

2D rotation 277
3D rotation 
around different axes 280-282
Processing solar system example 292
3D shapes, custom 275
3D translation 
and transformation matrix 285-291
and Z-axis 265-271
P3D for 271
Processing solar system example 292
rotation around different axes 280-282


abs() function 60
Adobe Premiere 482
agreements 4
algorithms 189
and breaking down ideas into parts 192
basics 190
defined 20
for intersection functionality 195
for large projects 189
Rain Game example 192
alpha channel 14
alpha values 14
amp() function 457
amplitude, sound 464
analysis, sound 464
angles 246, 247
of text 368-370
with images 304
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and data input 424-426
Java 506
Apple, Fiona 67
Arduino 444
parameters vs. 127
with functions 124-128
array references 51
array(s) 163-185
about 166
declaring and creating 167-169
initializing 169
interactive objects 178
of images 308
of objects 175
operations 167, 170
Processing functions 181
snake application 173-174
two-dimensional 257-260
uses for 163-165
Zoog application 182
ArrayList class 509-515
assignment operations 54
asynchronous data streams 427
available() function 331, 429


background() function 11
background(s), removing 349-352
beginRecord() function 477
beginShape() function 273
BlobDetection (Gachadoat) 356
blobs 356
Bobrow, Daniel G. 13
Boole, George 67
boolean expressions 67
boolean variables 79-81
Borenstein, Greg 356
brightness 16, 316
broadcasting 434
built-in libraries 226
built-in variables 58
buttons 79-81


call(s) 123
callback function 429
capture arguments 330
capture class 330
captureEvent() function 331
CENTER mode 6
charAt() function 362
class data 143
class name 143
class(es) 140
as data types 155
elements of 143
objects vs. 140
tabs for 147-150
writing 143
clicks, mouse 42-43
broadcasting to 434
creating 432
multi-user communication 440
clientEvent() function 432
coding, Processing 23-25
custom ranges 15-17
grayscale 10
RGB 12
color transparency 14
colorMode() function 15
comma-separated values (CSVs) 391
commands 4
complex data types 146
computer vision 345-347, 356
and data input 385-388
with Strings 309, 364
conditionals 67-90
boolean expressions 67
boolean variables 79-81
bouncing ball example 83-88
for gravity simulation 89-90
if, else, else if 68-71
in sketch 72
logical operators 75
rollover(s) 78, 396
constrain() function 73
constructor arguments 151-152
constructor(s) 143, 146
contains() function 516
contributed libraries 226
control structure 95
CORNER mode 6
cosine 247
createFont() function 365
creative visualization 324
custom 3D shapes 275
custom color ranges 15-17
custom tinting algorithms 316


data folder, loading images to 303
data input 383-426
and APIs 424-426
dealing with differing varieties of data 388
from data in nonstandard format 396-400
from XML 406-408
manipulating strings for 383
string concatenation for 385-388
tabular data for 391-394
text analysis for 402-406
text files for 390
with JSON 414-416
with JSONArray 417-419
with JSONObject 417-419
with Processing XML class 409-413
with threads 421-423
data streams 427-450
broadcasting 434
creating a client 432
creating a server 428-431
multi-user communication (client and server) 443
multi-user communication (client) 440
multi-user communication (server) 437-439
serial communication 444-446
serial communication with handshaking 446
serial communication with strings 448
synchronous vs. asynchronous 427
data types 
objects as 155
PShape 294
data, fake 389
debugging 219-224
and simplifying your code 220-222
defined 19
functions and 124
getting others involved with 220
println() for 222-224
strategies for 219-224
taking a break before 220
of array 167-169
of object variable 146
of variables 51-52
definitions, function 123
degrees 246
Design By Numbers 13
Disney, Walt 33
display() function 123, 271
displayHeight variable 58
displayWidth variable 58
dist() function 133
do-while loop 95
draw() function 34-41, 43, 104
drawCircle() function 255
Drummond, Henry 487


