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0-day exploits, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain (see zero-day exploits)
1st Information Operations Command (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
24h Air Force (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
36 stratagems, The 36 Stratagems
67th Network Warfare Wing (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
688th Combat Communications Wing (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
688th Information Operations Wing (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)


Aarelaid, Hillar, ESTDomains
Abrakhimov, Maksim, Nashi
acausal connecting principle, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
active defenses, Responding to International Cyber Attacks as Acts of War, The Road Ahead: A Proposal to Use Active Defenses, The Choice to Use Active DefensesTechnological limitations and jus in bello analysis, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum Analysis, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum AnalysisLimitations on attack traces, Limitations on attack detection, Limitations on attack classification, Limitations on attack traces, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses, Active defenses: The most appropriate forceful response, Technological limitations and jus in bello analysis, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems, Active Defense for Cyber: A Legal Framework for Covert Countermeasures, Cyber Active Defense Under International LawCyber Active Defense Under International Law, Cyber Active Defenses as Covert Action Under International LawCyber Active Defenses as Covert Action Under International Law
appropriateness, Active defenses: The most appropriate forceful response
covert action under international law, Cyber Active Defenses as Covert Action Under International LawCyber Active Defenses as Covert Action Under International Law
jus ad bellum analysis, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum AnalysisLimitations on attack traces
jus in bello analysis, Technological limitations and jus in bello analysis
jus in bello issues, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses
legal framework for covert countermeasures (United States), Active Defense for Cyber: A Legal Framework for Covert Countermeasures
necessity of exercise, The Road Ahead: A Proposal to Use Active Defenses
role in protection from cyber attacks, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems
status under international law, Cyber Active Defense Under International LawCyber Active Defense Under International Law
technological limitations, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum Analysis, Limitations on attack detection, Limitations on attack classification, Limitations on attack traces
attack classification, Limitations on attack classification
attack detection, Limitations on attack detection
attack traces, Limitations on attack traces
aerial bombing, Chinese embassy, Yugoslavia (1999), China
African botnet potential, Africa: The Future Home of the World’s Largest Botnet?
Agd_Scorp/Peace Crew, Agd_Scorp/Peace Crew (aka Agd_Scorp/Terrorist Crew)
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Akunyili, Dora, Control the Voice of the Opposition by Controlling the Content in Cyberspace: Nigeria
al-Durra program, Distributed denial of service (DDoS) capability
anarchist hackers, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement
Anonymous, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement
Antarctic Treaty System, The Antarctic Treaty System and Space Law
anti-access strategies, Anti-Access Strategies
anti-Chinese riots, Indonesia, 1998, China
anti-sec movement, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement
Applicure, Malware for Hire
armed attacks, Armed Attacks by Nonstate Actors, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
cyber attacks, interpreting as, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
definition under international law, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
law of war and nonstate attackers, Armed Attacks by Nonstate Actors
Armin, Jart, Atrivo/Intercage
Army Counter Intelligence and Army Criminal Investigative Command (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Army Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Army Signal Command, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Ashianeh Security Group, Ashianeh Security Group
Atrivo, A Subtle Threat
attribution of cyber attacks, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Legal Dilemma, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009), Investigating Attribution, Using Open Source Internet Data, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report, Using WHOISCaveats to Using WHOIS, Using WHOIS, Creating a legend for a cyber attack, Cyber Early Warning Networks
(see also intelligence collection)
capability as part of defense posture, Cyber Early Warning Networks
impediments to, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)
international law and state responsibility, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks
investigating, Investigating Attribution, Using Open Source Internet Data, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report, Using WHOISCaveats to Using WHOIS, Using WHOIS
Dalai Lama, Chinese operation against, Using WHOIS
open source data, Using Open Source Internet Data
Team Cymru darknet report, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report
WHOIS, Using WHOISCaveats to Using WHOIS
Russian military doctrine and, Creating a legend for a cyber attack
Australia, cyber warfare capability, Australia
automated registration, searcher, and group creator, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
autonomous system (AS) network, Using Open Source Internet Data, Using Open Source Internet Data, What Is an Autonomous System Network?, What Is an Autonomous System Network?
AS numbers, What Is an Autonomous System Network?


