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Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)

    application server container

    asynchronous message process



        build() method

        create() method

        FXCollections.observableArrayList() method

        SceneBuilder statement

        start() method



    dataTable model

        AbstractFacade class

        ArrayList of HashMaps


        BookController.getCustomBookList() method

        completeBookList field

        customBookList field

        customBookList property

        findAll() method

        List of entity objects

        List of Map objects

        obtainCustomList method

    Entity Manager

    local and remote interfaces

    object persistence

    object updation

    optional transaction (see Optional transaction life-cycle callbacks)

    query language

    scheduling timer service

        automatic timer

        calendar-based timer expressions


        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.timer.ProgrammaticTimerExample class

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.timer.TimerBean file

        programmatic timer

        @Schedule annotation

        ScheduleExpression helper class


    session beans with JSF


        AuthorWorkFacade session bean

        BookFacade class

        EJB 3.1+

        findBookById method

        HTML client

        javax.ejb.EJB annotation

        javax.naming.EJB annotation

        javax.naming.InitialContext interface’s lookup method

        @Local annotation

        @Remote annotation

        web-based client development

    singleton bean (see Singleton bean)

    stateful session bean (see Stateful session beans)

    stateless session bean (see Stateless session beans)



Enterprise solution

    Groovy servlet


        BookstoreServlet.groovy file

        groovy-all-xxx.jar file




        print statement

        sql.eachRow method

    Jython servlet servlet

        convertHTML function

        doGet and doPost



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    custom resolver

    debugging view content

    definition language

    handling variable-length data

        Acme Bookstore application


        data collection

        displayAuthor method

        markup and JSF tag

        object collection

        recipe04_05c.xhtml, bio view

        ui:repeat tag

    JSF 2.0+ application

    page template creation


        CSS style sheet


        JSF managed bean

        mitigates issues


        similar and function

        tag library

        template window

        ui:insert element

        ui:insert tag

        view definition language

        visual representation


        Author table


        directory structure

        h:dataTable component

        JSF component


        URL creation

    reusable template component

        Acme bookstore layout

        composite component


        default implementation method

        @ManagedProperty annotation

        opening and closing tag

        searchText and errorText property

        search.xhtml component

        search.xhtml document

        ui:component tag

        XHTML document

        XML namespace

    template view



        page control and template tags




        template clients

        ui:composition tag

        ui:define tag


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Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

    acceptChanges method


    CachedRowSet object

    calling PL/SQL stored procedures


    connection management

        code intensive

        CreateConnection class




    CRUD database (see Create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) database)

    database connection

        DataSource Classname

        DataSource object


        DriverManager.getConnection() method

        getConnection() method

        Glassfish, connection pool




        resource creation


    database driver

    JSF views

        bookDao.queryBooks method

        BOOK database table

        dataTable component

        getCompleteBookList method

        queryBooks method

    moveToInsertRow method

    PL/SQL stored procedures


    querying and storing

        CLOB data

        createClob method

        getAsciiStream method

        performCreate method

        readClob method

        string values

        VARCHAR fields

    RowSet objects (see RowSet objects)

    scrollable ResultSets (see Scrollable ResultSets)

    SQL injection (see SQL injection)


    try-catch block


    Button node


        BookView class



        findAllBooks() method

        getColumns().addAll() method

        observableArrayList method





        PropertyValueFactory class



    EJB data


        build() method

        create() method

        FXCollections.observableArrayList() method

        SceneBuilder statement

        start() method




    “Hello World” application

    HelloWorld JavaFX main class



    javafx.scene.Node class

    javafx.scene.Scene object

    javafx.stage.Stage object

    Label node


        AcmeBookstoreMainController class


        <AnchorPane> element



        initialize() method

        javafx.scene.control.Label node

        javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane class

        java.lang package

    NetBeans New Project dialog

    NetBeans Platform Manager

    NetBeans 7.x

    New JavaFX Application dialog

    REST services



        createTask method


        javafx.application.Application class

        obtainData method


        service client

        user interface

    setOnAction() method

    setText() method

    start method

    VBox node

Java Message Service (JMS)