Eclipse 521
eclipse() function 7
edge detection/edge pixels 321
else (boolean expression) 68-71
else if (boolean expression) 68-71
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 33
encapsulation 487-490
endRecord() function 477
endShape() function 273
equals() function 363
error handling (Java) 518
error tracking 25
error(s), common 518
event probability 237
exception (error) handling 518
exit conditions 
for loops 98-100
for recursive functions 255
export to application 443
exporting 473-484
high-resolution PDFs 476-480
images/saveFrame() 480
recording video for 480-482
stand-alone applications 474
to web 473
extends (keyword) 492


factorials 253
fake data 389
Feurzeig, Wally 13
Feynman, Richard 361
filter() function 319
filter(s) 307
Final Cut 482
flip() function 10
FloatList class 515
flow, interaction and 33
fonts 365
for loop 100
fractals 253
frameCount variable 58
frameRate variable 58
frameRate() function 43
frequency, sound 464
Fry, Benjamin 13, 19, 473
fullScreen() function 21, 23
function(s) 117-135
alternate names for 118
and arguments 124-128
and coding 4
and return type 132-134
and simple modularity 121-124
array 181
benefits of 121-124
defining a 119
passing by copy to 129
reasons for writing your own 117
reorganizing Zoog with 135
user-defined 119
functionality 143
adding with variables 62
class 143
intersection 195


Gachadoat, Julien 356
getter functions 488
global variables, local variables vs. 104
graph paper 3
gravity simulation 89-90
grayscale color 10


handshaking 446
height variable 58
high-resolution PDFs 476-480
Hitchcock, Alfred 329
Hopper, Grace Murray 19
hour() function 201
HSB values 16
HTTP request and response 428
hue 16


if (boolean expression) 68-71
Igoe, Tom 444
image() function 304
image(s) 301-325
animation with 304
arrays of 308
basics 301-304
creative visualization 324
custom tinting algorithms for 316
displaying in PDFs 479
filters for 307
introduction to processing of 315
loading to data folder 303
pixel group processing 320-322
pixel manipulation 310-312
saveFrame() for exporting 480
imageMode() function 304
immutable objects 363
import statements 505
incremental development, philosophy of 18-20, 60
index, array elements 166
indexOf() function 383
infinite loops 98-100
inheritance 490-496
of arrays 169
of objects 146
of variables 51-52
installation, Processing 20
int() function 61
interaction 33-45
and flow 33
and key presses 42-43
and mouse clicks 42-43
and mouse location 37-41
arrays of interactive objects 178
draw() for 34-36
setup() for 34-36
interactive objects 178
interpolation 382
intersect() function 195-213
intersection functionality 195-213
IntList class 515
IP addresses 443
isPlaying() function 457
iteration 93-95


Java 503-522
API for 506
ArrayList class 509-515
exception (error) handling 518
Processing and 14
Processing as expansion of 503
Processing code translated into 504-506
Rectangle class 516
when Processing is unnecessary 520
Java applets 15
Java programming language 25
Java String class 383
JavaExample class 505
JSON 414-416
JSON feed 398
JSONArray 417-419
JSONObject 417-419


Kernighan, Brian 12
key press(es) 42-43
key variable 58
keyCode variable 58
keyPressed variable 58
keyPressed() function 42
Kierkegaard, Soren 93


length() function 362
lerp() function 382
libraries 225-230
about 225
built-in 226
computer vision 356
contributed 226
manual installation of 227-230
line() function 119
live video 329-333
loadFont() method 366
loadImage() method 302
local variables, global variables vs. 104
localhost 431
logical operators 75
Logo (programming language) 13
loops 93-113, 95
and iteration 93-95
exit conditions 98-100
for adding arms to Zoog 109
for loop 100
inside the main loop 107-109
variable scope 104
while loop 95-97