C-H Team, C-H Team (aka H-C Team)
Canada, cyber warfare capability, Canada
carders, McColo: Bulletproof Hosting for the World’s Largest Botnets
CCDCOE (NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence), The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
channel consolidation, Channel Consolidation
Chilton, General Kevin P., The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
China, China, China, China, China, Are Nonstate Hackers a Protected Asset?, United States, China, China Military DoctrineThe 36 Stratagems, China Military Doctrine, China Military Doctrine, Anti-Access Strategies, The 36 Stratagems, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec, People’s Republic of China
China Hacker Emergency Meeting Center, China
Chinese Red Hacker Alliance, China
Chinese-US aircraft collision (2001), China
cyber warfare capability, People’s Republic of China
cyber warfare incidents, China, United States
international law and, United States
Ezhou information war exercise, China Military Doctrine
investment in Symantec, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec
military doctrine for cyber war, China Military DoctrineThe 36 Stratagems, Anti-Access Strategies, The 36 Stratagems
36 stratagems, The 36 Stratagems
anti-access strategies, Anti-Access Strategies
policy towards nonstate hackers, Are Nonstate Hackers a Protected Asset?
social networking sites, China
superiority of math and science students, China Military Doctrine
Chronicles of Information Warfare, Chronicles of Information Warfare
client-side exploits, Why client-side 0day vulnerabilities can be so devastating
CNAs, China Military Doctrine (see computer network attacks)
CNE, China Military Doctrine (see computer network exploitation)
Cold Zero, Cold Zero (aka Cold Z3ro or Roma Burner)
complexity theory, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, Foreword
computer network attacks (CNAs), China Military Doctrine
computer network exploitation (CNE), China Military Doctrine
computer viruses and RBN, Organized Crime in Cyberspace
Conficker worm, The Conficker Worm: The Cyber Equivalent of an Extinction Event?
critical infrastructure, vulnerability to attack, Critical Infrastructure
cross-site scripting exploits for social networks, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
cyber attacks, Foreword, Increasing Awareness, Critical Infrastructure, Critical Infrastructure, The Law of Armed Conflict, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009), Organized Crime in Cyberspace, What Is an Autonomous System Network?, A New Threat Landscape, Cases Studies of Previous Cyber Attacks, Case study: Cyber attacks against Georgia, Case study: GhostNet cyber espionage, Case study: Cyber attacks against Denmark, Lessons Learned, Lessons Learned, Scenarios and Options to Responding to Cyber Attacks, Scenarios and Options to Responding to Cyber Attacks, Cyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate ActorsCyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate Actors
(see also cyber security)
5-stage model for politically motivated attacks, Lessons Learned
attack scenarios and responses, Scenarios and Options to Responding to Cyber Attacks
attribution, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)
difficulties with, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)
case studies, Cases Studies of Previous Cyber Attacks, Case study: Cyber attacks against Georgia, Case study: GhostNet cyber espionage, Case study: Cyber attacks against Denmark
attacks on Denmark, Case study: Cyber attacks against Denmark
GhostNet espionage, Case study: GhostNet cyber espionage
Russian-Georgian War (2008), Case study: Cyber attacks against Georgia
classification as armed attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
criteria for interpretation, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
emerging threats, A New Threat Landscape (see emerging threats)
establishing state responsibility for, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks
geographic independence, What Is an Autonomous System Network?
increasing awareness of potential impacts, Increasing Awareness
international law regarding nonstate actors, Cyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate ActorsCyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate Actors
nuclear plants, Critical Infrastructure, Critical Infrastructure
actual attacks, Critical Infrastructure
organized crime, involvement in, Organized Crime in Cyberspace
preparing defense against, Lessons Learned
cyber crime, Cyber Crime, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300, Organized Crime in CyberspaceRussian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
automated exploits for sale, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
organized crime, Organized Crime in CyberspaceRussian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
Twittergate (May 2009), TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences
cyber early warning networks, Cyber Early Warning Networks, Building an Analytical Framework for Cyber Early Warning, Latent tensions, Cyber reconnaissance, Initiating event, Cyber mobilization, Cyber attack, Defense Readiness Condition for Cyberspace
analytical framework, Building an Analytical Framework for Cyber Early Warning, Latent tensions, Cyber reconnaissance, Initiating event, Cyber mobilization, Cyber attack
consideration of state and nonstate actors, Latent tensions
cyber attacks, Cyber attack
initiating events, Initiating event
mobilization, Cyber mobilization
reconnaissance, Cyber reconnaissance
Defense Readiness Conditions (DEFCON) for cyberspace, Defense Readiness Condition for Cyberspace
cyber espionage, Cyber Espionage, Titan Rain
Titan Rain, Titan Rain
cyber security, Foreword, Advice for Policymakers from the FieldIn Summary, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems, Scenarios and Options to Responding to Cyber Attacks, Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security, Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security
attack scenarios and options for response, Scenarios and Options to Responding to Cyber Attacks
attacks, Foreword (see cyber attacks)
attribution and, Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security
enabling public, private, and volunteer input, Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security
policy reccommendations, Advice for Policymakers from the FieldIn Summary, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems
active defenses, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems
Microsoft Windows, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage
regulation of cyberspace infrastructure, When It Comes to Cyber Warfare: Shoot the Hostage
cyber warfare, Foreword, How This Book Came to Be, The Complex Domain of CyberspaceNorth Korea, China, Israel, The Second Russian-Chechen War (1997–2001), The Estonian cyber attacks (2007), The Russia-Georgia War (2008), Iran, North Korea, Cyber Crime, Control the Voice of the Opposition by Controlling the Content in Cyberspace: Nigeria, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain, The Legal Dilemma, The Role of Cyber in Military Doctrine, Australia
Australia, Australia
categories of cyber agression, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
China, China
criminal law and, The Legal Dilemma
cyber crime as training ground for, Cyber Crime
Estonian cyber attacks (2007), The Estonian cyber attacks (2007)
Iran presidential elections (2009), Iran
Israel, Israel
legal status, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare (see international law, cyber warfare)
military doctrine, The Role of Cyber in Military Doctrine (see military doctrine)
Nigeria, Control the Voice of the Opposition by Controlling the Content in Cyberspace: Nigeria
North Korea, North Korea
Russia, The Second Russian-Chechen War (1997–2001)
Russia-Georgian War (2008), The Russia-Georgia War (2008)
Russian-Georgian War (2008), How This Book Came to Be
“terrain” of conflict, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain
cyber-space-time (CST), Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
cybercrime, Automating the Process
social networking sites, vulnerabilities to, Automating the Process
cyberspace as a battlefield, Preface, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec
anarchist clusters, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement
Russian investment in social media, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media
Symantec’s partnership with Huawei, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec
cyberspace, future threats to, Future Threats
“Cyberwar Guide for Beginners”, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
Cyxymu, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
Czech Republic, cyber warfare capability, Czech Republic


