
8-bit, defined, 66


charts, animating, 151

objects, scaling, 139

pie charts, 51



bars, 120

colors, themes, 121–122

Active X, 104

Adobe Photoshop, 85

Adobe Photoshop Elements, 85

Advanced Streaming format, 90

.aif format, 88

AIFF format, 88

album, photo, 79–81

aliasing, 77


icons, 95

images, 70

images, readability, 28

text, readability, 27


bullets, 146–148

charts, 149–151

Emphasis effects, 144

Entrance effects, 144

Exit effects, 145

Flash, 104–106

GIF files, 152

inserting video, 100

motion paths, 145

multiple slides, 113

overview, 144–145

SmartArt, 153–154

speed, 147

themes, 125

transitions, adding, 157–158

transitions, theory, 155–156

transitions, third party, 159

Apple iTunes, 98–99

area charts, 45

.asf format, 90

AU Audio format, 88

.au format, 88

audience, designing for, 12

audio. See also media; video

Apple iTunes, extracting, 98–99

CDs, extracting, 96–97

embedding files, 89, 92

file formats, 88–89

inserting files, 92, 93–95

kiosk presentations, 178

linking files, 89, 92

organizing files, 91

recording, 93

transitions, 158

Audio Interchange format, 88

Audio Video Interleave format, 90

AutoShapes, 74–75

.avi format, 90



custom, Photoshop Elements, 132–137

custom, PowerPoint, 128–131

images, 26

readability, 26

texture, 26

themes, 120

transparent, 77

bar charts, 39, 45, 52–55. See also column charts

bars, 156

bit image, 66

Bitmap, Windows, 66

.bmp format, 66


custom, 82–83

table, formatting, 42

branding, 15

brightness, photos, 80, 84–85

broken links, 92

browser compatibility, 186

browsing clip art, 72

bubble charts, 47


animating, 146–148

customizing, 33

overview, 31–32

slide layout, 13, 14

SmartArt, 58


calculations, spreadsheets, 43

Camera Raw, 78

cameras, digital, 78


extracting audio, 96–97

packaging for, 92

playing, 93

presentations, 173

cells, table, formatting, 41–42

centering images, 70

CGM format, 66

.cgm format, 66

changes, SmartArt, 59


bullets, 33

missing, 35

spacing, readability, 28

special, 34–35

symbols, 35

charts. See also graphs; tables

animating, 149–151

area, 45

bar, 39, 45

bubble, 47

changing type, 55

column, 38, 44

combining types, 39

doughnut, 47

formats, 38–39

line, 39, 44

organizational, 61–63

pie, 45, 48–51

radar, 47

scatter, 46

SmartArt, 56–57

stacked bar, 52–55

stacked column, 38, 52–55

stock, 46

surface, 46

titles, 38

types, 44–47

x y, 46


grammar, 162

spelling, 34–35, 162

clip art, 65, 72–73, 126, 152

Clip Organizer, Microsoft, 68, 72, 93

CMYK conversion, 67

codecs, 87, 91


8-bit, 66

cells, tables, 42

chart, 55

clip art, 73

CMYK conversion, 67

file formats, 66–67

GIF animations, 152

logo, transparency, 76–77

organizing information, 25

proofing, 163

readability, 26

shadow, 30

SmartArt, 60

themes, 121–122, 125

themes, modifying, 16, 117

column charts, 38, 44. See also bar charts


browser, 186

presentation, 170

composite photos, backgrounds, 130

Computer Graphics Metafile format, 66

consistency, slide layout, 12

content, readability, 27


color, readability, 26

photos, 80, 84–85


bullets to diagram, 58

Excel to chart, 53

file formats, 68

list to graphic, 56, 57


audio, CDs, 96–97

Excel chart into PowerPoint, 53

images, 67

presentation, 167, 172–173

table data, 41

copyrights, DVDs, 107

cover, 156

cropping photos, 70


animation, bullets, 146–148

animation, charts, 149–151

animation, GIF files, 152

animation, overview, 144–145

animation, SmartArt, 153–154

backgrounds, Photoshop Elements, 132–137

backgrounds, PowerPoint, 128–131

borders, 82–83

bullets, 33

existing themes, 116–118

shadows, 29–30

shows, 164–166

templates, creating, 138–141

templates, source material, 126–127

