
Deal with Your Debt: Free Yourself from What You Owe, Updated and Revised


1 Isn’t Debt-Free the Way to Be?

Debt Isn’t the Enemy

When “Good Debt” Isn’t

Which Debts Should You Tackle First?

Why Debt Management Sounds Strange

When Debt Repayment Plans Go Awry

Addressing the Ants as Well as the Grasshoppers

Debt-Free Is the Way to Be—Eventually


2 Your Debt Management Plan

Get Intimate with Your Debt

Which Debts Are Deductible?

Am I Paying the Right Rate?

Assess Your Financial Situation

Retirement Savings

Financial Flexibility

Save or Pay Off Debt First?

Case Studies

Create Your Game Plan

Should You Pay Off Your Debt with More Debt?

Debt “Solutions” to Avoid

If You’re Already Drowning

Step 1: Find the Cash

Step 2: Evaluate Your Options

Step 3: Choose Your Path and Take Action


3 Credit Cards

Our Love Affair with Credit

The True Cost of Carrying a Balance

Floors But No Ceilings

Overnight Rate Changes

Fees and More Fees

Balance-Transfer Roulette

Gotchas for Those Who Pay Their Balances

The Right Way to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Getting the Right Reward Card


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

4 Mortgages

Myth #1: It’s a Good (or Lousy) Time to Buy a Home

Myth #2: A House Is a Great Investment

Myth #3: Buying Is Always Better Than Renting

Myth #4: Homeownership Comes with Great Tax Breaks

The Right Reasons to Buy

How Much House Should I Buy?

What Kind of Mortgage Should I Get?

How Do I Get a Good Mortgage Deal?

1. Fix Your Credit

2. Understand Points and Fees

3. Shop Around for Rates and Terms

4. Check out First-Time Homebuyers’ Programs

5. Get Preapproved for a Loan

6. Don’t Pay Junk Fees

7. Plan for Closing Costs

When and How Should I Refinance?

When Should I Prepay a Mortgage?


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

5 Home Equity Borrowing

The Dangers of Home Equity Lending

Home Equity Loans Versus Lines of Credit

Questions to Ask Before You Borrow


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

6 Student Loans

So What’s the Good News?

How Much Should I Borrow?

Where Should I Get My Loans?

What If It’s Already Too Late?

What About Paying Off My Student Loans with Home Equity Debt—or Credit Cards?


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

7 Auto Loans

How Cars Cost Us

Why It’s Bad to Owe More on Your Car Than It’s Worth

How Often You Buy Cars Matters, Too

The Proper Role of Cars in Our Spending

Ways to Keep Costs Down


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

8 401(k) and Other Retirement Plan Loans

Types of Plans That Offer Loans

The Real Cost of Retirement Plan Loans

Cracking Your Nest Egg Early

The Hidden Cost of Withdrawals


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

9 Loans You Don’t Want to Get—or Give

Three More Loans to Beware Of

Why You Don’t Want to Cosign a Loan

The Right Way to Make a Personal Loan


Credit Limits

Shopping Tips

10 Dealing with a Debt Crisis

Dealing with Your Creditors

Dealing with Collection Agencies

What If Your Creditors Won’t Budge?


11 Putting Your Debt Management Plan into Action

Lower Your Interest Rates

Track Your Spending

Trim Your Expenses

Look for Cash

Sell Your Surplus Stuff Online

Review Your Priorities

Stay on Track

Some Final Thoughts


There Are No Dumb Questions About Money: Answers and Advice to Help You Make the Most of Your Finances


1 Balanced Budget, Balanced Life: Setting Your Financial Priorities

How to Stick to a Budget

For a Budget That Works, Get Control of Your Debt

What Do Average Families Spend?

Balancing Your Budget in the Big City

Income Dropped? Expenses Have to Drop, Too

How to Beat “Frugal Fatigue”

Fast Ways to Cut Cable, Cell Bills

What to Do with an Extra $5,000 a Month

Planning a Family? How to Prepare Financially

Facing a Layoff? Rule #1: Conserve Cash

Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Knock It Off

Why Your Budget Doesn’t Work

2 Slay the Debt Dragon

What Comes First?

What Comes First, Savings or Debt Payoff?

