit of the computer science mission! Here are some ways you can accomplish these feats.

In the classroom

You can select a variety of coding experiences for a classroom setting depending on factors including grade level, available technology, and expected contact time. In the classroom setting — which is more formal than other settings — where you may meet with students multiple times over a quarter, semester, or full school year, you likely have time to work on developing both a breadth (covering many topics) and depth of programming skills among your students (providing students time to grow a greater complexity of skills within a topic of focus). You want to choose a programming environment, a curriculum, and appropriate technology tools for getting kids coding in your classroom.

Programming environments

You can choose several excellent programming environments for coding instruction. Most are free, but be sure to check online for the latest information and updates on each product.

  • Everyone, away from the computer: Not all computer programming work needs to occur on a computer. Both Computer Science Unplugged ( and provide extensive, hands-on, away-from-the-computer activities to teach computational thinking concepts. These activities are superb lead-ins to their technology analogues, and are likely to be hits in their own right!
  • PreK: Daisy the Dinosaur and Bee-Bots are perfect for three and four year olds. Both feature a very limited set of commands, along with cute characters for the pre-reading crowd. Bee-Bots also has the advantage of providing a physical device for students to program and navigate around a playmat that you spread on the ground. The coding paradigm of both is drag-and-drop tiles. Daisy is available in the App Store for use on iPhone and iPad devices. Bee-Bots can be used on Mac and Windows platforms, as well as iPhones and iPads.
  • K-Grade 1: Scratch Jr. and the Foos are both coding environments that visually pop and are extremely rich in pre-reader coding experiences. The Foos presents a series of puzzles that increase in complexity, while Scratch Jr. offers a more open-ended exploration space. The coding paradigm of both is drag-and-drop tiles. Both the Foos and Scratch Jr. run on mobile devices (iOS and Android) and in web browsers.
  • Grades 2–5: Scratch and Tynker offer deep, exciting, coding experiences through which students can explore critical coding concepts, express their creativity, and share their work publicly. The coding paradigm of both is drag-and-drop tiles. Both run online and can also be downloaded and used in an offline environment.
  • Grade 6 and up: Python, JavaScript, and GameSalad environments are all quite different, but they’re a step up in complexity and offer real-world programming experiences to your young coder. Python is used in a variety of contexts, including commanding robots. JavaScript provides interactivity on websites, occupying a special place in web pages formatted using HTML and CSS. This book also addresses the use of Python and JavaScript in coding for the micro:bit electronics board — a great tool for applying your code to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. GameSalad facilitates creation of authentic game apps that can be sold in the App Store and Google Play store (but you have to pay to obtain a GameSalad license).
  • Grade 9 and up: Java, C++, and Swift are considered professional coding languages that your coder can migrate to as she elevates her programming prowess. They are used for authentic programs and for writing software for IoT devices. Java is currently the language used on the AP Computer Science A exam — your coder is probably going to see this before she leaves high school. C++ is used in a variety of applications, such as databases and video gaming. Swift is Apple’s powerful and easy-to-use programming platform.

    App Inventor is a drag-and-drop teaching language for mobile devices. It provides a higher degree of complexity than other “easy to use” environments, while at the same time offering the use of Application Programming Interfaces (API), which are pre-written software that allows two applications to talk to each other. App Inventor permits your coder to do cool, “real” things such as integrate Google Maps and GPS location in apps.

Turn to Chapter 3 for more detailed information about each of these programming environnments and others that may be of interest to your young coders.

Choosing curriculum

The curriculum you select for your classroom depends on a variety of factors. You may be required to follow school or district guidelines created by educators other than yourself. Or perhaps you must adhere to standards set at the state level, or the national level by a group such as CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) or ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education).

Remember, coding is about creating authentic products that perform real tasks. Crafting your curriculum in a project-based model helps ensure students are doing the type of work that professional computer programmers perform. Try to create and customize activities in which students make real products, producing products including websites, online games, and apps. Encourage and support their innovations in crafting inventive graphics, multiple levels, and other customizations that make each child’s program stand apart from her peers.

