A.9. Web Services Conferences

There are a few Web Services-focused conferences that are held regularly in different regions and countries. The following URLs are likely to change, as they are timely. They are listed here as examples.

IBM developerWorks LIVE! Conference (previously IBM Solutions Conference). http://www-3.ibm.com/events/solutionsevent/

RSA Conference. http://www.rsaconference.com/

SunNetwork Conference. http://sunnetwork.sun.com/sf2002/topcoder/index.jsp

Web Services Conference. http://www.idg.co.jp/expo/wsc/english/index.html

Web Services DevCon. http://www.sellsbrothers.com/conference/

Web Services Edge. http://www.sys-con.com/WebServicesEdge2002East/

XML Web Services One. http://www.xmlconference.com/boston/

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