

  1. Abrasive manner
    1. miscommunication with older workers due to perceived
    2. as perceived orientation of Millennials
    3. self-differentiating from the
  2. Accountable/accountability
    1. to overcome being perceived as being too autonomous
    2. things to focus on to help Millennials to be
  3. Achievement
    1. as Millennial intrinsic value
    2. See also Disarming the Defensive competency; Feedback
  4. Adapting competency category
    1. adaptability mind-set of effective managers
    2. Cultivating the Imaginative
    3. of effective managers of Millennials
    4. Flexing with the Autonomous
    5. Incenting the Entitled
    6. story of provost and student’s informality example of
  5. African Journal of Business Management
  6. Age cohorts
    1. cohort flow of individual age and social change
    2. collective memories of different
    3. definition of
    4. Millennials (Gen Y) as larges workforce
    5. shared sense-making and self-identity of each
    6. size relative to the sizes of its neighbors feature of
    7. See also Generations
  7. Ageism/age discrimination
    1. applied to Millennials
    2. increased attention on
    3. survey questions and answers by Millennials on
    4. traditionally applied to older population
  8. Age norm theory
  9. AIDS epidemic
  10. Aikido
  11. Ambiguity
    1. Millennials unable to tolerate
    2. story of Millennial’s uncertainty on which job offer to accept
    3. See also Directing (Include the Details) competency; Unfocused Millennials
  12. American Sociological Review
  13. Angeline, Tay
  14. Anticipate boredom
  15. Apathy
    1. See also Indifference
  16. Argyris, Chris
  17. Arnett, Jeffrey
  18. Attention
    1. continuous partial attention phenomenon
    2. learn about Millennials by giving them your focus and
    3. as Millennial intrinsic value
    4. nurturing parenting style and Millennial need for
    5. See also Self-absorbed
  19. Attenuation
  20. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
  21. Austrian, Sonia
  22. Authority
    1. bureaucratic class legacy of attending to formal
    2. effective vs. challenged manager mind-set on power and
    3. examples of informality and usurping
    4. flipping from attending to authority bias to tending
    5. Millennial association of informality with
    6. Millennial intrinsic value of needing attention from
    7. Millennials’ access to information without going through
  23. Autonomy
    1. be accountable to overcome being perceived as having too much
    2. Directing (Include the Details) competency and
    3. Flexing with the Autonomous competency
    4. as an intrinsic motivator
    5. as perceived orientations of Millennials
    6. rigid processes workplace challenge to
    7. work-life blending value and


  1. Baby Boomers (1946–1964)
    1. attitudes and expectations of
    2. brain drain due to retirement of
    3. demographics of
    4. extending their stay in the workforce due to financial setback
    5. familiarity between builders, Gen X(ers), and
    6. global aging and exodus from the workplace by
    7. informality practiced by
    8. as likely to have had three careers and multiple employers
    9. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applied to
    10. nurturing parenting style of
    11. social comparisons between Millennials and
    12. values and historical events shaping the
    13. value system, worldview, and aspirations in life of
    14. See also Generations
  2. Baranov, Denis
  3. Be accountable skill
  4. The Beatles
  5. Be curious
  6. Behavior
    1. generational theory on
    2. group and age norm theory on
    3. helping Millennials to understand the impact of their
    4. life course theory on
    5. maturational theory on
    6. setting and keeping boundaries for
    7. See also Generational differences; Perceived orientations of Millennials
  7. Being fair
  8. Bethel Woods Museum
  9. Bias of experience
    1. as Broadening the Myopic barrier
    2. as Cultivating the Imaginative barrier
    3. as Directing (Include the Details) barrier
    4. as Disarming the Defensive barrier
    5. as Engaging the Self-Absorbed barrier
    6. as Flexing with the Autonomous barrier
    7. as Incenting the Entitled barrier
    8. as Motivating the Indifferent barrier
    9. as Self-differentiating from the Abrasive barrier
  10. Big picture. See Broadening the Myopic competency
  11. “Big Picture Thinking on the Big Picture” scenario
  12. Bird, Jane
  13. Bollas, Christopher
  14. Boomer brain drain
  15. Born This Way Foundation study
  16. Boundaries
    1. directing Millennials while staying within
    2. directing to set behavioral
    3. “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” scenario on
    4. See also Relationships
  17. Brain drain
  18. Broadening the Myopic competency
    1. benefits of sharing your experience with Millennials
    2. the bias of experience barrier to
    3. “Big Picture Thinking on the Big Picture” scenario
    4. consequential thinking model to build your
    5. description of the
    6. the “Five Whys” exercise
    7. to help Millennials understand impact of their behaviors
    8. learning from failures
    9. learning from success
    10. practice by starting with something easy
    11. See also Broadening the Myopic competency; Myopic Millennials
  19. Build a relationship skill
  20. Builders (born 1925)
    1. familiarity between Baby Boomers, Gen X(ers), and
    2. as likely to have had one career and one or two employers
    3. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applied to
    4. motivation expressed by one
    5. rejection of informality by most
    6. stability and company loyalty values of
    7. values and historical events shaping the
  21. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  22. BusinessWeek


