
Django is a popular web framework for building web applications. You can use it to deliver ad content. Django provides a complete API to build a web application, including database access.

You can install it officially via pip. Type this command:

    $ pip install Django  

For testing, we'll build a simple web application. We can create a new web project using django-admin. For instance, we'll create a project called mysite. You can type this command:

    $ django-admin startproject mysite

It will generate a web application with a default template. The program will create the <project_name> folder. You can see the project structure here:

We can run this program by typing the following commands:

    $ cd mysite/
    $ python runserver

If you succeeded, you should see the following response message from the program:

By default, Django runs on port 8000. Now you can open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000. If successful, you should see a simple web application:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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