
Now, it's time to discuss the performance of our server. We use an HTTP benchmarking tool such as wrk ( by Will Glozer to help us in our investigation. To avoid confusion, we will take the simplest version of our server, as follows:

import 'dart:io';

main() {
  .bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, 8080)
  .then((server) {
    server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
      // Response back to client
      request.response.write('Hello, world!'),

We use this code with a benchmarking tool and keep the 512 concurrent connections open for 30 seconds, as shown in the following code:

./wrk -t1 –c256 -d30s

Here is the result of the preceding code:

Running 30s test @
  1 threads and 256 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    33.89ms   24.51ms 931.37ms   99.76%
    Req/Sec     7.63k   835.29     9.77k    89.93%
  225053 requests in 30.00s, 15.02MB read
Requests/sec:   7501.81
Transfer/sec:    512.82KB

The test shows that our server can process close to 7,500 requests per second. Actually, this is not too bad. Can this value be improved? The key issue is that all this work is handled by a single thread:

  • A single thread has the code to handle all the clients that appear in one place
  • All the work will run sequentially on one thread

If the total work saturates the core, then the additional work will strangle and slow down the responsiveness of the server for all the clients as later requests queue up and wait for the previous work to be completed. Isolates can solve this problem and run several instances of the server in different threads. We will continue to improve our server and use the ServerSockets feature that came with the Dart 1.4 release. We will use the references of ServerSocket to run multiple instances of our server simultaneously. Instead of creating an instance of HttpServer, we create ServerSocket with the same initial parameters that we used before.

First of all, we need to create ReceivePort in the main thread to receive hand-shaking and usual messages from the spawned isolates. We create as many isolates as we can depending on the number of processors we have. The first parameter of the spawn static method of the Isolate class is a global function that helps organize hand-shaking between the main thread and spawned isolate. The second parameter is port, which is used as a parameter in the global function. The same port is used to send messages from spawned isolates to the main thread. Now, we need to listen to the messages from the spawned isolates. The spawned isolate follows the hand-shaking process and all the sent messages with SendPort are listened to in the main thread. On the completion of the hand-shaking procedure, we create and send an instance of ServerTask. All other messages will come as a string to be printed out on the console, as shown in the following code:

import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:io';

main() {
  .bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, 8080)
  .then((ServerSocket server) {
    // Create main ReceivePort
    ReceivePort receivePort = new ReceivePort();
    // Create as much isolates as possible
    for (int i = 0; i < Platform.numberOfProcessors; i++) {
      // Create isolate and run server task
      Isolate.spawn(runTask, receivePort.sendPort);
    // Start listening messages from spawned isolates
      // Check what the kind of message we received
      if (msg is SendPort) {
        // There is hand-shaking message.
        // Let's send ServerSocketReference and port
        msg.send(new ServerTask(
          server.reference, receivePort.sendPort));
      } else {
        // Usual string message from spawned isolates

 * Global function helps organize hand-shaking between main 
 * and spawned isolate.
void runTask(SendPort sendPort) {
  // Create ReceivePort for spawned isolate
  ReceivePort receivePort = new ReceivePort();
  // Send own sendPort to main isolate as response on hand-shaking
  // First message comes from main contains a ServerTask instance
  receivePort.listen((ServerTask task) {
    // Just execute our task 

 * Task helps create ServerSocket from ServerSocketReference. 
 * We use new instance of ServerSocket to create new HttpServer 
 * which starts listen HttpRequests and sends requested path into     
 * main's ReceivePort.
class ServerTask {
  ServerSocketReference reference;
  SendPort port;
  ServerTask(this.reference, this.port);
  execute() {
    // Create ServerSocket
    reference.create().then((serverSocket) {
      // Create HttpServer and start listening income HttpRequests
      new HttpServer.listenOn(serverSocket)
      .listen((HttpRequest request) {
        // Send requested path into main's ReceivePort
        // Response back to client
        request.response.write("Hello, world");

Our code is clear enough and potentially faster with isolates. The program is clearer because the code to handle each request is nicely wrapped up in its own function and is faster because each SocketServer instance keeps different connections asynchronous and independent; the work on one connection doesn't have to wait to be processed sequentially behind work on another connection. In general, this gives a better responsiveness even on a single-core server. In practice, it delivers better scalability under the load on servers that do have parallel hardware. Now, run the tests and we will see a significant improvement in our server:

./wrk -t1 –c256 -d30s

The following is the result of the preceding code:

Running 30s test @
  1 threads and 256 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    10.31ms    6.11ms  50.81ms   73.78%
    Req/Sec    24.01k     2.00k   28.32k    67.52%
  709163 requests in 30.00s, 46.67MB read
Requests/sec:  23638.95
Transfer/sec:      1.56MB

Our server can process close to 24,000 requests per second in a concurrency-enabled environment. Fantastic!

So, after that quick dive into the world of concurrency, let's discuss isolates in general. Just repeat the best practices of the async programming:

  • The program is driven by the queued events coming in from different independent sources
  • All the pieces of the program must be loosely coupled

Isolate is a process that builds around the model of servicing a simple FIFO messaging queue. It does not share memory with other isolates and all isolates communicate by passing messages, which are copied before they are sent. As you can see, the implementation of isolates follows the same main principles as async programming.


Always set the receiver port to the main isolate if you need to receive messages from other isolates or send them to each other.

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