Dahong Min, China
Dalai Lama, data theft from, Using WHOIS
darknet, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report
DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, The Estonian cyber attacks (2007), Iran, North Korea, The Project Forum, Distributed denial of service (DDoS) capability, South Korea, Iran, United States, Kyrgyzstan, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)The DPRK’s Capabilities in Cyberspace
Estonian cyberwar, The Estonian cyber attacks (2007)
Iran presidential elections (2009), Iran, Iran
July 4th weekend attacks (2009), North Korea, South Korea, United States
Korean attacks (July 2009), The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)The DPRK’s Capabilities in Cyberspace
Kyrgyzstan (2009), Kyrgyzstan
Myanmar, Myanmar
Russia-Georgia War (2008), The Project Forum
Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Defense Criminal Investigative Services (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Defense Intelligence Agency (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Defense Security Service (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Defense Technology Security Administration (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Definition of Aggression resolution, 1974, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, cyber warfare capability, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Department of Defense Criminal Investigative Services (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Department of Defense Directive 3100.10, Active Defense for Cyber: A Legal Framework for Covert Countermeasures
Dhanjani, Nitesh, An Adversary’s Look at LinkedIn
Dietrich, Sven, Command, control, and exfiltration of data
Digital Sky Technologies (DST), 2005: A Turning Point, DST and the Kremlin, DST and the Kremlin, The Facebook Revolution
DST-Global 2, The Facebook Revolution
Facebook, investments in, DST and the Kremlin
Russian government connections, DST and the Kremlin
directness of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Dittrich, Dave, Command, control, and exfiltration of data
DNS, Using Open Source Internet Data (see domain name system)
DNS Team, DNS Team
DOD Cyber Crime Center (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
domain name system (DNS), Using Open Source Internet Data
Drogin, Bob, The Russian Federation
Drokova, Mariya, Nashi
DST, 2005: A Turning Point (see Digital Sky Technologies)
DZ Team, DZ Team


E-BGP (External Border Gateway Protocol), Using Open Source Internet Data
effects-based model of armed attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Impact
Elkus, Adam, Cyber mobilization
email spam, use in DDoS attacks, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
emerging threats, A New Threat Landscape, Malware Discussions, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran, Social Engineering, Channel Consolidation, An Adversary’s Look at LinkedIn, BIOS-Based Rootkit Attack, Malware for Hire, Anti-Virus Software Cannot Protect You, Targeted Attacks Against Military Brass and Government Executives, Research is the key to offensive capabilities, Delivery of targeted attacks, Command, control, and exfiltration of data, Why client-side 0day vulnerabilities can be so devastating
anti-virus software vulnerabilities, Anti-Virus Software Cannot Protect You
BIOS-based rootkit attacks, BIOS-Based Rootkit Attack
channel consolodation, Channel Consolidation
LinkedIn analysis, An Adversary’s Look at LinkedIn
malware for hire, Malware for Hire
social engineering, Social Engineering
SQL injection, Malware Discussions
targeted attacks, Targeted Attacks Against Military Brass and Government Executives, Research is the key to offensive capabilities, Delivery of targeted attacks, Command, control, and exfiltration of data, Why client-side 0day vulnerabilities can be so devastating
client-side exploits, Why client-side 0day vulnerabilities can be so devastating
covert malware, Command, control, and exfiltration of data
delivery of attack, Delivery of targeted attacks
researching of targets, Research is the key to offensive capabilities
Twitter and DDoS attacks in Iran, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
ESTDomains, ESTDomains
Estonia, cyber warfare capability, Estonia
Estonian cyber attacks (2007), The Estonian cyber attacks (2007)
European Commission report on cyber threats, Future Threats
European Convention on Cybercrime, Support from International Conventions
European Union, cyber warfare capability, European Union
evolution of cyber attacks, Cyber Crime
External Border Gateway Protocol (E-BGP), Using Open Source Internet Data


Gaza Hacker Team, Gaza Hacker Team
Germany, cyber warfare capability, Germany
ghOst RAT, Social Engineering
GhostNet, Social Engineering, Case study: GhostNet cyber espionage
Goloskokov, Konstantin, The Estonian cyber attacks (2007)
Gorshenin, Vadim, The Foundation for Effective Politics (FEP)