Maeda, John 13, 301
Making Things Talk (Igoe) 444
Mandelbrot, Benoit 253
map() function 244
mapping 244
mathematics 233-260
and programming 233
angles 246
event probability in code 237
map() function 244
modulus 234
oscillation 250-251
Perlin noise 240-242
probability 237
random numbers 236
recursion 253-256
trigonometry 247
two-dimensional arrays 257-260
McLuhan, Marshall 301
methods, functions vs. 118
millis() function 201
mirrors, software 337-343
MIT Media Lab 19
modularity, functions and 121-124
modulo operator 234
modulus 234
mosaic(s) 371
motion, video detection of 352
clicks 42-43
location 37-39
rollover(s) 78, 396
mouseButton variable 58
mouseDragged() function 441
mousePressed variable 58
mousePressed() function 42
movie class 330
MPEG StreamClip 482
multi-user communication 
client 440
client and server 443
server 437-439
multiple rollovers 78


network libraries 226
network socket(s) 428
new PImage() function 303
newline character 430
noise() function 241
noiseDetail() function 241
nonstandardized data, input from 396-400
null value 146


object references 51
object(s) 139-159
advantages of using 141
arrays of 175
arrays of interactive 178
as data types 155
conceptual discussion of 139
constructor arguments for 151-152
declaring variable for 146
initializing 146
interactive 178
making a Zoog class 156
tabs for 147-150
using 145-147
writing template for 143
object-oriented programming 
advanced 487-502
encapsulation 487-490
inheritance 490-496
overloading 501
polymorphism 497-500
objects 4, 140
opacity, color 14
OpenCV for Processing (Borenstein) 356
operation, array 170
oscillation 250-251
oscillator objects 461
overloading 501


P3D 271
p5.js 473
Papert, Seymour 13
PApplet 505
arguments vs. 127
defined 125
with functions 124-128
Parker, Dorothy 163
particle system 511
passing arguments 127
passing by copy (passing by value) 129, 156
PDF files, high-resolution 476-480
PDF libraries 226
Perlin noise 240-242, 244
Perlin, Ken 240
philosophy of incremental development 18-20, 60
physics (gravity simulation) 89-90
pi (π) 247
PImage class 301, 315
pixel group processing 320-322
pixel(s) 3-17
and color transparency 14
and grayscale color 10
and RGB color 12
and simple shapes 5-8
custom color ranges 15-17
graph paper example 3
group processing 320-322
manipulating in images 310-312
writing to destination PImage 318-320
playback, sound 
basic 453-457
for sound effects 454
real-time manipulation of 457-459
polar coordinates 248
polymorphism 497-500
popMatrix() function 285-291
port numbers 428
primitive values 51, 146
println() function 24, 222-224
event probability in code 237
review of basics 237
and Run button 29
and sketches 22
as expansion of Java 503
basics of 11-14
coding in 23-25
downloading and installing 20
error tracking 25
Java and 14
origins of 13, 473
preparing to use 19-30
reasons to use 19
reference for 27
testing before using 20-22
translation of code into Java 504-506
web incompatibility of 15
when Java is preferable to 520
Zoog sketch example 29
Processing Foundation 473
processing.js 474 473
programming, mathematics and 233
pseudo-random numbers 236
PShape 294
public designation 505
pushMatrix() function 285-291
PVector class 514
Python Mode 25


radians 246
radians() function 247
Rain Game (algorithm example) 192
breaking down description into parts 192
catcher for 193
integration of elements 209
intersection functionality 195-213
raindrops for 204-208
timer for 201
random (term) 240
random class 507
random numbers 236
and event probability in code 237
and Perlin noise 240-242
random() function 60-61, 132, 236, 237
ranges, custom color 15-17
read() function 432
readString() function 429
readStringUntil() function 448
Reas, Casey 13, 19, 473
rect() function 7, 27
Rectangle class 516
recursion 253-256
Reeves, William T. 511
refactoring 156
reference, Processing 27
return statement 133
return type 132-134
RGB color 12
rollover() function 178
circle 396
multiple 78, 396
rectangle 78
around different axes 280-282
Processing solar system example 292
simple 277
text 373
Run button 29


