Working with inventory dimensions

One thing that you will have to learn sooner rather than later is how the inventory dimensions work. Basically, the InventDim table holds information about all the different dimensions that are related to an item. These dimensions can be divided into three types: item, storage, and tracking dimensions. By default, AX comes with the following dimensions:

  • Four item dimension: The dimensions are Color, Size, Style, and Configuration
  • Six storage dimension: The dimensions are Site, Warehouse, Location, Pallet, Inventory status, and License plate
  • Five tracking dimension: The dimensions are Batch, Serial, Owner, Inventory Profile, and GTD number


The number of dimensions visible within the application will vary based on the configuration keys enabled.

Finding an inventory dimension

When combinations of these dimensions are needed in a journal or a transaction, we always check to see whether the combination already exists. If it does, we link to that record in the InventDim table. If it doesn't exist, a new record is created in the InventDim table with the different dimensions filled out. Then, we can link to the new record. This is done by using a method called findOrCreate from the InventDim table. You can see how to use it in the following code:

static void findingDimension(Args _args),
  InventDim           inventDim;
  // Set the values that you need for
  // the journal or transaction
  inventDim.InventLocationId = "01";
  inventDim.InventColorId = "02";
  // Use findOrCreate and use the inventDim
  // variable that you have set values into
  inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim);
  // Use the inventDimId to link to the
  // InventDim record that was either
  // found or created

Finding the current on-hand information

Another thing you should know is how to find how many items are available within a certain InventDim scope. You can do this by converting the InventDim fields into an InventDim variable and then specifying which dimension fields or combination of dimension fields you would like to get on-hand information on. In the following example, we search for the on-hand information for an item in a specific color:

static void findingOnHandInfo(Args _args)
  ItemId              itemId;
  InventDim           inventDimCriteria;
  InventDimParm       inventDimParm;
  InventOnhand        inventOnhand;
  // Specify the item to get onhand info on
  itemId = "1001";
  // initilise inventOnHand
  inventOnhand = InventOnhand::newItemId(itemId);
  // Specify the dimensions you want
  // to filter the onhand info on
  inventDimCriteria.InventColorId = "02";
  // Set the parameter flags active
  // according to which of the dimensions
  // in inventDimCriteria that are set
  // Specify the inventDim,
  // inventDimParm and itemId
  // Retrieve the onhand info
  info(strfmt("Available Physical: %1",inventOnhand.availPhysical()));
  info(strfmt("On order: %1",inventOnhand.onOrder()));

You could easily narrow the information down to a specific warehouse by setting a warehouse (InventLocationId) to the inventDimCriteria method, as we have done for the InventColorId value.

Finding on-hand information by a specific date

The following example will let you find the on-hand quantity information of a specific item with a specific color (inventory dimension) at a specific date. The code is as follows:

static void findingOnHandByDate(Args _args)
  ItemId              itemId;
  InventDim           inventDimCriteria;
  InventDimParm       inventDimParm;
  InventSumDateDim    inventSumDateDim;
  // Specify the item to get onhand info on
  itemId = "1001";
  // Specify the dimensions you want
  // to filter the onhand info on
  inventDimCriteria.InventColorId = "02";
  // Set the parameter flags active
  // accoring to which of the dimensions
  // in inventDimCriteria that are set
  // Specify the transaction date, inventDimCriteria,
  // inventDimParm and itemId to receive a new object
  // of InventSumDateDim
  inventSumDateDim = InventSumDateDim::newParameters(mkdate(01,01,2014),itemId, inventDimCriteria, inventDimParm);
  // Retrieve the on hand info using the methods
  // of InventSumDateDim
  info(strfmt("PostedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.postedQty()));
  info(strfmt("DeductedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.deductedQty()));
  info(strfmt("ReceivedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.receivedQty()));

Entering and posting an inventory journal from code

One of the things you will need to know when dealing with the inventory module is how to automate journal entry and posting. This example will show you one way of doing this. This method is typically used when performing data migration. The code is as follows:

static void enterPostInventJournal(Args _args)
  InventJournalName       inventJournalName;
  InventJournalTable      inventJournalTable;
  InventJournalTrans      inventJournalTrans;
  InventJournalTableData  inventJournalTableData;
  InventJournalTransData  inventJournalTransData;
  InventTable             inventTable;
  InventDim               inventDim;
  select firstonly inventTable; // find item
  // find a movement journal name
  select firstOnly inventJournalNamewhere inventJournalName.JournalType == InventJournalType::Movement;
  // Initialize the values in the inventJournalTable
  // from the inventJournalName and insert the record
  inventJournalTableData = JournalTableData::newTable(inventJournalTable);
  // Insert to records into the inventJournalTrans table
  inventJournalTrans.TransDate = systemdateget();
  inventJournalTrans.Qty = 3;
  // Find the default dimension
  // Set additional mandatory dimensions - based on item selected
  //inventDim.InventColorId     = "02";
  //inventDim.InventSizeId      = "50";
  //inventDim.configId          = "HD";
  // See if the inventDim with the selected values
  // allready exist in the InventDim table. If not, it's
  // created automatically
  inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim);
  inventJournalTrans.InventDimId  = inventDim.inventDimId;
  inventJournalTransData = inventJournalTableData.journalStatic().newJournalTransData(inventJournalTrans,inventJournalTableData);
  // Use the InventJournalCheckPost class to
   // post the journal
  if (InventJournalCheckPost::newPostJournal(inventJournalTable).validate())
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