  1. Captain Phillips (film)
  2. Carter, Cris
  3. Carvey, Dana
  4. Challenged manager mind-set
    1. adaptability
    2. confidence
    3. energy
    4. power
    5. self-efficacy
    6. success
  5. Challenged managers
    1. comparing the mind-set of effective and
    2. failure to suspend bias of their own experience by
    3. following up with human resources (HR)
    4. interviews to identify effective versus
  6. Challenger space shuttle explosion
  7. Chernobyl disaster
  8. Civil Rights Movement
  9. Cohort effects
  10. Cohort flow
  11. Cold War
  12. Collective memories
  13. Collinsworth, Cris
  14. Columbia space shuttle explosion
  15. Columbine shooting
  16. Commitment, resistance, compliance continuum
  17. Communicating competency category
    1. Disarming the Defensive
    2. of effective managers of Millennials
    3. Engaging the Self-Absorbed
    4. Self-Differentiating from the Abrasive
  18. Communication
    1. building trust through successful
    2. how perception impacts
    3. miscommunication with older workers due to perceived abrasive manner
    4. perceptual positioning and
    5. selective perception problem of
  19. Compliance, resistance, commitment continuum
  20. Confidence mind-set
  21. Conflict
    1. beware of triangulating during
    2. lifelong friendships that started with a
    3. “step to their side” response to
    4. See also Manager—Millennials tensions
  22. Consequential thinking model
  23. Continuous partial attention
  24. Corporate Bailouts
  25. Corporate downsizing
  26. “Creating Generation Y Sources of Motivation for Enhanced Performances” (Lähteenmäki)
  27. Creativity
    1. competitive advantage of
    2. function of “foolishness” in process of
    3. Hamel’s value creation of capability of
    4. let Millennials know what happened with their ideas
  28. Criticism
    1. example of a Millennial assistant manager delivering
    2. helicopter mom’s response to
    3. manager’s experience with receiving feedback and
    4. origins of the term
  29. Cultivating the Imaginative best practices
    1. anticipate their boredom
    2. don’t ask for their opinion if you are serious about hearing it
  30. Cultivating the Imaginative competency
    1. bias of experience barrier to
    2. competitive advantage of creativity and
    3. how “foolishness” nurtures creativity
    4. If an Idea Falls in a Meeting and No One Wants to Hear It, does It Make a Sound? scenario
    5. introduction to the
    6. let them know what happened with their ideas
    7. managerial best practices
  31. Cultural differences
    1. Hofstede’s research on dimensions of
    2. power distance dimension of
  32. Curiosity


  1. DataArt
  2. Decorum
    1. generational difference in defining
    2. how Millennials will help to shape future meaning of
  3. Defensive orientation
    1. even the possibility of criticism as threatening to
    2. getting helpful feedback challenge of being perceived as
    3. go for feedback to overcome being perceived as
    4. Millennials perceived as
  4. Developmental norms
  5. Diligence capability
  6. “Dinner for One” scenario
  7. Directing (Include the Details) competency
    1. bias of experience barrier to
    2. description of
    3. flipping from attending to authority bias to tending authority for
    4. learning from our failures
    5. “Manager as Career Coach” scenario on
    6. partnering for performance for
    7. strategies for success
    8. understanding autonomy
    9. See also Ambiguity; Unfocused Millennials
  8. Directing (Include the Details) strategies
    1. do not assume they heard you the first time
    2. do not assume they know what to do
    3. focus on the mission
    4. let them make mistakes
    5. let them try other things
    6. make it about their success
  9. Disarming the Defensive competency
    1. be fair strategy for
    2. best practices of
    3. the bias of experience barrier to
    4. description of
    5. embrace resistance strategy for
    6. learning from our failures strategy for
    7. “Musical Booths” scenario on
    8. step to their side strategy for
    9. suspend snap judgments strategy for
    10. See also Achievement; Feedback
  10. Disarming the Defensive practices
    1. assure them about your relationship with them as
    2. example of a Millennial assistant manager delivering criticism as
    3. invite them to look forward to better times as
    4. less pomp and circumstances when giving feedback as
    5. using yourself as negative example as
  11. Divorce rates
  12. Dorsey, Jason Ryan
  13. Down-aging phenomena
  14. Dylan, Bob


