About the Author

Liz Weston is an award-winning, nationally syndicated personal finance columnist who is one of the most-read money experts on the Internet.

The New York Times called her book, The 10 Commandments of Money: Survive and Thrive in the New Economy, a “wonderful basic personal finance book...[with] enough counterintuitive ideas to keep even people who know a bit about personal finance reading further.” Her earlier book, Your Credit Score: How to Improve the 3-Digit Number that Shapes Your Financial Future, is a national best-seller and was recently published in a fourth edition.

Liz’s columns run twice a week on MSN Money while her question-and-answer column “Money Talk” appears in newspapers throughout the country, including the Los Angeles Times, the Palm Beach Post, the Portland Oregonian, Stars & Stripes, and others.

Liz has appeared on The Dr. Phil Show, NBC Nightly News, and The Today Show, and for several years is a weekly commentator on CNBC’s Power Lunch. She is a regular commentator on public radio, including Marketplace Money’s “Getting Personal” segments.

She was awarded the 2010 Betty Furness Consumer Media Award by the Consumer Federation of America, designed to honor individuals who have made “exceptional progress in American consumerism.” Other honors include a 2007 Clarion Award for her MSN series on financial benchmarks and a 2008 “Best in Business” designation from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. She participated in journalism teams that won a Pulitzer Prize for Meritorious Public Service in 1989 and a Gerald Loeb business journalism award in 1997. She has a bachelor’s degree in economics and is a graduate of the Certified Financial Planner training program.

She lives with her husband and daughter in Los Angeles.

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