

About the Author

Preface: Who Is #1?


Bidirectional Search

Products/Shoppers Competition

Open Space Actually Attracts Shoppers—Think Navigation!

Review Questions


Part I Toward Total Convergence of Bricks-and-Mortar and Online Retailing

Chapter 1 How We Got Here and Where We Are Going

What Is Selling?

Selling Requires a Salesperson, Not a Retailer

SELLING: Focus on the Big Head of What the Shopper Wants to Buy

Stop Shouting at Your Shoppers

How We Got This Way

Early Shopping in America

The Birth of Self-Service Retail

Can Selling Make a Comeback in the Twenty-first Century?

The Four Dimensions of Purchasing

Now! Purchases (Advantage—Bricks Retail)

Surprise/Delight Purchases (Advantage—Bricks Retail)

Routine/Autopilot Purchases (Advantage—Online Retail)

Frustration/Angst Purchases (Advantage—Online Retail)

Where Is Selling Going?

The Selling Prescription

The Shopper’s Ideal Self-Service Retail Experience

What Does the Ideal Self-Service Retail Store of the Future Look Like?

The Dark Store


The Ever-Changing Retail Landscape Favors an Evolving Retailer Species

Review Questions


Chapter 2 Transitioning Retailers from Passive to Active Mode

Passive Merchandising No Longer Suffices in a Shopper-Driven World

The Journey to Active Retailing and the Five Vital Tenets of Active Retailing

The Five Vital Tenets of Active Retailing

Tenet 1: Measure and Manage the Shopper’s Time in the Store

A Shopper’s Time Should Be as Important to the Retailer as It Is to the Shopper!

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Implications for Active Retailing

Steps for Managing Shoppers’ Time in Store

Tenet 2: Focus on the Big Head

Implications for Active Retailing

Retailers Attempting to Manipulate or Extend a Shopper’s Trip Are on a Fool’s Errand

Steps in Managing the Big Head

Tenet 3: Assist Shoppers as They Navigate the Store

Mr. Retailer, Tear Down This Wall!

Implications for Active Retailing

Activating the Dominant Path

Steps in Assisting Shoppers as They Navigate the Store

Tenet 4: Sell Sequentially

What Comes First, The Chicken or the Egg?

Does the Order of Things Matter?

Implications for Active Retailing

Steps for Sequential Selling

Tenet 5: Managing the Long Tail

So Where Does This Leave the Tens of Thousands of Other Items That Populate the Shelves of the Store?

“Nobody Goes There Anymore. It’s Too Crowded”—Yogi Berra

Implications for Active Retailing

Steps in Managing the Long Tail

A Passing Thought about the Role of Displays in Active Retailing

Closing Thoughts

Review Questions


Chapter 3 Selling Like Amazon Online and in Bricks Stores

Amazon Selling Online

Amazon Point of Focus #1: Navigation—Simple and Fast

Amazon Focus: Selection

Amazon Focus #2: Immediate Close

Amazon Focus #3: Affinity Sales and Crowd-Social Marketing

Amazon Focus #4: Reaching into the Long Tail

Amazon Focus #5: Info, Info, Info

Amazonian Selling in Bricks Stores

Amazonian Bricks Focus #1: Navigation—Simple and Fast

Amazonian Bricks Focus: Selection

Amazonian Bricks Focus #2: Immediate Close

Amazonian Bricks Focus #3: Affinity Sales/Crowd-Social Marketing

Amazonian Bricks Focus #4: Reaching into the Long Tail

Amazonian Bricks Focus #5: Info, Info, Info

Review Questions


Chapter 4 Integrating Online and Offline Retailing: An Interview with Peter Fader and Wendy Moe

How Did the Internet Change the Study of Shopping Behavior?

In What Way Are the Online and Offline Patterns Similar?

How Are Paths in the Supermarket Similar to Paths Online?

Can Online Retailers Learn from Offline Shopper Behavior?

Tell Me about What You’ve Found Out about Crowd Behavior?

What Have You Learned about Licensing and Sequencing—Such as the Purchase of Vice Items After Virtue Items?

What Have You Found Out about the Pace of the Shopping Trip?

What Have You Learned about Shopping Momentum?

What Have You Learned about the Role of Variety in Shopping?

