Manually deploying the application

To manually deploy the application perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, we will need to get the WAR file. We can use the Eclipse IDE to get the WAR file for deployment easily--right-click on the application, and select Export, as shown by the arrows in the following screenshot:
  1. Select the destination where you want to create the WAR file. If you want, you can change the war filename. I will keep ReadMyBooks as it is.
  2. Click on Finish to complete the process. You will get a WAR file in the selected destination.
  3. Copy the WAR file that we created in an earlier step, and paste it in the webapps folder under the Tomcat directory.
  4. Start Tomcat by clicking on the startup.bat file from the bin folder.
  5. Once Tomcat has started, open the browser, and type the home URL in the format of http://host_name:port_number_of_tomcat/war_file_name. In our case, it is http://locathost:8080/ReadMyBooks.
  6. Before moving ahead, make sure the database parameters are correctly set; otherwise, the application will fail.
  7. The home page will open, where we can test the application for the functionalities, look, and feel.
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