I-BGP (Internal Border Gateway Protocol), Using Open Source Internet Data
ID grabber–I, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
IDC, False Identities
identity theft, Foreword
immediacy of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
imminency of attacks, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense
India, cyber warfare capability, India (formerly, Assessing the Problem, Ingushetia Conflict, August 2009
Institute for Security Technology Studies, The Russian Federation
instrument-based model of armed attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, How This Book Came to Be
intellectual property theft, Foreword
intelligence collection, The Intelligence Component to Cyber Warfare, The Intelligence Component to Cyber Warfare, The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009), One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack, Ingushetia Conflict, August 2009, The Predictive Role of Intelligence, The Predictive Role of Intelligence, Follow the Money, False Identities, SORM-2, Investigating Attribution
attribution, Investigating Attribution (see attribution of cyber attacks)
DDoS attacks on social networking sites (August 2009), One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
espionage and surveillance, The Predictive Role of Intelligence
false identities, uncovering, False Identities
Ingushetia conflict (August 2009), Ingushetia Conflict, August 2009
Korean DDoS attacks (July 2009), The Korean DDoS Attacks (July 2009)
money trails, Follow the Money
predictive role, The Predictive Role of Intelligence
Project Grey Goose, The Intelligence Component to Cyber Warfare
Intercage, Atrivo/Intercage
Internal Border Gateway Protocol (I-BGP), Using Open Source Internet Data
internal security services (Russia), Internal Security Services: Federal Security Service (FSB), Ministry of Interior (MVD), and Federal Security Organization (FSO)Russian Federal Security Organization (FSO)—Military Unit (Vch) 32152, Federal Security Service Information Security Center (FSB ISC)—Military Unit (Vch) 64829, Russian Federal Security Service Center for Electronic Surveillance of Communications (FSB TSRRSS)—Military Unit (Vch) 71330, FSB Administrative Centers for Information Security, Russian Interior Ministry Center E (MVD Center E), Russian Interior Ministry Cyber Crimes Directorate (MVD Directorate K), Russian Federal Security Organization (FSO)—Military Unit (Vch) 32152
Federal Security Organization, Russian Federal Security Organization (FSO)—Military Unit (Vch) 32152
FSB Administrative Centers for Information Security, FSB Administrative Centers for Information Security
FSB Center for Electronic Surveillance of Communications, Russian Federal Security Service Center for Electronic Surveillance of Communications (FSB TSRRSS)—Military Unit (Vch) 71330
FSB Information Security Center, Federal Security Service Information Security Center (FSB ISC)—Military Unit (Vch) 64829
Interior Ministry Cyber Crimes Directorate, Russian Interior Ministry Cyber Crimes Directorate (MVD Directorate K)
Russian Interior Ministry Center E, Russian Interior Ministry Center E (MVD Center E)
International Humanitarian Law, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
international law, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaties, The Antarctic Treaty System and Space Law, UNCLOS, MLAT, United States Versus Russian Federation: Two Different Approaches, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Law of Armed Conflict, Is This an Act of Cyber Warfare?, South Korea, Iran, Tatarstan, United States, Kyrgyzstan, Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain, Duties between States, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
(see also law of war)
armed attacks and, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
attribution of cyber attacks, The Law of Armed Conflict, The Law of Armed Conflict
legal precedents, The Law of Armed Conflict
cyber warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
disagreements between US and Russia, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
cyber warfare, defining, Is This an Act of Cyber Warfare?, South Korea, Iran, Tatarstan, United States, Kyrgyzstan, Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain
absence of precedents in law, Cyber: The Chaotic Domain
attacks on US government websites, United States
Iran elections, Iran
Israel and Palestinian Authority, Israel and the Palestinian National Authority
Kyrgyzstan incidents, Kyrgyzstan
Myanmar, Myanmar
South Korea incidents, South Korea
Tatarstan incidents, Tatarstan
Zimbabwe attacks, Zimbabwe
duties between states, Duties between States
Law of Armed Conflict, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
treaty regimes applicable to cyber warfare, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaties, The Antarctic Treaty System and Space Law, UNCLOS, MLAT, The Law of Armed Conflict
Antarctic Treaty System and space law, The Antarctic Treaty System and Space Law
LOAC, The Law of Armed Conflict
nuclear nonproliferation treaties, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaties
US and Russian disagreements on treaty structure, United States Versus Russian Federation: Two Different Approaches
invasiveness of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Iran, Iran, Iran, Iran, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran, Iran
cyber warfare capability, Iran
cyber warfare incidents and international law, Iran
election DDoS attacks (2009), Iran, Iran, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
Open Net initiative report on government filtering, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
Israel, Israel, The Gaza Cyber War between Israeli and Arabic Hackers during Operation Cast LeadIsraeli Retaliation, Israel
cyber warfare capability, Israel
cyber warfare incidents, Israel, The Gaza Cyber War between Israeli and Arabic Hackers during Operation Cast LeadIsraeli Retaliation
fallout from Operation Cast Lead, The Gaza Cyber War between Israeli and Arabic Hackers during Operation Cast LeadIsraeli Retaliation
Italy, cyber warfare capability, Italy
Ivanov, Nikita, The Foundation for Effective Politics’ War on the Net (Day One)


joe-job, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
Joint Information Operations Warfare Center (United States), Summary, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Joint Staff (United States), The Joint Staff
Jonas, Jeff, Channel Consolidation
Jung, Carl, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
Jurm Team, Jurm Team
jus ad bellum, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Law of War, Analyzing Cyber Attacks under Jus ad Bellum, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Support from International Conventions, Support from State Practice, Support from the General Principles of Law, Support from Judicial Opinions, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum Analysis
analysis of technological limitations, Technological Limitations and Jus ad Bellum Analysis
cyber attacks under, Analyzing Cyber Attacks under Jus ad Bellum
law of war and cyber attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Support from International Conventions, Support from State Practice, Support from the General Principles of Law, Support from Judicial Opinions, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility
defining state duty to prevent, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks
establishing responsibility, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks
general principles of law, Support from the General Principles of Law
international conventions, Support from International Conventions
judicial opinions, Support from Judicial Opinions
sanctuary states, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility
state duty to prevent, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks
state practice, Support from State Practice
jus in bello, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Law of War, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses, Technological limitations and jus in bello analysis
active defense in light of technological limits, Technological limitations and jus in bello analysis
active defense, issues related to, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses


Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
law of war, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, Responding to International Cyber Attacks as Acts of War, Responding to International Cyber Attacks as Acts of War, The Legal Dilemma, The Law of WarAn Alternate Basis for Using Active Defenses: Reprisals, General Prohibition on the Use of Force, The First Exception: UN Security Council Actions, The Second Exception: Self-Defense, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense, An Alternate Basis for Using Active Defenses: Reprisals, Nonstate Actors and the Law of War, Armed Attacks by Nonstate Actors, Imputing State Responsibility for Acts by Nonstate Actors, Cross-Border Operations, Analyzing Cyber Attacks under Jus ad BellumSanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility, Cyber Attacks as Armed AttacksCyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Support from International Conventions, Support from State Practice, Support from the General Principles of Law, Support from Judicial Opinions, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility
(see also international law)
cyber attacks and jus ad bellum, Analyzing Cyber Attacks under Jus ad BellumSanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility, Cyber Attacks as Armed AttacksCyber Attacks as Armed Attacks, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Support from International Conventions, Support from State Practice, Support from the General Principles of Law, Support from Judicial Opinions, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility
classification of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed AttacksCyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
establishing responsibility, Establishing State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks
general principle of law, Support from the General Principles of Law
international conventions, Support from International Conventions
judicial opinions, Support from Judicial Opinions
sanctuary states, Sanctuary States and the Practices That Lead to State Responsibility
state duty to prevent attacks, The Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks, Fully Defining a State’s Duty to Prevent Cyber Attacks
state practice and, Support from State Practice
imminency of attacks, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense
Law of Armed Conflict, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
legal dilemma, The Legal Dilemma
nonstate actors, Nonstate Actors and the Law of War, Armed Attacks by Nonstate Actors, Imputing State Responsibility for Acts by Nonstate Actors, Cross-Border Operations
armed attacks by, Armed Attacks by Nonstate Actors
cross-border operations against, Cross-Border Operations
imputation of state responsibility for, Imputing State Responsibility for Acts by Nonstate Actors
prohibitions on force, General Prohibition on the Use of Force, The First Exception: UN Security Council Actions, The Second Exception: Self-Defense, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense
anticipatory self-defense, A Subset of Self-Defense: Anticipatory Self-Defense
exception for UN actions, The First Exception: UN Security Council Actions
self-defense exception, The Second Exception: Self-Defense
reprisals, An Alternate Basis for Using Active Defenses: Reprisals
League of Internet Safety, DST and the Kremlin
Lewis, James, Increasing Awareness
Likud Party website, August 2008 attack on, Cold Zero (aka Cold Z3ro or Roma Burner)
Live Journal, The Foundation for Effective Politics’ War on the Net (Day One)
LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict), The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare, The Law of Armed Conflict
Lord, Lieutenant General William, Titan Rain
LulzSec, Anarchist Clusters: Anonymous, LulzSec, and the Anti-Sec Movement

M, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media
Marine Corps ban on online social networking, Cyber: The Chaotic DomainCyber: The Chaotic Domain
Markelov, Sergei, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
murder of, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
Markov, Sergei, Sergei Markov, Estonia, and Nashi
McAfee 2008 Virtual Criminoloty Report, The Complex Domain of Cyberspace
McColo botnet hosting, McColo: Bulletproof Hosting for the World’s Largest Botnets
McQuaid, James, Atrivo/Intercage
measurability of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Medvedev, President Dmitry, The Facebook Revolution
Microsoft Office Isolated Conversion Environment (MOICE), Using technologies such as MOICE and virtualization
Microsoft Word vulnerabilities, Research is the key to offensive capabilities
Middle Eastern social networking sites, The Middle East
military doctrine, The Role of Cyber in Military DoctrineUS Military Doctrine, The Russian FederationThe Art of Misdirection, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, Creating a legend for a cyber attack, The Art of Misdirection, China Military DoctrineThe 36 Stratagems, Anti-Access Strategies, The 36 Stratagems, US Military Doctrine, US Military Doctrine
China, China Military DoctrineThe 36 Stratagems, Anti-Access Strategies, The 36 Stratagems
36 strategems, The 36 Stratagems
anti-access strategies, Anti-Access Strategies
Russia, The Russian FederationThe Art of Misdirection, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, Creating a legend for a cyber attack, The Art of Misdirection
cyber attack legends, Creating a legend for a cyber attack
misdirection, The Art of Misdirection
“Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”
“RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”
United States, US Military Doctrine, US Military Doctrine
rules of engagement (ROEs) in cyber warfare, US Military Doctrine
Milner, Yuri, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media, DST and the Kremlin
Facebook investments, DST and the Kremlin
Ministry of Defense (Russia), Russian Ministry of Defense27th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (27th CRI MOD)—Military Unit (Vch) 01168, Administrative Changes, Electronic Warfare Troops, The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC)—Military Unit (Vch) 96010, 5th Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (5th TSNIII)—Military Unit (Vch) 33872, 5th Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (5th TSNIII)—Military Unit (Vch) 33872, 18th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (18th CRI MOD)—Military Unit (Vch) 11135, 27th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (27th CRI MOD)—Military Unit (Vch) 01168
18th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry, 18th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (18th CRI MOD)—Military Unit (Vch) 11135
27th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry, 27th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (27th CRI MOD)—Military Unit (Vch) 01168
Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry, 5th Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (5th TSNIII)—Military Unit (Vch) 33872
Edict No. 1477 changes, Administrative Changes
Electronic Warfare Troops, Electronic Warfare Troops, 5th Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (5th TSNIII)—Military Unit (Vch) 33872
structure of forces, 5th Central Research and Testing Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry (5th TSNIII)—Military Unit (Vch) 33872
Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC), The Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC)—Military Unit (Vch) 96010
Minsvyaz, Russian Federation Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications (Minsvyaz)The cyber vigilantes
misdirection, The Art of Misdirection
Mitina, Darya, Nashi
MLAT (Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties), MLAT
MOICE (Microsoft Office Isolated Conversion Environment), Using technologies such as MOICE and virtualization
money trails, Follow the Money
Moonlight Maze, The Russian Federation
Moran, Ned, A Cyber Early Warning Model
Mulvenon, James, Anti-Access Strategies
Myanmar, cyber warfare capability, Myanmar