Most curriculum is shaped by a scope and sequence that ensures learners grow in their coding skills to meet key goals, with short-term benchmarks established along the way. Classroom teachers still have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to differentiate instruction for students of varying ability levels to appropriately challenge each student to rise above his current level. Create tiered options in which each student can create programs that match his skill set. Your coding experience and understanding of each individual child can help you customize the coding experience to create a successful learning environment for your entire classroom community. For specific coding curricula and associated grade level designations, check out Part 5.

tip Training and professional development (PD) for specific curricula are offered by organizations and universities. For example, the University of Texas at Austin (Camille’s alma mater!) provides online and in-person PD for its UTeach AP Computer Science Principles course. The College of St. Scholastica offers an all online, four-course certification in CS Education. Such PD can result in credit to educators for things like raises or certifications.

Camp or after-school coach

With the increased attention on coding, more and more after-school programs and summer camps are popping up everywhere. If you’re an instructor in such a program, you have a unique role in helping the young coders in your charge. You probably don’t see the kids as consistently as a classroom teacher. And there may be greater variation in the experience and ability level of your kid community. But it’s also probable that you’re not locked into a highly structured curriculum.

Whatever the content and format of your workplace, remember to teach students first and coding second. Take time to learn each coder’s interests, experience, and programming goals. Ideally, take a few notes on each participant, update them following each coding session, and review them prior to your next meeting. Reminding yourself regularly of how each coder is progressing can help you to assist him in moving forward and reaching his goals.

As frequently as possible, communicate progress to your coder’s parent or guardian. Include samples of the work product, especially links to completed programs the coder’s family can view online!


Mentors foster and grow coding abilities in youth through a variety of informal contexts. Perhaps you’re a parent, friend, or co-worker of someone with a child who wants to learn coding. Or perhaps you’re the teacher whom “everyone comes to see” when students need assistance on special projects they’re tackling. Maybe you’re a professional programmer who volunteers your time at Girl Scouts or Boys Scouts workshops. (Both groups have coding badges that kids can earn!) Mentors often work on an as-needed basis helping kids grow their coding skills or track down an extra-hard-to-find-bug. They typically maintain a long-term partnership with the kids they mentor, suggesting new projects, languages, and courses to pursue. As a mentor, you may also be asked to write letters of recommendation about the coders in your charge, attesting to their coding interests and abilities, to help them gain admittance to special programs in high school or university.

Working with Young Coders

There are wide range of dispositions when it comes to kids getting started with coding…here are a few of the personality types you may encounter:

  • The skydiver type: This type of kid wants to dive right in, trying every line of code, without any specific plan of action associated with his efforts. While we applaud confidence and creativity at the computer, we would encourage you to steer this kid towards thinking and planning prior to coding and executing. A few years ago, a new child at Camille’s school was very proud of his Scratch “expertise” — which turned out to be dragging hundreds of Scratch tiles and assembling them in nonsensical ways in the program workspace. It took several months to help him learn how to evolve from chaotic habits to conceptualizing an idea and translating it into functional code. Helping this type of child to work procedurally and incrementally, taking pride in completing a project start-to-finish, are behaviors you want to foster.
  • The rational actor: This kiddo wants to learn a new concept and then try out the associated code at the computer, one step at a time. This type of learner usually experiences success, but may struggle when confronted with an information gap in which she needs a command that she hasn’t previously encountered. Helping this child to branch out and research on her own, employing a bit of grit in finding a solution, is a habit you want to coach and develop.
  • The happy passenger: This child is a bit tentative to try coding — even if he is a game-player or social media guru! He may seem in command of tech until he has to pop the hood and get into the mechanics of writing actual code. He has some tech-savvy, but until this point, he was just happy to be along for the ride. You need to help him understand that you’re going to support his efforts to transitioning from a tech user, to a tech maker — through learning to code.
  • The next Bill Gates: This kid loves coding, knows everything about coding, wants to do more coding, watches Silicon Valley, has built her own computer, and has already applied to the Stanford Computer Science undergrad program. Continue to cheer for this kid, help clear the runway for her by removing trivial obstacles (which often exist in school settings), and actively seek projects, competitions, and peer programmers (who may be older) as partners for her.

Regardless of which kids and which coder personalities you encounter (likely all of them!), meet them where they are, and help lift them up to the next level. You have an important role in fostering their coding foundations and building both the hard and soft skills of a coder. Onwards!

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