themes, building, 119–122

transitions, adding, 157–158

transitions, theory, 155–156

Cycle category, 56



organizational chart, 63

stacked column charts, 54

tables, 41


shapes, 75

themes, 118

design. See also layout

overview, 11

selecting fonts, 17–19

slide layout overview, 12–15

Developer’s tab, 104


animating, 153–154

AutoShapes, 75

.dib format, 66

digital photos, 71, 78, 127

dissolves, 156


properties, 169

saving presentation as, 176

doughnut charts, 47

drawing shapes, 74–75

drivers, digital cameras, 78

drives, mobile media, 172

drop-shadows, 29–30, 50


media format, 107

PFCMedia, 109

presentations, 173


e-mailing presentations, 173

edges, jagged, 77


drop-shadows, 29–30, 50

Emphasis, 144

Entrance, 144

Exit, 145

motion paths, 145

shadows, 29–30, 50

themes, 118

transitions, 156


audio files, 89, 92

fonts, 168

Web pages, 111–113

.emf format, 66

Emphasis effects, 144

enhancing photos, 84–85

Entrance effects, 144

Excel, stacked bar chart, 52–55

Exit effects, 145

exploded pie charts, 50

exporting still graphics, 184

extracting audio

Apple iTunes, 98–99

CDs, 96–97


fades, 156

fair use, 107

file formats

audio, 88–89

digital cameras, 78

graphics, 66–68

saving presentations, 184

unsupported, 107–108

video, 90–91

Fit to Slide, 81

Flash, 104–106, 152

flash drives, 172

FlashBack, 106

flatbed scanners, 78

flattened images, backgrounds, 131

fonts. See also text

bullets, 33

embedding, 168

installing, 17–19

replacing, 20–22

selecting, 17–19

special characters, 34–35

themes, 117, 121


audio files, 88–89

charts, 38–39

digital camera files, 78

graphic files, 66–68

graphs, 38–39

presentation still image files, 184

unsupported file, 107–108

video files, 90–91


PlaysForCertain, 110

tables, 41–42

formulas, spreadsheets, 43

frames, photos, 81, 82–83

full screen video, 103



animations, 152

format, 66

.gif format, 66


animations, 125

changes, themes, 124

font replacement, 20–22

transitions, 157–158

glow, 77

Google video, 108

grammar checking, 162

graphics. See also images; photos

AutoShapes, 74–75

clip art, 72–73

file formats, 66–68

presentation still images, 184

transparency, logo, 76–77

Graphics Interchange format, 66, 152

graphs. See also charts; tables

formats, 38–39

titles, 38

grayscale viewing, 163

grid, organizing information, 23–25

grouping images, readability, 28

guides, organizing information, 23–25


handouts, 14, 174–176

hard copy, proofing, 163

hard drives, portable, 172

hidden slides, 166

Hierarchy category, 56

hierarchy of importance, 28

HTML, 186

hyperlinks, 111–113, 121–122, 158


images. See also graphics; photos

backgrounds, 26

bullets, 33

converting files, 68

copying, 67

custom backgrounds, PowerPoint, 128–131

grouping, readability, 28

pasting, 67

presentation, saving PDFs, 182–184

readability, 26

slide layout, 13, 14

statistical information, 25

stock, web sites, 127


audio, Apple iTunes, 98–99

files, 68

logo file, 76

photos, 79


audio files, 92, 93–95

charts, 48

Flash, 104–106

organizational chart, 61

photo album, 79

photos, 69

video files, 92, 100–103

installing fonts, 17–19

Internet connection, 111–113

Internet Explorer, 186

iPod, 172

Irfanview, 67

iTunes, 98–99


jagged edges, 77

Joint Photographic Experts Group format, 67

JPEG format, 67


keyboard map, special characters, 35

kiosk presentations, 177–178


laptops, presentations, 173

layers, background, 133–134

layout. See also design

bullets, 31–32

custom templates, 138–139

organizational chart, 63

organizing information, 23–25

photo album, 81

PowerPoint themes, 15–16

readability, 26–28

replacing fonts, 20–22

selecting fonts, 17–19

