The power of positive association

Genchi genbutsu (pronounced gen-g gam-but-sue) is a Japanese expression meaning ‘Go and see’ or ‘Go to the source’. Whenever you or I think about changing, taking a different path or pursuing our passion as an enterprise, we should be prepared to go and see how others are doing it.

We need to be humble enough to ‘sit at the feet of a master’ — to watch and learn. Too often we bounce our passionate idea off friends or family members who have little or no expertise in the area of endeavour we want to pursue and so are not in a position to offer qualified advice.


The first port of call should be to talk to or study someone who is walking a path you want to pursue. Associate with people who are on a journey similar to your own. It is always difficult to explain what you are passionate about, whether it is photography or writing or painting or volunteering overseas, to someone who has never walked that journey. That is why it is critical for you to go to the source and gain insights, inspiration and information from those who you connect to the passion you are pursuing.

The power of positive influence is increased when you mix with people who share your interest or connection, those who are travelling a similar journey. Whether they are ahead of you or behind you on the journey, sharing and learning from these people is profoundly transforming. Take every opportunity to mix with like-minded people and to seek out those who are doing what you want to do, who have walked the path you want to pursue.

You have many choices in how you network with others. There are online communities, structured networks and organisations, or informal associations such as mastermind groups. There is an association, organisation or community group for just about anything you will be interested in that you can join to gain access to people who have the knowledge you seek.


Look for those associations that relate to your passions or hobbies, or industry groups that relate to your career. To find out the best association for you, research which ones your peers or colleagues have links with. The great thing about associations is that most people involved are happy to share, help or offer encouragement. Go online and do your research.


There are many discussion groups, forums and communities whose conversation you can join as a follower, a contributor or a facilitator. Google your areas of interest and opt into some of these conversations. Consider putting out a Google Alert so you can track the topics and areas that appeal to you. I have made some great connections with people through responding to a blog or commenting on their website. Join in the conversation; you never know where it may lead you.


On a number of occasions I have created my own group of like-minded people. I currently belong to an informal group of professional speakers, and we get together once every six months for three hours for lunch or coffee and indoor cricket. We share what has been working, what has not worked, what trends we see happening, and then a lot of fun and laughter. We never have an agenda and whoever can attend does.


A more structured, purposeful networking opportunity can be to create your own group and invite a group of like-minded people to meet regularly to share ideas, insights and information within a mastermind group. One person I have been fortunate enough to know and to work with is Sarina Eggers, who once a month would organise a group of her women friends to catch up and share their goals and progress. Everyone became accountable to each other. They celebrated their successes together and encouraged each other to take the next step.

The best approach is to A.S.K. — Ask, Seek and Know. Ask questions of people who are doing and achieving what you want to achieve. Seek answers from those people or resources. Know how best you can apply this knowledge to your own situation.

— A.S.K.—

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