Part 1 - Creating a basic application

The following are the steps to create the basic application:

  1. Create ReadMyBooks_JSR_Validation as a dynamic web application.
  2. Add all the required jars that we added in the earlier application.
  3. Along with these jars, also add, classmate-0.5.4.jar, jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar, and
  4. Copy the com.packt.ch06.beans and com.packt.ch06.controllers packages along with their content.
  5. Copy index.jsp and searchByAuthor.jsp in WebContent.
  6. Add DispatcherServlet mapping in the web.xml file.
  7. Copy books-servlet.xml in WEB-INF.
  8. Copy images in the WebContent and jsps folder in WEB-INF, along with its content.
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