Bitwise logical operators

Bitwise logical operators are very rarely used. With these operators, you are able to make bitwise operations on numeric values. One scenario where these operators are frequently used can be found in IPv4/IPv6 subnetting procedures:



Bitwise AND

Returns the bitwise AND operation between left and right values.


Bitwise OR - inclusive

Returns the bitwise OR operation between left and right values.


Bitwise OR - exclusive

Returns the bitwise XOR operation between left and right values.


Bitwise NOT

Returns the bitwise NOT operation between left and right values.


Some examples are as follows:

# Convert integer 128 into binary
[Convert]::ToString(128,2) # 10000000

# Convert binary 10000000 into integer
[Convert]::ToInt32(10000000,2) # 128

# 132 and 127 in binary
$132inbits = [Convert]::ToString(132,2) # 10000100
$127inbits = [Convert]::ToString(127,2) # 01111111

# -band
# we operate the band operator between 127 and 132
127 -band 132 # 4
# only binary values, which are matching in both values will keep
# 10000100 <-- 127
# 01111111 <-- 132
# --------
# 00000100 <-- 4
[Convert]::ToInt32(00000100,2) # 4

# -bor
# we operate the bor operator between 127 and 132
127 -bor 132 # 255
# binary values, which are available in one of both values will keep
# 10000100 <-- 127
# 01111111 <-- 132
# --------
# 11111111 <-- 255
[Convert]::ToInt32(11111111,2) # 255

# -bxor
# we operate the bxor operator between 127 and 132
127 -bxor 132 # 251
# only binary values, which are in one of both values will keep
# duplicates will be ignored
# 10000100 <-- 127
# 01111111 <-- 132
# --------
# 11111011 <-- 251
[Convert]::ToInt32(11111011,2) # 251

# -bnot
# we operate the bnot operator on 10
-bnot 10 # -11
# all binary values are negated
# 0000 0000 0000 1010 <-- 10
# -------------------
# 1111 1111 1111 0101 <-- -11 xfffffff5
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