
This chapter leveraged the Server OMs and a series of packaged features in order to deliver the Project Site Template solution.

The customizations are grouped as follows:

Visual Studio 2010

  • WebTemplate: To create a WebTemplate feature that defines a site template and activates the desired features.
  • Feature receiver: To create a feature receiver that handles additional web provisioning, creates required lists and libraries, and then creates and configures a home page with the desired Web Parts.

This chapter showed how you can use the WebTemplates feature to build robust custom site templates that are maintainable. Also, by moving the additional configuration code to a separate solution we provided a way that we can maintain our sites over time allowing for changes and reconfiguration of existing sites as needed.

In the next chapter, Building a Project Management Office Site, we will leverage the content from these sites to create a master rollup site which will give people the ability to view summary data across all related sites.

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