    create and send message

        run application

        using simplified API

        using standard API

    durable subscribers (see Durable message subscribers)

    message filtering

        run application

        sendMessage1 method

        sendMessage2 method

        string-based expressions


        browseMessages() method

        QueueBrowser object

        run application

    receive message

        run application

        using simplified API

        using standard API

        using standard JMS API


        connection factory resources

        destination resources

        using NetBeans IDE

        within GlassFish application server environment



        createSession method

        message acknowledgment


        run application

Java Persistence API (JPA)






    translating code

Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)

    aggregate functions

    bulk updates and deletes

        Criteria API


        Employee entity

        EmployeeSession bean

        javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete object

        javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate object

        MetaModel API class


    database stored procedures

    entity subclasses

    filtering query results

    functional expressions

        arithmetic functions


        datetime functions

        findAuthorByLast method

        HAVING clause

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.session.BookAuthorFacade class

        string functions


        WHERE clause

    joining entities

        instances retrieval

        rows retrieval

    more than one entity

        authorBooks SqlResultSetMapping

        @ColumnResult annotation

        @FieldResult annotation


        JSF dataTable source

        Object[] list

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.entity.BookAuthor entity class

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.session.BookAuthorFacade session bean

        @SqlResultSetMapping annotation

        string-based key

    native queries

        createNativeQuery method

        database records

        dynamic query

        getResultSet method

        javax.persistence.Query methods

        @NamedNativeQuery annotation

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.entity.Book entity

        org.javaeerecipes.jpa.session.BookFacade bean


    ON conditions

    query execution

    querying all entity instances

        BookAuthor entity

        createQuery method

        CriteriaQuery object

        findAuthor method

        FROM clause

        javax.persistence.Query interface methods



        SELECT clause

        TypedQuery object

    returning single object

JavaServer Faces (JSF)

