Remote administration methods

Before we wind up the various useful methods using remote APIs, we can have a look at the administration methods. In this recipe, we will just concentrate on some methods revolving around the creation of projects and permissions. The remaining methods are an easy read once you have a fair idea of the ones we are discussing in this recipe.

Since JRJC doesn't support all the administration methods, let us look at the required REST method details, along with sample request and response data, as we did in the Remote user and group management recipe.

How to do it...

Let us consider a simple scenario to explain some of the administrative REST APIs:

  1. Create a simple permission scheme. The permission scheme will grant Project Admin permissions to the jira-administrators group and will ignore the rest of the permissions.
  2. Create a project.
  3. Update the project with the new permission scheme, created in step 1.
  4. Retrieve the project roles.
  5. Add a user to the Administrators project role.

Creating a Permission Scheme

The following are the REST API method details for creating a permission scheme in JIRA:

Method URL


Method type



  • expand

Request data

  • name: Name of the permission scheme (String).
  • description: Description of the permission scheme (String).
  • permissions: List of permissions. This will be an array of objects with the following elements:
  • holder: This is an object with the following elements:
  • type: Type of holder - group, role, and so on.
  • parameters: Value of holder. For example, jira-administrators if the type is a group.
  • permission: Appropriate project permission, for example, ADMINISTER_PROJECTS.

Response codes

  • 201: Permission scheme created successfully
  • 401: User not authenticated
  • 403: Calling user does not have permission to create a permission scheme

The following is a sample input for creating a permission scheme:

     "name": "JTricks permission scheme",
     "description": "Demo Permission scheme",
     "permissions": [{
         "holder": {
             "type": "group",
             "parameter": "jira-administrators"
         "permission": "ADMINISTER_PROJECTS"

After successful creation, you will get a response similar to the following:



     "name":"JTricks permission scheme",
     "description":"Demo Permission scheme" 

Creating a Project

The following are the REST API method details for creating a JIRA project:

Method URL


Method type




Request data

  • key: Project key (String)
  • name: Name of the permission scheme (String)
  • projectTypeKey: Type of project, for example, business (String)
  • projectTemplateKey: Project template key, if we need to specify one (String)
  • description: Description of the project (String)
  • lead: Project lead's username (String)
  • url: URL of the project (String)
  • assigneeType: Type of default assignee - PROJECT_LEAD or UNASSIGNED (String)
  • avatarId: ID of the avatar (Integer)
  • issueSecurityScheme: ID of issueSecurityScheme (Integer)
  • permissionScheme: ID of permissionScheme (Integer)
  • notificationScheme: ID of notificationScheme (Integer)
  • categoryId: ID of the project category (Integer)

Response codes

  • 201: Project created successfully
  • 400: Request not valid or project could not be created
  • 401: User not authenticated
  • 403: Calling user does not have permission to create a project

The following is a sample input for creating a permission scheme:

     "key": "JTRICKS",
     "name": "JTricks Project",
     "projectTypeKey": "business",
     "description": "Example Project description",
     "lead": "jobinkk",
     "url": "",
     "assigneeType": "PROJECT_LEAD" 

After successful creation, you will get a response similar to the following:


Updating a Project

Updating a project is very similar to creating one. The only difference is that the method type is PUT and we need to pass only the data that we need to update:

Method URL


Method type



  • expand

Request data

Same as Create

Response codes

  • 201: Project updated successfully
  • 400: Request not valid or project could not be created
  • 401: User not authenticated
  • 403: Calling user does not have permission to create a project
  • 404: Project does not exist

For example, if we want to update the permission scheme of the project we created above with the permission scheme we created before that, we can send a PUT request to the below URL:


And the input will be:

        "permissionScheme": 10000 

Here, 1000 is the id of the permission scheme we created earlier.

Retrieving the project roles

The following are the REST API method details for retrieving all the project roles:

Method URL


Method type




Request data


Response codes

  • 200: Roles returned successfully
  • 404: Project not found or user does not have permissions

The following is a sample url to retrieve the project roles from the project we created earlier:


And a sample output would be:




Add actors to a project role

The following are the REST API method details for adding a user or group (called "role actors") to a project role retrieved in the previous method:

Method URL


Method type




Request data

Object with the actor type (user or group) and an array of actors (usernames or group names, as appropriate)

For example: { "user" : ["jobinkk"] } { "group" : ["jira-developers"] }

Response codes

  • 200: Actor added to role successfully
  • 404: Actor could not be added to the role

The following is a sample url to add a user to the "Administrators" role, in the project we created earlier:


And the input would be:

        "user" : ["jobinkk"] 

How it works...

Once the permission scheme is created, it appears in JIRA as follows:

How it works...

Here, a single permission is added, that is, to administer the project. We can add the rest in a similar fashion.

And the project, after creation, will be shown as follows:

How it works...

The project is populated with the default JIRA schemes, as we didn't pass any of them during the creation.

After the project is updated using the new permission scheme, it appears as follows:

How it works...

As you can see, the permission scheme is changed while the other schemes are the default ones.

After adding the actors, the project role screen is reflected with the change, as shown below:

How it works...

Similarly, we can use the other REST methods to perform different administrative operations.

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