Why You Shouldn’t Pay Down Your Mortgage

Don’t Drain Your Retirement to Pay Debts

Use Inheritance to Pay Down Debt, Boost Savings

How to Stop Collection Calls

Garnishments Are Taking Food off This Family’s Table

Massive Debts Mean Gambling Is More Than a “Habit”

Debt Doesn’t Disappear After Lender Write-off

How Long Bad Debt Can Haunt You

What to Do When You Can’t Afford Your Life

Young Widow Struggles with Late Husband’s Debts

Dealing with After-Death Creditors

Fighting an Aggressive Collection Agency

Student Drowning in Debt Needs Professional Help

How to Cope with a Big Medical Bill

When Bankruptcy Is the Best of Bad Options

What to Do When Bankruptcy Won’t Work

3 Burnish Your Credit Score

Improving Bad Scores Takes Time, Patience

Why “Free” Credit Scores Aren’t

How Credit Card Balances Affect Your Scores

Does a Credit Card Make You a Slave to Lenders?

Why Carrying a Balance Is Stupid

No Credit Cards? You May Not Get the Best Rates

How to Use Credit Cards to Improve Your Scores

Should You Stay in Debt to Help Your Scores?

Don’t Close Accounts If You’re Trying to Improve Your Scores

Close Cards the Smart Way

Debts Rising? It’s Time to Cut Spending

Big Debts Mean You Can’t Afford Your Life

Marriage Doesn’t Combine Your Credit Reports

Unwanted Time Share Can Lead to Credit Score Hit

“Piggybacking” Can Pose a Serious Risk

Skimping on Credit Card Payments Can Damage Scores for Years

Short Sale Causes Credit Scores to Plunge

Finding an Apartment After Foreclosure

Recovering from Bankruptcy Takes Five to Ten Years

Installment Loans Can Boost Credit Scores

Not All Loans Help Your Scores

How to Score 800+

Credit Scores Not Perfect? Don’t Sweat It

Zombie Debt May Still Hurt Credit Scores

Insurance Scores Differ from Credit Scores

“Too Many Credit Cards” Boosts Insurance Premiums

4 Couples and Money

When Savers Marry Spenders

Credit Concerns or Just Cold Feet?

Fiancé’s Reluctance May Be Just Prudence

His, Hers, or Ours? Setting Up Finances As a Couple

Time Share Causes Financial Woes

Adding Fiancé As “Authorized User” May Help His Scores, but Be Careful

New Wife Could Help His Credit, but She’s Not Obligated

Marriage Didn’t Trash Son’s Credit Score

Spouse’s Debt May Be Yours—or It May Not Be

Separate Your Finances Before Divorce Is Final

Couples’ Big Age Difference Affects Retirement Planning

Choosing Pension Payout? Get Expert Help

How Marriage, Divorce, and Death Affect Your Social Security Check

5 Family Money: Keeping the Financial Peace

When Grandpa Reneges on Promised Money

When a Sibling Wants a Loan

Supporting the Family Spendthrift

Quit Trying to Change a Deadbeat

Helping Parents Support a Freeloader

Saying No to Handouts for Adult Children

Daughter’s Family Is Bleeding Them Dry

Could Son’s Unpaid Bills Harm Parents’ Credit? Maybe

When It Makes Sense to Let Your Adult Kids Live at Home

How to Buy Stocks for Children

Dealing with Parents’ Financial Crisis

Beware Becoming Trustee of a Sibling’s Money

Are Family Heirlooms Worth the Fight?

Stepdaughter Wants “Everything”: What Does She Deserve?

How Can I Resolve a Spat with My Siblings over an Inherited Home?

6 How to Stop Working Someday: Saving and Investing for Retirement

With Retirement, There’s No Making Up for Lost Time

$25 Is Enough to Get Started Saving for Retirement

There’s No Such Thing as “Risk-Free” Retirement Investing

Stocks: A Must or a Gamble?

Dependents Can Fund Roths Even If Their Parents Can’t

Don’t Tap Retirement Funds for a Bigger Down Payment

Build Retirement Funds Before Paying Down a Mortgage

Don’t Suspend 401(k) Contributions to Pay Down Loan

Retirement Planning Without a Retirement Plan

Self-employed? You’ve Got More Retirement Savings Options

Roll Your 401(k) into an IRA? Maybe Not

Windfall in Your 50s? Don’t Blow It

Get a Second Opinion Before Buying a Variable Annuity

Don’t Count on an Inheritance to Fund Your Retirement

What’s a “Safe” Withdrawal Rate?

Is a 3% Withdrawal Rate Too Conservative?

Social Security: Grab It Early, or Wait for Bigger Checks?

7 Protect What You Have

Should a 29-Year-Old Buy Life Insurance?

