Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are used for calculations with numeric values. In some cases, they can also be used with strings, arrays, and hash tables:





Adds numeric object.

Concetenates strings, arrays, and hash tables.

Subtract and negate

Subtracts numeric values.

Negates numbers.


Multiplies numeric values.

Multiplies strings and arrays the specified number of times.


Divides numeric objects with the specified rounding.


Returns the remainder of a division.


Moves all bits n places to the left.


Moves all bits n places to the right.


Mathematical precedence order.


Some examples are as follows:

#region arithmetic operators with numeric values

# add
133 + 877 # 1000
2 + "file" # ERROR

# subtract
1337 - 337 # 1000

# multiply
3 * 9 # 27
3 + 3 * 3 # 12 -> punctuation is respected 3 + (3 * 3)

# divide
3 + 3 / 3 # 4 -> punctuation is respected 3 + (3 / 3)

# negative number
-17 + 5 # -12

# modulo
17 % 6 # 5 -> 12/6 -> 5 left

# shift-left
2 -shl 1 # 4 bits 00000010 -> 00000100
3 -shl 1 # 6 bits 00000011 -> 00000110

# shift-right
65 -shr 1 # 32 bits 00100001 -> 00100000
66 -shr 2 # 16 bits 01000010 -> 00010000


#region arithmetic operators with strings

# add
"word" + "chain" # "wordchain"
"word" + 2 # "word2"

# subtract
"wordchain" - "chain" # ERROR

"wordchain" / "chain" # ERROR

"wordchain" * 2 # "wordchainwordchain"
"wordchain" * "w" # ERROR

"wordchain" -shr 1 # ERROR


#region arithmetic operators with arrays / hashtables

# this creates an array with the values 123 and "test"
123, "test"

# add
123, "test" + 3 # 123, "test", 3

# subtract
123, "test" - 123 # ERROR

# divide
123, "test" / 123 # ERROR

# multiply
123, "test" * 2 # 123, "test", 123, "test"


#region operator precedence

(12 + 3) # -15
- 12 + 3 # -9
6 + 6 / 3 # 8
(6 + 6) / 3 # 4


The example includes three different areas, for numeric values, strings, and arrays or hash tables. The usage of arithmetic operators is very straightforward, and it only gets a little bit complicated if you are not working with numeric values. Keep these issues in mind and retrieve the types of your objects, if you encounter similar issues.

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