    Ajax (see Ajax) arithmetic and reserved words


        JSF EL expressions

        working principle

    bean actions invoking

        f:viewAction facet

        JSF Life-Cycle Phases

        onPostback attribute


        process validation phase

        String validateUser

    bookmarkable URLs

        authorList property

        f:viewParam tag


        working principle

    check box


        false value

        managed bean controllers

        populateNotificationTypes method


        selectBooleanCheckbox component

        selectManyCheckbox component

        true value

    component and tag primer


        binding components

        core tags


    data collection


        dataTable component

        f:facet tag

        h:column Attributes

        managed bean


        styles.css sheet



    file upload component


    information message display

        h:message component

        Java EE 7 Recipes


        working principle

    input form creation

        h:form tags

        input component tag attributes

        inputHidden component

        inputSecret component

        inputText component

        inputTextarea component

        managed bean


    invoke action methods

        action attribute

        actionListener method

        commandButton component

        commandLink component

        managed bean




    managed bean writing


        JSF view

        Plain Old Java Object


        string list creation

        working principle

    message updation


        manage bean

        resource bundle creation

        working principle


        action attribute, h:commandButton components

        conditional navigation

        faces-config.xml file

        h:commandButton components

        implicit navigation



        working principle


        downloading and installing


        index.xhtml file

    object list display

        h:dataTable components

        style sheet source

        working principle

    output components


        graphicImage component

        link Component Additional Attributes

        managed bean

        outputFormat component

        outputLabel additional attributes

        outputLabel component

        outputLink additional attributes

        outputLink componenet

        outputLink and outputLabel components


        outputText component


    page expression evaluation

        immediate attribute


        working principle

    page layout

        Cascading Style Sheets

        panelGrid components

        panelGroup component



    page pass parameters


        Author class

        displayAuthor method

        JSF EL expression

        working principle

    radio button



        component attributes

        f:selectItem or f:selectItems tags

        itemValue and itemLabel attributes


        managed bean


        SelectItem objects

        selectManyListbox component

        selectManyMenu component

        selectOneListbox component

        selectOneMenu component

    simple JSF application


        Java IDE

        JSF managed bean examination

        JSF managed bean field value display

        pre-JSF 2.0 environment

    sophisticated user interface


        form id

        h:commandButton component


        h:graphicImage tag

        h:inputText component

        h:outputLabel tag

        working principle


    user input validation

        custom validator

        Employee class

        JSF managed bean

        JSF validator


        working principle


        constraint annotations

        email property


        f:validateBean tag

        f:validateDoubleRange validator



        f:validateRegex validator

        f:validateRequired validator




        validatePassword method

        validator attribute

    working principle

        Apply Request Values phase


        Invoke Applications phase

        JSF managed bean

        JSF parts

        Process Validations phase

        Render Response phase

        restore view

        Update Model Values phase

        web.xml file

JavaServer pages (JSP)

    business logic separation

        field’s getter method

        <jsp:useBean> element

        jsp:useBean element scopes


    conditional expression


        and expression

        functions.tld file

        isPrimitive function



        static modifier

        String value

        taglib directive


        typename field

    custom tag creation

        authorName attribute

        custom.tld TLD

        cust:signature element

        default signature

        doEndTag() method

        doStartTag() method

        doTag method

        getJspContext method

        <html> element


        JSP code

        JSP 2.0 simple tag support


        MVC architecture

        PageContext’s getOut method

        short-name element

        Signature class

        SimpleTagSupport class

        tag-class element

    document creation

    EL expressions

        arithmetic expressions

        arithmetic operators

        ${ and } character sequences

        <c:if> tags

        conditional and/or arithmetic expressions

        conditional logic

        conditional page rendering

        implicit objects

        JavaBean property

        JSTL <c:if> tag

        JSTL tag library


        reserved words

        ${ } syntax

        turn off

    embedding Java code

    error handling

    input form creation, database record

    life cycle

    parameter accessing, multiple pages

    records display, database table

        AuthorBean class

        Author class


        getAuthorList method

        Java classes

        jsp:useBean element

        JSTL c:forEach element

        queryAuthors method

        var attribute



        embedded Java code

    static/dynamic pages embedding

    values setting/yielding

        accessor methods


        EL expressions


        input form

        JavaBean class

        jsp:getProperty element

        jsp:setProperty element

        jsp:useBean element

        POST method


    web page development

        dynamic code

        getCurrentDate method


        .jsp extension

        <jsp:useBean> tag

Java Web Services

    binding filters and interceptors

    consuming and producing, REST

    enterprise application development

    filtering request and responses

        binding filters and interceptors

        @BindingPriority annotation


        entity interceptors

    Java EE Project


    JAX-RS Client (see JAX-RS Client)


    JAX-WS Web Service (see JAX-WS web service)

    Jersey JARs



        entity class


        getUserMessage method

        Java class

        JavaEERecipes project


        @Path annotation

        REST Service Annotations

        root resource class

    web service implementations



    custom annotation class (see Custom annotation class)

    custom conversion

    customized data table

        CartController class

        h:dataTable component

        p:dataTable component

        p:rowEditor component



        RichFaces library


        third-party component library

        updateRowData method

    HTML5 component

        cc:implementation tags

        cc:interface tags

        composite component

        Recipe 4



        taglib URI

        video component

        web components

    listener method

    managed bean scopes



        dataTable component

        review cart item

        @SessionScoped annotation

        shopping cart

    page flow development (see Page flow development)

    phase event

    system-level events

    viewAction component

JSON object


        beginArray() method




        JsonObjectBuilder.beginObject() method

        technicalReviewer objects

    reading from input source


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Object-relational mapping (ORM)