Sagan, Carl 49
saturation 16
save() function 480
saveFrame() function 480
scale() function 284
scope 104
screen, placing text on 365
second() function 201
sensor, video as 345-347
serial communication 444-446
with handshaking 446
with strings 448
serial libraries 226
broadcasting from 434
creating 428-431
multi-user communication 437-439, 443
serverEvent() function 429
setter functions 488
setup() function 34-36, 104, 143
custom 3D 275
PShape for storing 294
simple 5-8
vertex 272
simple modularity 121-124
simple rotation 277
simple shapes 5-8
sine 247
size() function 23, 271
sketches 22
conditionals in 72
exporting 473-484
first example 29
publishing as stand-alone applications 474
socket(s) 428
software mirrors 337-343
sound 453-471
analysis 464
basic playback 453-457
manipulating during playback 457-459
spectrum analysis 470
synthesis 460-464
thresholding 466-468
sound libraries 226
spatial convolution 322
spectrum analysis 470
stand-alone applications, exporting 474
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (film) 511
String class 
defined 362-364
text and 361
string objects 383
concatenation for data input 385-388
manipulating for data input 383
serial communication with 448
StringList class 515
stroke() function 10
substring() function 384
super() function 492
synchronous data streams 427
synthesis, sound 460-464
system variables 58


tab-separated values (TSVs) 391
tables 391-394
tabs, creating 147-150
tabular data 391-394
tangent 247
telnet 431
temporary arguments 152
text 361-382
and String class 361
animation 368-370
displaying 365-367
displaying character by character 375-382
displaying in PDFs 479
mosaic 371
placing on screen 365
rotating 373
String, defined 362-364
text analysis 402-406
text editing software 20
text files 390
textAlign() function 368
textFont() function 365
textWidth() function 368, 376
third-party (contributed) libraries 226
this argument 330
thread() function 422
thread(s) 421-423
threshold filter 318
thresholding, sound 466-468
timer(s) 201
tint() function 307
custom tinting algorithms 316
for images 307
toLowerCase() function 363
Tomlin, Lily 225
toUpperCase() function 363
transformation matrix 285-291
translate() function 267
translation 265-293
and custom 3D shapes 275
and scale() function 284
and transformation matrix 285-291
and vertex shapes 272
and Z-axis 265-271
P3D for 271
Processing solar system example 292
rotation around different axes 280-282
simple rotation 277
text rotation 373
transparency, color 14
triangles 247
trigonometric functions 250-251
trigonometry 247
try catch 519
Twain, Mark 219
two-dimensional arrays 257-260


variable scope 104
variables 49-62
and random() function 60-61
array as list of 166
boolean 79-81
declaration 146
declaration and initialization 51-52
defined 49
for adding functionality 62
global vs. local 104
system 58
using 53-56
using multiple 57
verbs 4
vertex shapes 272
vertex() function 275
video 329-357
as sensor 345-347
background removal 349-352
computer vision libraries 356
exporting 480-482
for computer vision 345-347
live 329-333
motion detection 352
recorded 335
software mirrors 337-343
video libraries 226
vision, computer 345-347, 356
visualization, creative 324


exporting to 473
Processing incompatibility 15
while loop 95-97, 171
width variable 58
Wilde, Oscar 139


XML feed 398
XML, data input from 406-413


Z-axis 265-271
Zoog (application example) 16
adding functionality with variables 62
and translate() function 270
conditionals for animation 83-88
dynamic sketch 35-36
mouse interaction 43
multiplying with arrays 182
reorganizing with functions 135
static sketch 29
using loops to add arms 109
with object-oriented programming 156
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