1. What intellectual property methods can be used to protect computer software?

A. Patents

B. Trademarks

C. Copyrights

D. Patents and trademarks

E. Patents and copyrights

2. What is strict liability?

3. A design patent can be used to protect computer software.

A. True

B. False

4. A utility patent has a ________year term.

5. Which type of IP protection is mentioned in the U.S. Constitution?

A. Patents

B. Trademarks

C. Copyrights

D. Patents and trademarks

E. Patents and copyrights

6. What is the main difference between patents and trade secrets?

A. A trade secret is public, whereas a patent is confidential.

B. A trade secret protects a process, whereas a patent protects a machine.

C. A trade secret is confidential, whereas a patent is public.

D. A trade secret protects a machine, whereas a patent protects a process.

E. None of these is correct.

7. What are the two basic requirements to register a trademark with the USPTO?

8. The USPTO publishes the Official Gazette to give public notice about patents and trademarks.

A. True

B. False

9. What must an author do to protect his or her copyrighted works?

A. Mark it with a ©.

B. Register it with the U.S. Copyright Office.

C. Nothing, copyright protection is automatic.

D. Pay a fee to the Library of Congress.

E. None of these is correct.

10. Which DMCA safe harbor is called the “conduit” exception?

A. Transitory communications safe harbor

B. System caching safe harbor

C. Information storage safe harbor

D. Information location tools safe harbor

E. None of these is correct.

11. Which type of IP protection is governed by federal and state law?

A. Patents

B. Copyrights

C. Trademarks

D. Patents and copyrights

E. None of these is correct.

12. What is the trademark registration period?

A. 10 years

B. 14 years

C. 20 years

D. 70 years

E. None of these is correct.

13. Why is it important to know who is the owner of a copyrighted work?

14. What must a person show to prove trademark infringement?

A. Ownership of a trademark

B. That the defendant used a similar trademark in commerce

C. That the defendant’s use of a similar trademark is likely to confuse consumers

D. Ownership of a trademark and that the defendant used a similar trademark in commerce

E. Ownership of a trademark, that the defendant used a similar trademark in commerce, and that the defendant’s use of a similar trademark is likely to confuse consumers

15. What is cybersquatting?

A. When a person owns a patent but does not make, use, or sell his or her invention

B. When a person registers a domain name that is a registered trademark or trade name of another entity

C. When a person uses the copyrighted materials of another without appropriate acknowledgment

D. When a person publicly advertises the sensitive confidential information of a business or other entity on the internet

E. None of these is correct.

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