  1. Economy, Peter
  2. Effective manager mind-set
    1. adaptability
    2. confidence
    3. energy
    4. power
    5. self-efficacy
    6. success
  3. Effective managers
    1. ability to adapt characteristic of
    2. ability to initiate a relationship
    3. characteristics of Millennials who are
    4. comparing the mind-set of challenged and
    5. following up with human resources (HR)
    6. interviews to identify challenged versus
    7. the patience to set realistic expectations
    8. volunteer experience as common among
  4. “The Effect of a Multi-generational Workforce on Employee Productivity: A Case Study of Kenya Electricity Generating Company” (Wangechi)
  5. Embracing resistance
  6. “The Embryonic Challenge from Gen Y Calling for S.O.S. in Banking Industry: A Call for Action for HR Practitioner in Indonesia” (Luntungan, Hubeis, Sunarti, and Maulana)
  7. Emerging adulthood (ages 18 to 25)
  8. Emotional intelligence
  9. Employee engagement
    1. description of
    2. Gallup study on
    3. importance of recognizing Millennials
    4. strategies for Millennial
    5. Towers Perrin’s study on
    6. See also Motivating the Indifferent competency; Workplace satisfaction
  10. Employee procurement
    1. as biggest challenge facing organizations
    2. “Trying to Hire for the Graveyard Shift” scenario on
    3. Xerox employee recruiting advertisement for
  11. Employer—employee relationship. See Manager—Millennials tensions; Relationships
  12. Empowerment, considered by Millennial to be primary leadership role
  13. Energy and urgency
  14. Energy mind-set
  15. Engaging the Self-Absorbed barriers
    1. bias of experience as
    2. description of
    3. the fine line as
    4. manager peer pressure as
    5. traditional management training as
    6. trying to be like Millennials as
  16. Engaging the Self-Absorbed best practices
    1. be curious about them
    2. get in closer proximity to them
    3. have empathy
    4. investing in relationships with Millennials
    5. shifting your focus to other people
  17. Engaging the Self-Absorbed competency
    1. barriers to
    2. best practices of
    3. description of
    4. understanding how relationships improve work satisfaction
    5. understanding that tacit knowledge requires building relationships
    6. “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” scenario on
    7. See also Self-absorbed
  18. Entitled
    1. definition of being
    2. definition of incenting the
    3. perceived orientation of Millennials
    4. recognize your value to overcome being perceived as
  19. Envisioning competency category
    1. Broadening the Myopic
    2. Directing the Unfocused
    3. of effective managers of Millennials
    4. Motivating the Indifferent
  20. Espinoza, Chip
    1. Managing the Millennials first edition written with Ukleja and Rusch
    2. Millennials Who Manage written with Schwarzbart
    3. Millennials@Work written with Miller
  21. European Union demographics
  22. Expectancy theory
  23. Expectation Matrix
  24. Expectations
    1. the ability of effective managers to set realistic
    2. age cohort’s shared sense-making of
    3. Baby Boomer
    4. Expectation Matrix to help set and understand mutual
    5. Generation X
    6. Millennials
    7. perception of unfocused Millennials and challenge of understanding
    8. sanctions for violating
    9. Vroom’s expectancy theory on rewards and
  25. Experience
    1. Broadening the Myopic competency and the bias of
    2. the challenge of lack of
    3. Cultivating the Imaginative competency and the bias of
    4. Directing (Include the Details) competency and the bias of
    5. Disarming the Defensive competency and the bias of
    6. Engaging the Self-Absorbed barrier competency and the bias of
    7. Flexing with the Autonomous competency and the bias of
    8. Incenting the Entitled competency and the bias of
    9. Motivating the Indifferent competency and the bias of
    10. Self-differentiating from the Abrasive competency and the bias of


