Going Further - 21 Problems

In this chapter, we are going to introduce 21 real life problems that you can use deep learning and TensorFlow to tackle. We will start by talking about some public large-scale datasets and competitions. Then, we will show some awesome TensorFlow projects on Github. We will also introduce some interesting projects that have been done in other deep learning frameworks so that you can get inspired and implement your own TensorFlow solution. Finally, we will work through a simple technique to convert a Caffe model to a TensorFlow model and introduce using a high-level TensorFlow library, TensorFlow-Slim.

In this chapter, we will look into the following topics:

  • Large-scale, public datasets and competitions
  • Awesome TensorFlow projects
  • Some inspired deep learning projects from other frameworks
  • Converting a Caffe model to TensorFlow
  • Introducing TensorFlow-Slim
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