Don’t Buy Life Insurance If You Don’t Need Life Insurance

Help Your Pet Without Risking Your Finances

Going Bare on Health Insurance Isn’t Smart

“Eating Healthy” Won’t Protect Against Medical Bills

Is Disability Insurance Worth the Cost?

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cellphone Insurance

Get a Second Opinion Before Buying an Annuity

When You Can Skip Rental Car Insurance

Stick with Insurance Minimums or Buy More Coverage?

Is Disaster Insurance Worth the Cost?

8 Identity Theft

Don’t Trust Your Tax Papers to the U.S. Mail

Sometimes You Have to Cough Up Your SSN

Credit Account Closure May Be Cause for Alarm

Credit Freezes May Be Your Best Defense Against ID Theft

What Should I Do If My Sister Is an Identity Thief?

What to Do When Your Wallet Is Stolen

Do Dead People Have to Worry About ID Theft?

101 for Identity Theft Victims

Redact Your Medicare Card to Reduce ID Theft Risk

Are Businesses Protecting Your Social Security Number?

9 Home Sweet Home: What You Need to Know About Real Estate

How Much House Can I Afford to Buy?

No Down Payment Saved? You’re Not Ready to Buy a Home

Student Loan Debt May Limit Mortgage

Shop Hard Before You Refinance

When to Pay Down Your Mortgage

Should You Refinance a Mortgage That’s Almost Paid Off?

When Shorter Loans Make Sense

Adjustable Mortgage May Not Be Affordable for Long

Should She Walk Away from Her Home?

What Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

Don’t Expect Mortgage Lender to Do the Right Thing

New Rules May Help More Underwater Homeowners

Get Help with a Mortgage Modification

Short Sales Can Trash Your Scores

A Short Sale Isn’t a Bailout

How to Speed Up Foreclosure

Property Loss May Lead to Bankruptcy

Will You Face a Tax Bill after Foreclosure?

Finding an Apartment after Foreclosure

How to Get a House Sold Fast

How to Dump a Time Share

10 Pay for College Without Going Broke

If You Can Save for College, You Should

529 College Savings Plans Are a Good Option for Many

Withdrawals from 529s Can Be Tricky

529s Aren’t Always the Best Way to Save for College

Mom Stole College Fund. What to Do?

Did Grandma Divert the College Fund?

Don’t Overdose on Debt for a Child’s Education

“Free Money” May Not Make School Affordable

It’s Too Late to Borrow for Child’s College Education

Finding a Way to Pay for School

Is It Too Late to Go Back to School?

“Dream School” Can Turn into a Nightmare

Is a “Dream School” Worth Any Price?

Ivy League Tuition Waiver Doesn’t Apply to Our “Dream School” Applicant

Tiny Salary, Big Debt

Degree from For-Profit School Leads to Big Debt

How to Make Headway on Student Loans

Is Graduate School Worth Borrowing For?

Wrestling with Student Loan Debt? Know Your Forgiveness Options

Student Loans in Collections? Here’s Where to Find Help

Settling Student Loan Debt: Tough but Possible

Student Loan Settlement Won’t Be Cheap

11 Find an Advisor You Can Trust

Variable Annuity for a Dying Woman? I Don’t Think So.

“Unsuitable” Annuity Can Be Undone

Is a Money Manager Worth the Cost?

How to Find an Advisor You Can Trust

Your Broker Is Not a Retirement Expert

How to Invest an Inheritance

Finding Trustworthy Advisors

What to Do Now with Your Extra Cash

12 At the End: Caring for Elders and Planning Your Estate

Helping an Indigent Parent Navigate “the System”

Son-in-Law Badgers Elderly Couple for Money

Protecting a Parent from Financial Opportunists

Daily Money Managers Can Help Pay the Bills

A Reverse Mortgage Could Keep Mom in Her Home

Asset Transfer Could Delay Medicaid Eligibility

Incapacitated Parent? Tread Carefully

Father’s Living Trust Is Missing

The Documents You Need but Probably Don’t Have

Who Needs an Estate Plan?

Why Estate Plan?

DIY Wills and Trusts Can Backfire

Can the Guardian of Your Kids Change His Mind?

Are Unequal Bequests a Good Idea, or Are They a Disaster in the Making?

Credit Cards Must Be Paid Before Estate Is Distributed

Executor Won’t Have to Pay Mother’s Debts out of Pocket

Dad Died Without a Will. What Now?

A Guide for Executors

What’s the Best Thing to Do with an Inherited IRA?

Social Security Benefits Don’t Last Forever

What Happens to Personal Loans After Lender Dies?


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