  1. Failures. See Mistakes
  2. Fairness
  3. Fall of the Berlin Wall
  4. FastCompany magazine
  5. Feedback
    1. example of a Millennial assistant manager delivering critical
    2. let Millennials know what happened with their ideas
    3. managers’ own experience with receiving
    4. Millennials’ preoccupation with
    5. praising people and not just the technology in your
    6. workplace challenge of getting helpful
    7. See also Achievement; Disarming the Defensive competency
  6. Financial Times International
  7. The “Five Whys” exercise
  8. Flexing with the Autonomous competency
    1. allowing freedom to negotiate their job description
    2. the bias of experience barrier to
    3. creating a scheduling team example of
    4. description of
    5. learning from our failure example of
    6. Millennial intrinsic value: work-life blending and
    7. the psychological contract and
    8. recognizing Millennials have a life outside of work
    9. teaching how to set priorities example of
    10. Trying to Hire for the Graveyard Shift scenario of
  9. Focus
    1. continuous partial attention of fragmented
    2. directing Millennials to help them to
    3. know when to
    4. on the mission
    5. multitasking perceived as being lack of
  10. “Forever Young” (Dylan song)
  11. Fountain of Youth search (1513)
  12. Friedman, Edwin


  1. Gajdzik, Bożena
  2. Gallup study on employee engagement
  3. “Generational Cohorts’ Expectations in the Workplace: A Study of New Zealanders” (Murray and Toulson)
  4. Generational differences
    1. embrace of technology and access to information
    2. historical events shaping
    3. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs used to explain
    4. six major value-shaping influences impacting
    5. See also Behavior
  5. Generational rapport categories
    1. adapting category of
    2. communicating category of
    3. envisioning category of
    4. Millennial values, perceived orientation, and
  6. Generational rapport competencies
    1. Broadening the Myopic
    2. Cultivating the Imaginative
    3. defining Millennials’ perceived orientations and
    4. Directing the Unfocused
    5. Disarming the Defensive
    6. Engaging the Self-Absorbed
    7. Flexing with the Autonomous
    8. Generational Rapport Inventory to measure
    9. Incenting the Entitled
    10. Motivating the Indifferent
    11. Self-Differentiating from the Abrasive
    12. See also Managers; Millennial intrinsic values; Perceived orientations of Millennials
  7. Generational Rapport Inventory (GRI)
    1. assessing your Millennial-friendly culture using the
    2. description of the
    3. GRI report to assess your management training
    4. illustration of the
  8. Generational theory
  9. “Generation Gap Management in Restructured Metallurgical Enterprises in Poland” (Gajdzik and Szymszal)
  10. Generations
    1. Builders (born 1925)
    2. comparing Millennial value system and worldview to other
    3. Generation X
    4. Mannheim’s theory on sociological construct of
    5. six major value-shaping influences impacting every
    6. technology as the new context for shaping
    7. See also Age cohorts; Baby Boomers (1946); Millennials (Gen Y)
  11. “Generations and Collective Memories” (Schuman and Scott)
  12. Generation X (Gen Xers)
    1. attitudes and expectations of
    2. demographics of
    3. familiarity between Builders, Baby Boomers, and
    4. informality practiced by
    5. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applied to
    6. values and historical events shaping the
    7. willingness to change for managers
  13. Gen Y. See Millennials (Gen Y)
  14. Gen Z (iY, Homeland, or O) [born 2001-]
    1. description of the
    2. historical events shaping the
  15. Gesell, Arnold
  16. GI Bill
  17. Global aging
  18. Go for feedback skill
  19. Go for the details skill
  20. Google headquarters
  21. Gorillas in the Mist (Gruber)
  22. The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck)
  23. Great Depression
  24. Great Recession (2008 to 2009)
    1. impact on Baby Boomers by the
    2. impact on Gen X(ers) by the
  25. Group and age norm theory
  26. Group norms
    1. generational tensions over workplace
    2. reward or affirmation for violating
  27. Gruber, Peter
  28. “Grumpy Old Man” sketch (Saturday Night Live)


  1. Haitian earthquake
  2. Hamel, Gary
  3. Hammarplast AB
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. Harvard Business School’s The Social Enterprise Club
  6. Helicopter parents
  7. Hierarchy of capabilities
  8. Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) report
  9. Hills, Caroline
  10. Hiring. See Employee procurement
  11. Hofstede, Geert
  12. Hubeis, Aida Vitayala
  13. Human Resource Executive
  14. Human resources (HR)
    1. helicopter mom confronting
    2. selecting of effective and challenged managers during study by
  15. Hurricane Katrina