shadows, 29–30

single, changing, 117

slides, overview, 12–15

spell check, 34–35

stacked column charts, 54

themes, Slide Masters, 123

left-aligned text, 27


pie charts, 49

stacked column charts, 53

lightness, background, 135

line charts, 39, 44


audio files, 89, 92

media files, 91

video files, 92

Web pages, 111–113

List category, 56

lists, converting to graphics, 56

LiveWeb, 113

loading fonts, 19

local font replacement, 20–22


backgrounds, 136

custom templates, 139

shadows, 29–30

transparency, 76–77

looping files, 105, 112


Macintosh PICT format, 67

Matrix category, 56

media. See also audio; video

mobile, 172–173

organizing files, 91

Package for CD, 92

PlaysForCertain, 104, 109–110

unsupported formats, 107–108

Metafile, Windows, 66

Microsoft Clip Organizer, 68, 72

Microsoft Office Online, 126

MIDI format, 88

.midi format, 88

Mime HTML, 186

mini USB flash drives, 172

missing characters, 35


media, 172–173

presentation, 167–173

motion paths, 145

movies. See DVDs; video

Moving Picture Experts Group format, 90

MP3 format, 88

.mp3 format, 88

MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 format, 88

.mpeg format, 90

MPEG Movie format, 90

multi-media. See media


custom shows, 165

images, selecting, 80

logos, 77

masters, themes, 124

monitors, Presenter View, 180

slide, media, 113

Musical Instrument Digital Interface format, 88


narrated kiosk presentations, 178

Normal view, themes, 124


on-screen font appearance, 18


fonts, 18

themes, 16

typography, 17

organizational chart, 61–63


Package for CD, 92, 171

paragraphs, readability, 27


audio files, 97

Excel chart into PowerPoint, 53

images, 67

table data, 41

.pct format, 67

PFCMedia, 104, 109–110

photos. See also graphics; images

album, 79–81

borders, 82–83

cropping, 70

custom backgrounds, PowerPoint, 128–131

digital, 71, 127

enhancing, 84–85

grouping, readability, 28

inserting, 69

optimizing, 69–71

sizing, 69–71

stock, web sites, 126

Photoshop, 85

Photoshop Elements, 85, 132–137

PICT format, 67

Picture Styles, 83

pie charts, 45, 48–51


image, 71

pie chart, 48–49

themes, 123


audio, 94

Flash, 105–106

optimal, 95

video, 101–102

PlaysForCertain, 104, 109–110

PNG format, 67

.png format, 67

portable hard drives, 172

Portable Network Graphics format, 67


photos, 70

tables, 43

.potx format, 141


compatibility, 170

custom shows, 164–166

document properties, 169

embedding fonts, 168

file size, 168

handouts, 174–176

kiosk, 177–178

mobile, 167–173

Package for CD, 171

Presenter View, 180–181

proofing, 162–163

rehearsed timings, 179

saving as PDFs, 182–184

saving as Word document, 176

Web page, publishing, 185–186

Presenter View, 180–181

preview animation, 148, 151, 154

Print Screen, 111–112


handouts, 175

ppi setting, 168

Process category, 56


grammar checking, 162

hard copy, 163

slide show, 34–35

spell checking, 162

templates, 140

viewing as grayscale, 163

properties, document, 169


Package for CD, 92

presentation as Web page, 185–186

push, 156

Pyramid category, 56


QuickTime files, 107


radar charts, 47

ragging, 21

raster, 65, 73

readability, 26–28, 31–32

Recolor, 125, 152

recording sound, 93

Relationship category, 56

removing transitions, 158

replacing fonts, 20–22

resolution, video, 102

rewind Flash, 106

RGB mode, 67

rights, DVDs, 107

ripping CDs, 96–97

.rle format, 66

rotation, photos, 70

rows, adding to tables, 40


bullets, 32

thirds, 24


sans serif fonts, 17

saturation, background, 135


backgrounds, Photoshop Elements, 136

custom themes, 118, 122

PDFs, 182–184

presentation as Web page, 185–186

templates, 141

Word document, 176


3-D objects, 139

