Praise for Managing the Millennials

“For any leader who is interested in passing along a legacy to future generations, Managing the Millennials is a must-read. This book provides practical instruction on how to relationally connect with the growing and influential workforce that will one day run the world, emphasizing a mature approach to coaching and relating—while realizing the potential for change in yourself in the process. I'm confident you will enjoy reading it, just as I did.”

—Patrick McClenahan, former president/general manager, CBS2/KCAL9, Los Angeles, CA

“As a legacy organization, we are concerned about who will carry the torch of Special Olympics forward. Our mission is relevant as ever but we really believe our future is dependent upon a new generation of athletes, coaches, volunteers, and staff grasping the vision. Managing the Millennials has helped our leadership team understand how to engage Millennials in the present so that we can count on them in the future.”

—Bill Shumard, president, Special Olympics Southern California

“There is an old country saying that goes—‘It ain't what you don't know that'll kill you, it's what you know for sure that ain't so.’ This book exposes misconceptions about Millennials and, in a measured and logical way, calls for managers to change their thinking and behavior in order to achieve success with this generation of workers. To ignore these findings could be fatal.”

—David Lucas, chairman of the board, The Bonita Bay Group

“What a great read! This management book offers insight and strategies to help faculty and managers better understand and work effectively with the 80 million people in their twenties entering college and the workforce this decade.”

—Dr. F. King Alexander, chancellor, Louisiana State University

“Trust is the most critical aspect of any organization. Trust not only takes time to build, but also a willingness to understand another's point of view. I was intrigued by the authors' insight on the intrinsic values of Millennials. Finding and retaining the best Millennials is critical to every business. The book has reinforced my way of thinking about this new generation and what they bring to our organization. I have made Managing the Millennials a must-read for my team.”

—Joseph R. Catti, president and CEO, Finemark National Bank and Trust

“Until I sat down and read Managing the Millennials, I don't think I fully understood the disconnect that was occurring between us. By better understanding what makes this generation tick, I've seen vastly improved communication and results.”

—Laurie Sisneros, proprietor, Spaghettini Grill and Jazz Club

“I find the observations and conclusions of this book to be extremely enlightening for anyone managing in today's world. It not only is a practical guide for getting the most out of your human resources but relevant to understanding emerging markets and trends. As the millennium generation enters the work force and marketplace, how we relate to them is critical to our success.”

—Alan Hyman, chairman of the board, Fremont Bank

“Being an ‘old school’ Boomer, this book gave me a much-needed framework to understand AND work with the ‘new school’ Millennials. As they advance into our universities and workforce, how successfully the generations interact surprisingly depends on the mind-set of us old-schoolers. By embracing the generations' differences and positively, proactively, and confidently engaging Millennials, managers can build strong, effective organizations, and business schools can provide Millennials with richer and more valuable educational opportunities.”

—Dr. Michael E. Solt, dean, College of Business Administration, California State University, Long Beach

“A great resource to help companies better understand the Millennial generation and build their leadership teams of the future.”

—Carl Lindner III, co-CEO, American Financial Group

“Being a Millennial, I rarely find a book that accurately represents my generation and at the same time, contains practical, day-to-day strategies! Managing the Millennials is a gem among the sea of Millennial books today. As the workplace evolves to include more of the newest generation, culture and management skills must change in response. This new edition of Managing the Millennials continues to help managers meet their Millennials where they are at and develop them into the leaders of tomorrow.”

Crystal Kadakia, two-time TEDx speaker and CEO of Invati Consulting

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