  1. If an Idea Falls in a Meeting and No One Wants to Hear It, does It Make a Sound? scenario
  2. Imaginative orientation
    1. as perceived orientation of Millennials
    2. rigid processes and proving my value challenge of perceived
  3. “The Impact of a Performance Management System on Service Delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality” (Radebe)
  4. Incenting the Entitled competency
    1. the bias of experience barrier against
    2. description of
    3. keeping them informed
    4. learning from our success
    5. Millennial intrinsic value: reward and
    6. rewarding the right things
    7. rewarding the right way
    8. “That’s Just Not Our Philosophy” scenario
    9. See also Rewards
  5. Indian Ocean tsunami
  6. Indifference
    1. description of
    2. go for the details to overcome being perceived as
    3. lack of patience workplace challenge due to perception of
    4. as perceived orientation of Millennials
    5. Towers Perrin’s study on signs of
    6. See also Apathy
  7. Informality
    1. intrinsic value of Millennials
    2. manager’s bias of experience response to
    3. Millennial association of authority with
    4. Millennial’s practice of usurping authority through
    5. practice by both Baby Boomers and Gen X(ers) in their youth
    6. story of provost’s response do a student’s
  8. Information, Millennials’ use of technology and access to
  9. Initiative capability
  10. Inside the NFL (HBO TV show)
  11. Instrumentality
  12. Intellect capability
  13. Intrinsic values. See Millennial intrinsic values
  14. ISIS


  1. Jackson, Michael
  2. Japan
    1. Yutori generation (Millennials) of
    2. Yutori teaching method in
  3. Job gap trend


  1. Kennedy assassination
  2. King assassination
  3. Knowledge brain drain
  4. Knowledge economy
    1. emergence of
    2. inability to transfer tacit knowledge threat to the
    3. mentoring Millennials to transfer tacit knowledge
  5. Know when to focus skill
  6. Korean War
  7. KTR analysis (kick the tires report) story


  1. Lack of experience
  2. Lack of patience
    1. challenge of being perceived as having
    2. comparing people who are patient to those with
    3. importance of coaching to overcome
  3. Lady Gaga
  4. Lähteenmäki, Suvi
  5. Latchkey kids
  6. Learning from failure
  7. Leavitt, Harold
  8. Leonardo da Vinci
  9. Life course theory
  10. Lipman-Bluman, Jean
  11. Little League volunteer work
  12. Locus of control
    1. that Millennials have in their workplace
    2. that Millennials have over their workplace challenges
  13. Luntungan, Irving