photos, 70

scanners, flatbed, 78

scatter charts, 46


font appearance, 18

large, proofing, 163

serif fonts, 17

shading cells, tables, 42

shadows, 29–30, 50

shapes, custom backgrounds, 129

showing hidden slides, 166


digital photos, 71, 78

file, presentation, 168

organizational chart, 62, 63

tables, 43

Slide Masters, 117, 123–125


bullets, layout, 31–32

handouts, 14

installing fonts, 17–19

layout, organizing information, 23–25

layout overview, 12–15

PowerPoint Themes, 15–16

readability, 26–28

selecting fonts, 17–19

shadows, 29–30

spell check, 34–35


animating, 153–154

creating graphic, 58–60

features, 56–57

organizational chart, 61–63

Snap to grid, 23

songs. See audio

sound. See audio

source material, custom templates, 126–127


bullets, 31–32

character, readability, 28

paragraph, readability, 27


characters, 34–35

fonts, 22


animations, 147

transition, 155

spell check, 34–35, 162

spreadsheets, 43


bar charts, 52–55

column charts, 38, 52–55

starred slides, 148

statistical information, 25

still images, saving, 182–184


images, 127

photos, 126

stock charts, 46

stripes, 156


borders, 82–83

fonts, 18

frames, 82–83

organizational chart, 62

SmartArt, 57, 60

stacked column charts, 54

tables, 41

transitions, 156

surface charts, 46


bullets, 33

special characters, 34–35


tables. See also charts; graphs

adding, 40

borders, 42

data, entering, 41

formatting, 41–42

overview, 40–43

position, 43

rows, adding, 40

size, 43

spreadsheets, 43

styles, 41

Tagged Image File format, 67


custom, creating, 138–141

custom, source material, 126–127

Photoshop Elements, 133

Photoshop Elements backgrounds, 132–137

saving, 141

SmartArt, 59

text. See also fonts

boxes, photos, 83

color, 26

color, themes, 121–122

modifying, 21

placement, rule of thirds, 25

readability, 26, 27

shadows, 29–30

SmartArt, 57, 59

special characters, 34–35

tables, 41

texture-based backgrounds, 26


accent bars, 120

animations, 125

backgrounds, 120

building custom, 119–122

color, 117, 121–122

content area, 121

default, 118

effects, 118

fonts, 117, 121

global changes, 124

layouts, 123

modifying existing, 116–118

multiple masters, 124

Normal View, 124

Photoshop Elements backgrounds, 132–137

placeholders, 123

PowerPoint, existing, 15–16, 116–118

recolor, 125

replacing fonts, 20–22

saving, 118, 122

Slide Masters, 117, 123–125

third party transitions, 159

thirds, rule of, 24

.tif format, 67

TIFF format, 67


animation, 151

kiosk presentations, 177–178

rehearsed, 179


charts, 38

graphs, 38

pie charts, 49

tracking, 28


adding, 157–158

hyperlinks, 158

theory, 155–156

third party, 159

transparency, logo, 76–77

troubleshooting video files, 91

type. See fonts; text


Unix Audio format, 88

URLs, PFCMedia, 109

usage rights, DVDs, 107

USB flash drives, 172


vector, 65, 73

Vector Markup Language format, 68

video. See also audio; media

file formats, 90–91

Flash, 104–106

inserting, 100–103

linking files, 92

organizing files, 91

unsupported formats, 107–108

.vml format, 68


audio, 94

video, 102


.wav format, 89

Wave Form format, 89

Web pages, 111–113, 185–186

Webcams, 109

weight, fonts, 18

white space, 13

Whoosh sound, 158

Windows Audio format, 89

Windows Bitmap format, 66

Windows Media Audio format, 89

Windows Media format, 90

Windows Media Player, 96–97

Windows Media Video format, 91

Windows Metafile format, 66

Windows Video format, 90

wipes, 156

WMA format, 89

.wma format, 89

.wmf format, 66

WMV format, 91

.wmv format, 91

Word Art, 14

Word document, saving as, 176


x-height, fonts, 17

x y charts, 46


YouTube, 108

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