    automatic schema generation


        DDL script

        EJB 3.2


        object-relational metadata

        PersistenceProvider generateSchema method


        SQL scripts

    creation and performing standard database transaction

    data type mapping

        CONTACT database table

        database column’s data type

        entity class creation

        Oracle and Java


    entity class creation


        BOOK_AUTHOR database table

        camel-case lettering


        EJB technology interface

        javax.persistence.Entity annotation

        @Lob annotation

        @NotNull annotation

        String variable

        @Table annotation

    entity field

        bean validation mechanism

        data validation

        JavaScript field validation

        @Pattern annotation

        persistent field/property


    entity objects

    @ManyToMany annotation

    ManyToMany relation


        entity creation


        @JoinTable annotation


        owning entity

        persistent field/property


    ManyToOne relation

        AuthorDetail object


        persistent field or property

    named query

        BookAuthor entity class

        JPQL query

        @NamedQuery annotation

        persistence.xml file

        while loop

    @OneToMany annotation

    OneToMany relation

        AuthorDetail class

        AuthorDetail objects




        nonowning entity


        owning entity

        owning object


    One-to-One relation

        AUTHOR_DETAIL table

        Author entity

        cascade operation


        mappedBy attribute

        @OneToOne annotation

        optional attribute

        owned relation

        unique identifier

    persistence unit creation

        database connection pool

        database transaction

        EntityManagerFactory object

        Java Transaction API/Resource-Local entity manager

        local JDBC connection

        persistence.xml code

        persistence.xml configuration file

        properties of element

        WAR/EAR file

    primary key value creation

        AuthorWorkPKEmbedded class

        AUTO value

        BookAuthor entity

        BOOK_AUTHOR_S sequence

        bookId and authorId columns

        embeddable techniques

        equals() method

        @GeneratedValue annotation

        @Id annotation

        ID column

        IDENTITY value

        javax.persistence.EmbeddedId annotation

        javax.persistence.IdClass annotation

        local JDBC database

        nonembedded technique

        persistent fields/property

        @SequenceGenerator annotation

        SEQUENCE value

        TABLE value

        unique identifier

Oracle Glassfish application server

    administrative console

        administrator password

        Common Tasks panel

        domain panel

        General Information panel


        main screen

        Resources menu

        “server” menu option

    administrative user password

        default administrator password

        domain menu

        New Administrator Password form

    database resource

        additional JDBC connection properties

        connection pool

        JDBC Resources

        new JDBC connection pool

        opening and closing connections



    forms-based authentication

        database table

        JDBC Security Realm Class

        login form

        new security realm

        realm listing

        security configuration

        sun-web.xml configuration file


        Config Results screen

        directory screen

        Glassfish v4 ZIP archive

        graphical user interface

        Java EE 7 development

        typical Installation

        update tool screen

        ZIP archive


    WAR archive

        Applications panel

        autodeployment option

        deploy applications/modules

        deployed applications

        EAR files

        Java web application deployment

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    authentication backend

        Enterprise JavaBean

        HTTP request login

        JSF Managed Bean

        User entity

    basic web application authentication

        @DeclareRoles and @RolesAllowed annotation

        forms-based security

        web-resource-collection element

        web.xml deployment descriptor

        XML configuration

    custom security certificates


        Glassfish application server


        authentication and access purposes

        edit realm form

        file users form

        file users list

        New File Realm User form

        realms form

    JSF application


        conditional logic

        managed bean controller

        PrimeFaces panel component

    LDAP server

        form-login-page and form-error-page value

        New LDAP security realm

        security realm, Glassfish

    programmatic login form

        Acme Bookstore template


        JSF and Facelets


    attribute changes

    beingDestroyed value



    container events


    destroy method


        configuration and mapping

        doGet and doPost methods


        HttpServlet class

        HttpServletRequest object


        init method

        javac command-line utility


        processRequest method

        request-response programming model

        service method

        ServletConfig interfaces

        simple servlet creation file

    dispatching requests

    dynamic content

    file download

    filtering web requests

    handling requests and responses

    initialization parameters

    Java enterprise environment

    Java web applications



    non-blocking I/O


        AcmeReadListenerImpl class

        AsyncContext.complete method

        onDataAvailable method



        ServletOutputStream.canWrite method

        WebSockets protocol




    session attributes

    session listener

    Sun Microsystems

    @WebServlet annotation

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    full-duplex communication mechanism

    sending messages

        alert dialog

        bookChatRelay function

        close() method


        JavaScript code

        JavaScript WebSocket object events

        onclick attribute

        onOpen handler

        readyState values

        send() method

        source listing

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