  1. The Management Bible (Nelson and Economy)
  2. Management training
    1. adding Hamel’s hierarchy of capabilities to
    2. emotional intelligence, self-leadership, and systems thinking focus of
    3. Engaging the Self-Absorbed barrier of traditional
    4. GRI report to assess effectiveness of your
    5. shifting focus on managers instead of followers during
  3. “Manager as Career Coach” scenario
  4. Managerial leaders
    1. comparison of what Millennials want from their workplace and what they want from
    2. Gary Yukl on responses to the influence of a
    3. resistance versus compliance responses to
  5. Managers
    1. the difference between what Millennials hear and what is said by the
    2. difference between your person and your role as a
    3. disconnects between Millennials (Gen Y) on their
    4. findings on effective versus the challenged
    5. helicopter parents confronting
    6. Millennials who are
    7. perception of success by
    8. selective attention applied to perceptions of Millennials by
    9. their own experience with receiving feedback
    10. See also Generational rapport competencies
  6. Manager—Millennials tensions
    1. ageism by some managers against Millennials
    2. “being special” self-perception of Millennials and
    3. beware of triangulating during
    4. cultural differences in power distance and
    5. the difference between what manager’s say and what Millennials hear
    6. disconnects between managers and the Millennials causing
    7. learning to bridge the gap causing
    8. See also Conflict; Millennials (Gen Y)
  7. Managing Generational Diversity at the Workplace Expectations and Perceptions of Different Generational Employees (Angeline)
  8. “Managing ‘Generation Y’ Occupational Therapists: Optimizing Their Potential” (Hills, Ryan, Warren-Forward, and Smith)
  9. Managing the Millennials (Espinoza and Ukleja)
  10. Mannheim, Karl
  11. Marino, Dan
  12. Martins, Ellen
  13. Martins, Nico
  14. Maslow, Abraham
  15. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  16. Maturational theory
  17. Maturational theory
  18. Maulana, Agus
  19. Meaning
    1. Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) report on their social concerns and
    2. as intrinsic value of Millennials
    3. providing them reasons for why it is worth doing
    4. “The Storm after Katrina” scenario on importance of
  20. Melnychuk, Natasha
  21. Mentoring Millennials
    1. to develop seven skills for overcoming roadblocks
    2. in lack of patience area
    3. to overcome their workplace challenges
    4. why Millennials need mentoring
  22. Micromanaging behavior
  23. Millennial-friendly culture
    1. ask Millennials what they want for a
    2. Generational Rapport Inventory (GRI) to assess
    3. identify your all-stars and provide them a platform for a
    4. involve your managers in the conversation
    5. promote the core competencies for managing today’s workforce
    6. suspend organizational bias against Millennials
  24. Millennial intrinsic values
    1. achievement
    2. attention
    3. comparing perceived orientations, managerial competencies, and
    4. informality
    5. meaning
    6. multitasking
    7. reward
    8. self-expression
    9. simplicity
    10. work-life blending
    11. See also Generational rapport competencies; Values
  25. Millennials@Work (Espinoza)
  26. Millennials (Gen Y)
    1. attitudes and expectations of
    2. comparing value system and worldview of other generations and
    3. demographics of
    4. the difference between what manager’s say and what they hear
    5. embrace of technology and access to information
    6. historical events shaping the
    7. as the largest age cohort in the workforce
    8. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applied to
    9. mentoring
    10. perceived orientations of
    11. roadblock metaphor for workplace challenges facing the
    12. selective attention applied to perceptions about
    13. self-esteem movement and feeling special characteristic of
    14. self-reporting on the lack of experience challenge facing
    15. social comparisons between Baby Boomers and
    16. under pressure to succeed
    17. Yutori generation (Japan)
    18. See also Generations; Manager—Millennials tensions
  27. Millennials interview study
    1. to examine disconnect between managers and Millennials
    2. findings on effective versus the challenged managers
    3. findings on perceived orientations of Millennials during
    4. the survey questions asked and answers during
    5. testing the face-value validity of the
  28. “The Millennials” sketch (Saturday Night Live)
  29. Millennials study
    1. hypothesis of the
    2. inductive research leading to the deductive
    3. survey questions and answers used during the
  30. Millennials survey questions
    1. 1: have you ever felt you were treated differently due to age?
    2. 2: do you perceive being younger worker an advantage or disadvantage
    3. 3: reason you think you might be denied opportunity for advancement
    4. 4: ever felt an older worker intentionally gave you a hard time
  31. Millennials Who Manage (Espinoza and Schwarzbart)
  32. Mission
  33. Mistakes
    1. consequential thinking model to help them avoid making
    2. directing Millennials but allow them to make
    3. disarming criticism by talking about your own
    4. learning from
  34. Mortgage Crisis
  35. Moscow University
  36. Motivating the Indifferent competency
    1. the bias of experience barrier of
    2. description of
    3. Hamel’s hierarchy of capabilities and
    4. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and
    5. “The Storm after Katrina” scenario on
    6. strategies for
    7. understanding that meaning is what drives Millennials
    8. See also Employee engagements
  37. Motivating the Indifferent strategies
    1. allowing for personal choice
    2. creating a sense of urgency
    3. praise people and not the technology
    4. remember the importance of “why” before “what,”
    5. tell them why it is worth doing
  38. Motivation
    1. how social concerns and meaning drive Millennials
    2. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and
  39. Multitasking
    1. the bias of experience by managers against
    2. as intrinsic value of Millennials
    3. research findings on adverse effects of
  40. Murray, Kristin
  41. “Musical Booths” scenario
  42. Myopic Millennials
    1. broadening by showing them the big picture
    2. consequential thinking model to help them see consequences
    3. the “Five Whys” exercise to broaden
    4. a lack of experience challenge when perceived as
    5. as perceived orientation
    6. see the big picture to overcome being perceived as
    7. See also Broadening the Myopic competency; Simplicity


  1. NASA brain drain
  2. Nelson, Bob
  3. New Deal
  4. 9/11
  5. Nixon, Richard M.
  6. Nurturing parenting style


  1. Obedience capability
  2. Oil bust (1980s)
  3. Outside observer perceptual positioning


  1. Parenting style
    1. Dr. Spock’s impact on
    2. nurturing
    3. placing Millennials under pressure to succeed
  2. Parents
    1. helicopter
    2. informality between Millennials and their
  3. Partnering for performance
  4. Passion capability
  5. Patience
    1. challenge of being perceived as lacking
    2. difference between people who are impatient to those who are
    3. importance of coaching
  6. Perceived orientations of Millennials
    1. abrasive
    2. autonomous
    3. defensive
    4. defining managerial competencies, and
    5. description of the
    6. entitled
    7. imaginative
    8. indifferent
    9. myopic
    10. nine forms of
    11. self-absorbed
    12. testing the face-value validity of findings on
    13. unfocused
    14. See also Behavior; Generational rapport competencies; specific orientation
  7. “Perceptions of Age Generations Regarding Employee Satisfaction in a South African Organisation” (Martins and Martins)
  8. Perceptual positioning
    1. our own interpretation as first form of
    2. outside observer as third form of
    3. “walk a mile in another person’s shoes” as second form of
  9. Persian Gulf War
  10. Personal choice
  11. Pet peeves
  12. Poldrack, Russell
  13. Pollack, Scott
  14. Ponce de León, Juan
  15. Popcorn, Faith
  16. Power distance
    1. cultural differences between high and low
    2. description of
  17. Power mind-set
  18. Power plays
    1. resistance that becomes a
    2. “step to their side” in order to avoid
  19. Praising
  20. Presence
  21. PricewaterhouseCoopers
  22. Priority setting
  23. Psychological contract


