Legal issues with worldwide content

Content is subject to the laws of the countries where it is distributed. The laws governing product documentation, advertising, sales promotion, and other kinds of content vary significantly from one country or region to the next. The information in this topic is not exhaustive, but it covers some important areas where U.S. and international law may affect what you write.


More information

If you are writing about a discount or another special offer, be specific, and include any limitations on availability of the offer.

For each country or region where the offer is valid, give any price information in the currency unit for the country or region, and mention any taxes for the country or region that apply.

Specify the “where and when” of events, products, contests, and special offers.

  • Specify where events, products, contests, and special offers are available, and use only if necessary to exclude any place not specifically mentioned. State where items can be shipped, and note any additional charges, including international shipping, if appropriate.

  • State an expiration date, if there is one. If the offer is limited to available inventory, say so.

  • If release dates or events differ by country or region, provide a link to a list of release dates or give information that can be customized based on the user’s location.

  • Include contact information for customers outside of the United States.

Use standard legal language.

Include legal statements that are required in countries or regions. A copyright or trade lawyer can help you determine what you must do to comply with Internet, copyright, privacy, and business laws in various countries and regions.

Be aware of privacy laws in other countries.


Use copyright and trademark information correctly.

In online content, you can include a link to copyright and legal information that can be updated for specific countries or regions.

Know the restrictions on product claims.

Marketing statements and political statements are restricted by law in some countries and regions.

Do not compare one product with another product. Some countries and regions have strict requirements of documented proof for such comparisons. Others require the permission of the competitor. Still others restrict specific comparisons such as “more clip art than Brand X” (where Brand X is a named product).

Do not use superlatives, such as, “The world’s best word processor.” It is all right to compare your product with earlier versions of the same product, such as, “Our fastest version yet.”

Third-party recommendations must be provided willingly. Paid endorsements are illegal in some countries and regions.

Include any media ratings required in the countries and regions where your product will be distributed.

For example, game software and hardware may require an epilepsy warning in some countries or regions.

Be aware of restrictions on using names of people, places, and landmarks.

The use of names of people, places, and landmarks is restricted by law in some countries and regions. Do not name countries or regions, cities, or land features in disputed areas, and avoid showing them on maps. Errors in names or boundaries of disputed territory can be highly offensive and even illegal in some countries or regions.

Ensure that you can legally use the third-party content that you want to use.

Ensure that you are legally permitted to distribute licensed third-party content worldwide, and check whether worldwide distribution affects royalties. Check expiration dates on third-party licensing, and ensure that you can remove the content before the license expires. Verify that copyright statements protect the content anywhere that it may be seen. Check for restrictions on imported content in countries or regions where your product or website is likely to be used. For example, maps are often subject to government review before they can be imported. And some of the free clip art that is available on Microsoft websites is provide by third-parties and may not be available for us to use freely in content.

Be aware of download requirements.

Exercise care when providing software for download or on a multi-product CD. United States laws restrict the delivery of certain information and technology internationally. Verify that providing the download will not break United States laws.

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