Nashi, The Foundation for Effective Politics’ War on the Net (Day One), One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack, Nashi
possible involvement in attacks on Cyxymu, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
National Guard (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
National Security Agency (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
NATO, cyber warfare capability, NATO
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Naval Information Operations Command (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Naval Network Warfare Command (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
necessity, Jus in Bello Issues Related to the Use of Active Defenses
NetBridge, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media
Network Operations Security Centers (United States), Summary
Nicolescu, Basarab, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
Nigerian government cyber policies, Control the Voice of the Opposition by Controlling the Content in Cyberspace: Nigeria
Nimr al-Iraq, Nimr al-Iraq (“The Tiger of Iraq”) and XX_Hacker_XX
nonstate actors, Nonstate Actors and the Law of War
nonstate hackers status in host countries, Are Nonstate Hackers a Protected Asset?
North Korea, North Korea, South Korea, The DPRK’s Capabilities in Cyberspace, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
cyber warfare incidents, North Korea, South Korea
international law and, South Korea
cyberspace capabilities, The DPRK’s Capabilities in Cyberspace, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
nuclear nonproliferation treaties, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaties
nuclear plants, cyber attacks on, Critical InfrastructureCritical Infrastructure
Nugache malware, Command, control, and exfiltration of data


Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (United States), Office of the Secretary of Defense
“On Personal Data”, Russian Federal Law 152-FZ, New Laws and Amendments
open source information retrieval libraries, Automating the Process
open source intelligence (OSINT), How This Book Came to Be
Operation Cast Lead, Israel, The Gaza Cyber War between Israeli and Arabic Hackers during Operation Cast Lead, Impact, Overview of Perpetrators, Motivations, Hackers’ Profiles, Methods of Attack, Israeli Retaliation
cyber incidents arising from, The Gaza Cyber War between Israeli and Arabic Hackers during Operation Cast Lead, Impact, Overview of Perpetrators, Motivations, Hackers’ Profiles, Methods of Attack, Israeli Retaliation
attack methods, Methods of Attack
hackers’ profiles, Hackers’ Profiles
impact, Impact
Israeli retaliation, Israeli Retaliation
motivations, Motivations
perpetrators, Overview of Perpetrators
Operation DarkMarket, Cyber Crime
organized crime, Organized Crime in CyberspaceRussian Organized Crime and the Kremlin, Organized Crime in Cyberspace, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
Russia, links with government, Organized Crime in Cyberspace, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
Ortega, Alfredo, BIOS-Based Rootkit Attack
OSINT (open source intelligence), How This Book Came to Be
Ovchinsky, Major-General Vladimir, The Facebook Revolution