  1. Radebe, Patrick Qena
  2. Rath, Tom
  3. Recognize your value skill
  4. Relationship building
    1. be curious about Millennials
    2. get in closer proximity to Millennials
    3. invest in the relationship
    4. overcoming being perceived as self-absorbed by
    5. show empathy
    6. See also Trust
  5. Relationships
    1. disarming feedback by also reassuring them about your
    2. Expectation Matrix to set expectations for employer-employee
    3. how perception impacts
    4. perceptual positioning and
    5. psychological contract of the employer-employee
    6. understanding that tacit knowledge requires building
    7. understanding that work satisfaction is influenced by
    8. walking the fine line in
    9. “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” scenario on
    10. See also Boundaries
  6. Resistance
    1. commitment, resistance, compliance, continuum
    2. embracing
  7. “Retaining the Millennial Generation within the Canadian Public Sector” (Melnychuk)
  8. Rewards
    1. how constant affirmation can undermine genuine recognition and
    2. as Millennial intrinsic value
    3. offering the right things as
    4. Star of the Month story on the wrong
    5. Vroom’s expectancy theory on instrumentality, valence, and
    6. See also Incenting the Entitled competency
  9. Roadblock challenge metaphor
    1. skills for overcoming seven workplace roadblocks
    2. strategies for overcoming workplace challenges
    3. for workplace challenges facing Millennials
  10. Roadblocks
    1. 1: being perceived as self-absorbed
    2. 2: being perceived as indifferent
    3. 3: being perceived as myopic
    4. 4: being received as unfocused
    5. 5: being perceived as defensive
    6. 6: being perceived as autonomous
    7. 7: being perceived as entitled
  11. Roosevelt, F. D.
  12. Ross, Alistair
  13. Royal Society
  14. Ryan, Buddy
  15. Ryan, Susan
  16. Ryder, Norman


  1. Sacks, Danielle
  2. Sanctions
  3. San Diego State University
  4. Saturday Night Live (TV show)
    1. “Grumpy Old Man” sketch of the
    2. “The Millennials” sketch of the
  5. Scenarios
    1. “Big Picture Thinking on the Big Picture,”
    2. “Dinner for One,”
    3. If an Idea Falls in a Meeting and No One Wants to Hear It, does It Make a Sound?
    4. “Manager as Career Coach,”
    5. “Musical Booths,”
    6. “The Storm after Katrina,”
    7. “That’s Just Not Our Philosophy,”
    8. “Trying to Hire for the Graveyard Shift,”
    9. “Why Can’t We Be Friends?,”
  6. Schultz, Howard
  7. Schwarzbart, Joel
  8. Scott, Jacqueline
  9. See the big picture skill
  10. Selective attention
  11. Selective perception
  12. Self-absorbed
    1. building a relationship to overcoming being perceived as
    2. engaging the
    3. not getting respect or taken seriously workplace challenge of perceived
    4. as perceived orientation of Millennials
    5. story of cocktail party and the
    6. See also Attention; Engaging the Self-Absorbed competency
  13. Self-differentiating from the Abrasive competency
    1. balancing separateness and togetherness for
    2. beware of triangulating
    3. bias of experience barrier to
    4. confessions from managers who have developed a
    5. description of the
    6. “Dinner for One” scenario on
    7. know the different between your role and your person for
    8. now where they end and you begin
    9. to self-differentiate from the abrasive
    10. think about your presence for
    11. understanding that it is all about you
  14. Self-efficacy mind-set
  15. Self-esteem movement
  16. Self-expression
    1. competitive advantage of creative
    2. as Millennial intrinsic value
  17. Self-leadership
  18. Sense-making
    1. age cohort’s shared self-identity and
    2. of expectations
    3. of group norms or social contract
    4. of sanctions
  19. Sense of urgency
  20. Separateness and togetherness balance
  21. Sexual Revolution
  22. Shula, Don
  23. Simplicity
    1. consequential thinking model to help them see possible outcomes of
    2. the “Five Whys” exercise to assess feasibility of
    3. as intrinsic value of Millennials
    4. Leonardo da Vinci on the ultimate sophistication of
    5. See also Broadening the Myopic competency; Myopic Millennials
  24. Smith, Derek
  25. Snap judgments
  26. Social change
    1. cohort flow interplay between individual age and
    2. as partly result of successive generations adapting institutions
  27. Social concerns
  28. Social contract
  29. The Social Enterprise Club (Harvard Business School)
  30. Somalian Pirates
  31. Spock, Dr. Benjamin
  32. Star of the Month story
  33. Steinbeck, John
  34. “Step to their side” concept
  35. Stereotype threat
  36. Stilwell, Maggie
  37. Stone, Linda
  38. “The Storm after Katrina” scenario
  39. Success
    1. the bias of experience and manager’s perception of
    2. Hamel’s value creation of capabilities for
    3. Millennials under tremendous pressure for
  40. Success mind-set
  41. “Sully” and US Airways Flight
  42. Sunarti, Euis
  43. Systems thinking
  44. Szymszal, Jan


