
Let me finish the story of Dart to JavaScript interoperation to highlight our expertise.

The core set of Dart libraries include dart:js to help you interoperate between the Dart and JavaScript code. The dart:js library converts the original JavaScript objects, functions, and collections with the help of JsObject, JsFunction, and JsArray. It supports automatic type of conversion in both directions. Dart supports a small subset of types, transferring directly from JavaScript types. All other JavaScript types are converted to Dart types with the help of a proxy. Dart Map and Iterable collections could be translated into JavaScript collections with the jsify constructor of JsObject.

We compared jQuery, JProxy, and dart:js and cleared the Dart code based on the dart:html solutions to identify who is quicker than the others. The dart:html library-based solution is the unbeatable champion and hero of this chapter.

In the next chapter, we will talk about how i18n and l10n accesses can be embedded into our code to help design and develop web applications that enable easy localization for different cultures, regions, and languages.

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