remote access tool (RAT), Social Engineering
reprisals, An Alternate Basis for Using Active Defenses: Reprisals
Republic of Korea, cyber warfare capability, Republic of Korea
Revolution in Miliitary Affairs (Russia), The Russian Federation
“RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”
Roskomnadzor, Roskomnadzor
rules of engagement in cyber war (United States), US Military Doctrine
Russia, The Second Russian-Chechen War (1997–2001), Tatarstan, Russia, SORM-2, The Kremlin and the Russian Internet, Nashi, The Kremlin Spy for Hire Program, Sergei Markov, Estonia, and Nashi, A Three-Tier Model of Command and Control, A Three-Tier Model of Command and Control, Organized Crime in Cyberspace, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin, The Russian FederationThe Art of Misdirection, The Foundation for Effective Politics (FEP)Analysis, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, Creating a legend for a cyber attack, The Art of Misdirection, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social MediaThe Facebook Revolution, DST and the Kremlin, The Facebook Revolution, Russia: The Information Security State, Russian Government Policy, New Laws and Amendments, New Laws and Amendments, Government Structures, Government Structures, Russian Ministry of Defense, Electronic Warfare Troops, Internal Security Services: Federal Security Service (FSB), Ministry of Interior (MVD), and Federal Security Organization (FSO), Russian Federation Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications (Minsvyaz)The cyber vigilantes, Roskomnadzor
cyber policies, Russia: The Information Security State, Russian Government Policy, New Laws and Amendments, New Laws and Amendments, Government Structures, Government Structures, Russian Ministry of Defense, Internal Security Services: Federal Security Service (FSB), Ministry of Interior (MVD), and Federal Security Organization (FSO), Russian Federation Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications (Minsvyaz)The cyber vigilantes, Roskomnadzor
evolution of policies, Russian Government Policy
government structures, Government Structures
internal security services, Internal Security Services: Federal Security Service (FSB), Ministry of Interior (MVD), and Federal Security Organization (FSO) (see internal security services)
limitations on foreign investment, New Laws and Amendments
Ministry of Defense, Russian Ministry of Defense (see Ministry of Defense)
Minsvyaz, Russian Federation Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications (Minsvyaz)The cyber vigilantes
new laws and amendments, New Laws and Amendments
Presidential Decree No. 351, Government Structures
Roskomnadzor, Roskomnadzor
cyber warfare incidents, The Second Russian-Chechen War (1997–2001), Tatarstan
international law and, Tatarstan
Digital Sky Technologies, government connections to, DST and the Kremlin
information technology security training, Electronic Warfare Troops
investment in social media, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social MediaThe Facebook Revolution
Kremlin and the Russian Internet, The Kremlin and the Russian Internet, Nashi, The Kremlin Spy for Hire Program, Sergei Markov, Estonia, and Nashi, A Three-Tier Model of Command and Control
Bukovskaya, Anna, The Kremlin Spy for Hire Program
Estonia cyber attacks (2007), Sergei Markov, Estonia, and Nashi
Internet command and control model, A Three-Tier Model of Command and Control
Nashi, Nashi
links between government and organized crime, Organized Crime in Cyberspace, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
military doctrine for cyber warfare, The Russian FederationThe Art of Misdirection, The Foundation for Effective Politics (FEP)Analysis, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, Creating a legend for a cyber attack, The Art of Misdirection
cyber attack legends, Creating a legend for a cyber attack
Foundation for Effective Politics, The Foundation for Effective Politics (FEP)Analysis
misdirection, The Art of Misdirection
“Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”
“RF Military Policy in International Information Security”, “RF Military Policy in International Information Security”
organized crime interests, A Three-Tier Model of Command and Control
proposed laws governing social networking sites, The Facebook Revolution
social networking sites, Russia
SORM-2 and FSB, SORM-2
Russian Business Network (RBN), False Identities, Organized Crime in Cyberspace
Russian Institute for Public Networks, New Laws and Amendments
Russian policy towards nonstate hackers, Are Nonstate Hackers a Protected Asset?
Russian-Chechen War (1997-2001), The Second Russian-Chechen War (1997–2001)
Russian-Georgian War (2008), How This Book Came to Be, The Project Forum, The Russian Information War, The Foundation for Effective Politics’ War on the Net (Day One)
Foundation for Effective Politics, The Foundation for Effective Politics’ War on the Net (Day One)
information war, The Russian Information War Project Formum, The Project Forum


Sacco, Anibal, BIOS-Based Rootkit Attack
Sachs, Marcus, Atrivo/Intercage
Safe Internet League, The cyber vigilantes
Satter, David, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report
Schmitt, Michael N., Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Sechin, Minister Igor, The Facebook Revolution
security trust networks (STNs), Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security
Sergeyeva, Mariya, Nashi
Service Network Operations Security Centers (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
severity of attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Shackleford, Scott, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
Sharma, Amit, The Legal Status of Cyber Warfare
Sharov, Maksim, Chronicles of Information Warfare
Shchegolev, Igor, The cyber vigilantes
Shevyakov, Tomofey, Chronicles of Information Warfare
Sholademi, Samson, Nashi
Silver Star Laboratories (SSL), The DPRK’s Capabilities in Cyberspace
SimCenter, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec
Singapore, cyber warfare capability, Singapore
Sklerov, Lieutenant Commander Matthew J., Responding to International Cyber Attacks as Acts of War, The United States Should Use Active Defenses to Defend Its Critical Information Systems
Slipchenko, Major General (Ret.) Vladimir, Electronic Warfare Troops
social engineering, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences, Social Engineering
Chinese GhostNet RAT, Social Engineering
TwitterGate example, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences
Social Graph API, The Social Graph API
social networking sites, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack, Nonstate Hackers and the Social WebBringing down a social network from the inside, Russia, China, The Middle East, Pakistani Hackers and Facebook, The Dark Side of Social Networks, The Cognitive Shield, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences, Automating the Process, Catching More Spies with Robots, The automation and virtualization of social network entities, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300, Bringing down a social network from the inside, False Identities, DST and the Kremlin, The Facebook Revolution, The Facebook Revolution
2009 DDoS attacks on, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
as vehicles for espionage, The Dark Side of Social Networks
automation of intelligence gathering, Automating the Process, Catching More Spies with Robots, The automation and virtualization of social network entities, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
exploitation with fake entities, The automation and virtualization of social network entities
exploits for sale, Owning social network users for a small budget of $300–$1,300
robots, Catching More Spies with Robots
China, China
denial of service vulnerabilities, Bringing down a social network from the inside
forensic investigation and, False Identities
impact on Arab Spring, color, and flower revolutions, The Facebook Revolution
Middle East, The Middle East
Pakistani hackers of Facebook, Pakistani Hackers and Facebook
proposed Russian laws governing, The Facebook Revolution
Russia, Russia
Russian investment in, DST and the Kremlin
TwitterGate (May 2009), TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences
US Air Force risk assessment, The Cognitive Shield
Social Web, Nonstate Hackers and the Social Web
Sokolov, Sergei, Russian Organized Crime and the Kremlin
South Africa, cyber warfare capability, South Africa
South Korea, cyber warfare capability, Republic of Korea
SQL injection, Malware Discussions, SQL injection, blind SQL injection, and using BENCHMARK
risks posed by, Malware Discussions
STNs (security trust networks), Whole-of-Nation Cyber Security Project Forum, The Project Forum, Counter-Surveillance Measures in Place, Malware Discussions
Forum counter-surveillance measures, Counter-Surveillance Measures in Place
malware discussions, Malware Discussions
strict liability model of armed attacks, Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks
Surkov, Vladislav, Nashi, Chronicles of Information Warfare, Social Networks: The Geopolitical Strategy of Russian Investment in Social Media
Sweden, cyber warfare capability, Sweden
Symantec’s partnership with Huawei, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec
synchronicity, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
SYNNEX, Globalization: How Huawei Bypassed US Monitoring by Partnering with Symantec


