
To summarize, we will discuss the important facts about how to support other HTML5 features in Dart.

The web notification API allows you to display notifications outside the context of the web page. The user agent defines the best presentation of notifications, which depends on the location of the device. The web notification API is available as a part of the dart:html package and allows you to send information to a user even if the application is idle. When you build web applications, you can use the notification API in event handlers or polling functions to notify users.

Before you send any notifications to the user, the website must have permissions. Users can let websites send notifications automatically or with the permission request first. All the websites that request access to the notification API are added to the list of the notification exceptions. The constructor of the Notification class has optional properties that help you create notifications with the body and icon.

Dragging-and-dropping is a way to convert pointing device movements and clicks to special commands that are recognized by software to provide quick access to common functions of a program. Native drag-and-drop support in a browser means faster and more responsive web applications. Each drag event has a dataTransfer property that is used to hold data associated with a drag operation. The drop target is very important because most areas of the web page are not permitted to drop.

The geolocation API is a high-level interface used for location information. The API is device-agnostic of the underlying location source and is not affected by how the web browser determines a location. Using the Google Maps API with the geolocation API is very simple.

The HTML5 canvas is a fantastic feature that allows you to code programmatic drawing operations. It has become very popular because it allows you to create and manipulate imagery directly within web pages. It defines a context object that users can draw inside.

In the next chapter, we will discuss the different aspects of security. As a best practice, we will focus on validation input and escape and filter output data in our web applications.

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