Including/excluding resolutions for specific transitions

If you haven't noticed already, resolutions in JIRA are global. If you have a resolution Resolved, it appears whenever the resolution field is added on a transition screen. This might not make sense in some cases. For example, it doesn't make sense to add the resolution Resolved when you are rejecting an issue.

Let us see how we can pick and choose resolutions based on workflow transitions.

How to do it...

We can include/exclude specific resolutions on workflow transitions using the jira.field.resolution.include and jira.field.resolution.exclude properties. The following is the step-by-step procedure:

  1. Log in as a JIRA Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration | Issues | Workflows.
  3. Create a draft of the workflow, if it is active. Navigate to the transition, which needs to be modified.
  4. Click on the View properties of this transition link.
  5. Enter jira.field.resolution.include or jira.field.resolution.exclude into the Property Key field, depending on whether you want to include or exclude a specific resolution.
  6. Enter the comma-separated list of resolution IDs that you want to include/exclude, under the Property Value field. The resolution ID can be obtained by navigating to Administration | Issues | Resolutions, and hovering over the Edit link:
    How to do it...
  7. You can also find the resolution ID by querying the resolutions table in the database.
  8. Click on Add.
  9. Go back and publish the workflow if it was active. If not, associate the workflow with the appropriate schemes.

Note that the property is added on a workflow transition and not a step.

How it works...

When the jira.field.resolution.exclude property is added, all the resolutions whose IDs are entered as comma-separated values under the Property Value field are excluded from the screen during that transition.

On the other hand, when jira.field.resolution.include is added, only the resolutions whose IDs are entered as comma-separated values under the Property Value field are shown on the screen.

See also

  • The Editing an active workflow recipe in this chapter
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