Taiwan, cyber warfare capability, Taiwan (Republic of China)
TCP-Syn attacks, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack
Team Cymru, Using Open Source Internet Data, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report
darknet report, Team Cymru and Its Darknet Report
IP to ASN service, Using Open Source Internet Data
Team Evil, Team Evil
Team Hell, Team Hell (aka Team H3ll or Team Heil)
Team Rabat-Sale, !TeAm RaBaT-SaLe! (aka Team Rabat-Sale or Team Rabat-Sala)
territorial integrity and self-defense, Cross-Border Operations
Theater Network Operations Security Centers (United States), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Thomas, Timothy L., Titan Rain, China Military Doctrine
Tikk, Eneken, The Law of Armed Conflict
Titan Rain, Titan Rain, The Russian Federation
Too Coin Software, Organized Crime in Cyberspace
traceroute, What Is an Autonomous System Network?
Tsastsin, Vladimir, ESTDomains
“The Tuned Deck” card trick, The Art of Misdirection
Turkey, cyber warfare capability, Turkey
Twitter, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
2009 DDoS attack on, One Year After the RU-GE War, Social Networking Sites Fall to DDoS Attack, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran
Twittergate (May 2009), TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences
usage during Iranian 2009 elections, Twitter as DDoS Command Post against Iran


UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), UNCLOS
United Kingdom, cyber warfare capability, United Kingdom
United States, China Military Doctrine, US Military Doctrine, US Military Doctrine, The Challenge We Face, The Challenge We Face, Active Defense for Cyber: A Legal Framework for Covert CountermeasuresCyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate Actors, Covert Action
active defenses, legal framework for, Active Defense for Cyber: A Legal Framework for Covert CountermeasuresCyber Attacks Under International Law: Nonstate Actors, Covert Action
covert action, Covert Action
air traffic control network vulnerabilities, China Military Doctrine
cyber attacks on, The Challenge We Face
miilitary doctrine for cyber war, US Military Doctrine
rules of engagement, US Military Doctrine
military doctrine for cyber war, The Challenge We Face
early warning model, The Challenge We Face
military doctrine for cyber warfare, US Military Doctrine
United States Department of Defense Cyber Command, Organization, The Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
organizational structure, Organization, The Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
Joint Staff, The Joint Staff
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense
US Strategic Command, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
US Air Force social network risk assessment, The Cognitive Shield, Examples of OPSEC violations, Adversary scenarios
OPSEC violations, Examples of OPSEC violations, Adversary scenarios
potential for exploitation, Adversary scenarios
US Army Cyber Command, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
US Army Intelligence and Security Command, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
US Cyber Consequence Unit (USCCU), Cyber reconnaissance
US Department of Defense Cyber Command, Summary
US Fleet Cyber Command/US 10th Fleet, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
US Marine Corps Forces Cyber Command, US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)


Value Dot, Organized Crime in Cyberspace
virtualization, Using technologies such as MOICE and virtualization
Voronezh Military Radio-Electronics Institute (VIRE), Electronic Warfare Troops


Wang Pufeng, China Military Doctrine
“Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”, “Wars of the Future Will Be Information Wars”
website defacements, Website defacements
Whackerz-Pakistan Cr3w, Pakistani Hackers and Facebook
WHOIS, Using WHOISCaveats to Using WHOIS, Caveats to Using WHOIS
limitations for investigative purposes, Caveats to Using WHOIS
Williams, Evan, TwitterGate: A Real-World Example of a Social Engineering Attack with Dire Consequences
World Wide Web and complexity theory, Conducting Operations in the Cyber-Space-Time Continuum
World Wide Web War I, China
worms and RBN, Organized Crime in Cyberspace, Impact


Yakunin, Vladimir, New Laws and Amendments
Yevloyev, Magomed, Assessing the Problem, Ingushetia Conflict, August 2009, Impact
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