  1. Tacit knowledge
    1. brain drain and loss of
    2. mentoring Millennials to transfer
  2. Teach For America
  3. Technology
    1. Generation X’s relationship with
    2. Millennial habit of multitasking with their
    3. Millennials’ access to information and embrace of
    4. as the new context for shaping generations
    5. praising people and not use the
  4. Terrorism
  5. “That’s Just Not Our Philosophy” scenario
  6. Thinking outside of the box mantra
  7. Three Mile Island disaster
  8. Togetherness and separateness balance
  9. Toulson, Paul
  10. Towers Perrin study
  11. Triangulating
  12. Trust
    1. built by talking about your own mistakes
    2. built through successful communication
    3. See also Relationship building
  13. “Trying to Hire for the Graveyard Shift” scenario
  14. Turning to One Another (Wheatley)
  15. Turun yliopisto University of Turku, Finland
  16. Twenge, Jean
  17. “Twentysomethings.” See Millennials


  1. Ukleja, Mick
    1. Managing the Millennials first edition written with Espinoza and Rusch
  2. Unfocused Millennials
    1. description of
    2. know when to focus to overcome being perceived as
    3. perceived orientation of
    4. understanding expectations challenge and perception of
    5. See also Ambiguity; Directing (Include the Details) competency
  3. University of South Africa Institutional Repository
  4. Urgency and energy
  5. Ury, William
  6. US Airways Flight 1549 and “Sully,”
  7. U.S. Census Bureau
  8. Usurping authority


  1. Valence concept of reward
  2. Value creation of capabilities
  3. Values
    1. generational theory on behavior and
    2. group and age norm theory on behavior and
    3. life course theory on behavior and
    4. maturational theory on behavior and
    5. See also Millennial intrinsic values
  4. Video games
  5. Vietnam War
  6. Vital Friends (Rath)
  7. Volunteer work
  8. Vroom, Victor


  1. Wangechi, Joan Mwangi
  2. Warren-Forward, Helen
  3. Watergate
  4. Wheatley, Margret
  5. “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” scenario
  6. Women’s Liberation Movement
  7. Work-life blending value
    1. Flexing with the Autonomous competency and
    2. freedom to negotiate their job description issue of
    3. management’s recognition of their life outside of work issue of
    4. as Millennial intrinsic value
  8. Workplace
    1. building a Millennial-friendly culture in the
    2. comparison of what Millennials want from their leaders and what they want in the
    3. continuous partial attention phenomenon in the
    4. exodus of the Baby Boomers from the
    5. mentoring Millennials in the
    6. Millennials as the largest age cohort in the
  9. Workplace challenges
    1. comparison of manager perceptions of Millennials and their
    2. degree of locus of control and
    3. seven skills for overcoming roadblocks or
    4. strategies for overcoming roadblocks
    5. three categories of
  10. Workplace satisfaction
    1. freedom to negotiate their job description issue of
    2. management’s recognition of their life outside of work issue of
    3. understanding how good relationships improve
    4. See also Employee engagement
  11. Workplace skills
    1. 1: build a relationship
    2. 2: go for the details
    3. 3: see the big picture
    4. 4: know when to focus
    5. 5: go for feedback
    6. 6: be accountable
    7. 7: recognize your value
  12. Work schedules
    1. creating a scheduling team example of flexing
    2. teaching how to establish priorities example of flexing
  13. World War II


  1. Xerox employee recruiting advertisement


  1. Yukl, Gary
  2. Yutori generation (Japanese Millennials)
  3. Yutori teaching method (Japan)
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