What Have You Learned about Efficiency? Is It Better to Allow Shoppers to Get Quickly In and Out of the Store, or Should Retailers Try to Prolong the Trip?

This Raises the Question of Whether Shoppers Are in the Store for Utilitarian Reasons Alone or If They Are Interested in an Experience. What Is the Difference?

What Have You Learned so far about What Shoppers Are Looking for When They Go Online?

How Do Online Retailers Use These Insights about Shopper Visits?

This Captures the Whole Point of What We’ve Called “Active Retailing.” Online Is Leading Offline in This Area. How Does This Come into the Physical Store?

How Do Some of the Complex Forces of Shopping Behavior Play Out? Why Is There a Need for Better Modeling?

What Topics Are You Studying Now?

Review Questions


Chapter 5 The Coming Webby Store

The “Ideal” Sized Store

Review Questions


Part II Going Deeper into the Shopper’s Mind

Chapter 6 Long-Cycle Purchasing

Higher Cost Leads to Anxiety and Indecision

Longer Shopping Process

Role of Time and Building Desire for Long-Cycle Purchasing

A Word about Building Desire





The Shopper Engagement Spectrum

Speeding the Shopper along the Path-to-Purchase: First Build Desire and Facilitate the Tipping Point

Life Changes

Product Benefits

Ability to Pay

The Shopper’s Journey

Early in the Shopping Journey


Late in the Shopping Journey

Validating Choice

Complete the Transaction


Again, the Sales Associate Is Key to Closing the Sale and Completing the Transaction


Review Questions


Chapter 7 The Quick-Trip Paradox: An Interview with Mike Twitty

How Do You Define a Quick Trip?

Why Do Shoppers Make So Many Quick Trips?

How Do Pre-store Decisions Affect the Quick Trip?

What Factors Do Consumers Consider in Deciding Where and How to Shop?

How Do Consumers Think about Shopping Trips?

What Did You Learn from This Research?

How Could It Be that Even Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters—Whose Design so Strongly Encourages Stock-up Shopping—Receive More Quick Trips than Stock-up or Fill-in Trips?

Given that Quick Trips Account for Two-thirds of Shopping Trips, How Can Retailers and Manufacturers Cater to these Shoppers?

What Is the Quick-trip Paradox?

Given this Paradox, How Can Retailers and Manufacturers Capitalize on the Quick Trip?

Could the Shoppers’ Motives for Making the Trip Offer Insights into the Best Assortment to Offer?

How Can Retailers Best Meet the Needs of Quick-Trip Shoppers?

What Are the Implications for Retailers and Manufacturers?

Review Questions


Chapter 8 Three Moments of Truth and Three Currencies

Moments of Truth

Seeing the Truth: Eyes Are Windows to the Shopper

Reach: Impressions and Exposures

Stopping Power (and Holding Power)

Closing Power

Three Currencies of Shopping: Money, Time, and Angst


Angst: A Vague and Unpleasant Emotion

A Complex Optimization

Review Questions


Chapter 9 In-Store Migration Patterns: Where Shoppers Go and What They Do

If You Stock It, They Will Come

Understanding Shopper Behavior

First Impressions: The Entrance

Shopper Direction: Establishing a Dominant Path for the Elephant Herds

The Checkout Magnet

Products Hardly Ever Dictate Shopper Traffic—Open Space Does

Open Space Attracts: The Call of the Open Aisle

The Great Pyramids

New Angles

Managing the Two Stores

Five Store Designs

The Enhanced Perimeter

The Inverted Perimeter

The Serpentine Design

The Compound Store

The Big Head Store

Where the Rubber Meets the Linoleum

Review Questions


Part III Conclusions

Chapter 10 Brands, Retailers, and Shoppers: Why the Long Tail Is Wagging the Dog

Where the Money Is in Retail

Massive Amounts of Data

Shifting Relationships

A Refreshing Change: Working Together to Sweeten Sales

Beyond Category Management

A New Era of Active Retailing: Total Store Management

Pitching a Category’s Emotional Tone More Precisely

Retailers Control Reach

The Urgent Need for Retailing Evolution

Review Questions


Chapter 11 Conclusion Game-Changing Retail: A Manifesto

The Package Is the Brand’s Ambassador

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