Chapter 16. Working with Files

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Understand how the Microsoft Windows .NET Framework performs input/output (I/O).

  • Identify the classes that make up the System::IO namespace.

  • Perform text I/O.

  • Read and write files.

  • Work with files and directories.

  • Perform binary I/O.

You’ve already used the Console class to perform I/O to and from the console. This chapter introduces you to the System::IO namespace, which contains the classes, structures, and enumerations that implement the Microsoft .NET I/O model.


If you know anything about the Java I/O mechanism as implemented in the package, you’ll find it easy to start working with .NET I/O because the two have many similarities.

The System::IO namespace

The System::IO namespace contains all the classes that are used for binary and text I/O as well as classes that help you to work with files and directories. The following table lists the main classes in the namespace:




Reads primitive data types as binary values


Writes primitive data types as binary values


A stream class that buffers reads and writes to another stream


Has static methods for working with directories


Has non-static methods for working with directories


Has static methods for working with files


Has non-static methods for working with files


A class for reading and writing files by using a stream


The abstract base class for DirectoryInfo and FileInfo


Watches for changes to the file system and raises events when changes occur


The exception thrown by classes in the System::IO namespace


A stream class that reads and writes memory


Helps you work with directory strings in a platform-independent way


The abstract base class for all the stream classes


A TextReader that reads characters from a byte stream


A TextWriter that writes characters to a byte stream


A TextReader that reads from a string


A TextWriter that writes to a string


The abstract base class for StreamReader and StringReader


The abstract base class for StreamWriter and StringWriter

The I/O-oriented classes in System::IO can be divided into the following three groups:

  • The Stream classes, which are designed for I/O of streams of bytes

  • The BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes, which are used to input and output .NET primitive types, such as Int32 and Double, in binary form

  • The TextReader and TextWriter classes, which are used for character-mode I/O

This chapter focuses on the latter two groups.

Implementing text I/O by using readers and writers

TextReader and TextWriter are the abstract base classes for a group of classes that are used to read and write characters. There are four classes in System::IO that derive from these two bases—StreamReader, StreamWriter, StringReader, and StringWriter, as well as with several other much more specialized writer classes in other namespaces.

Using TextWriter

The TextWriter class has a number of useful methods, as summarized in the following table:




Closes the writer and releases any resources that it’s using


Releases all unmanaged resources used by the writer and optionally releases managed resources, as well


Causes all buffered data to be written to the underlying device


Causes all buffered data to be written asynchronously to the underlying device


Creates a thread-safe wrapper for the writer


Writes text without a newline


Writes text without a newline asynchronously


Writes text with a newline


Writes text with a newline asynchronously

As you might guess from the inclusion of the Write and WriteLine functions in the table, the Console class uses a TextWriter object to perform output.

To show you how the I/O classes work together, let’s look at how you use the StreamWriter class. Before we start, though, it’s important that you understand how the .NET Framework implements I/O. Rather than create a number of classes that each perform an end-to-end I/O task—such as “write a string to a file” or “read a number from the keyboard”—.NET implements a number of smaller special-purpose classes that you can plug together to achieve the effect you want. This means that .NET doesn’t have a “write characters to a file” class. Instead, it has a “write characters to a byte stream” class and a “read bytes from a stream and write them to a file” class. If you plug the output from the first class into the input of the second, you end up writing characters to a file.

This model is flexible because you can take binary or character data, convert it into bytes, and then pass the bytes to any of several classes to output them to files, memory, or a string. Data is transferred between the classes as streams of bytes, a method that provides a flexible base on which to build. The basic functionality for handling byte streams is provided by the Stream class, and you can build your own specialized I/O classes on top of Stream, if you need to.

With that information in mind, the exercise that follows shows you how to write character data to a text file by using a TextWriter. Using the plug-and-play model for I/O that the .NET Framework uses, you need to create the following two objects:

  • A FileStream object that takes bytes as input and writes them to a file

  • A StreamWriter object that takes text and converts it to a byte stream

So, let’s get started.

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and create a new CLR Console Application project named CppWriter.

  2. The TextWriter and file I/O classes are part of System::IO, so include a using declaration at the beginning of the application, as shown here:

    using namespace System::IO;
  3. In the main function, create a FileStream object to write to a file.

    // Create a FileStream
        FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("output.txt", System::IO::FileMode::Create);
    catch(System::Exception ^pe)

    The FileStream constructor takes a file name and a mode. In this case, the file is going to be created if it doesn’t exist or overwritten if it does. I’ve used output.txt as the file name, but you can specify any path and file name you like for the new file.


    See the section The FileStream class later in this chapter for more details on how to construct FileStream objects.

    The code is enclosed in a try block because a lot of things could go wrong when trying to open this file.

  4. After you have initialized the FileStream object, create a StreamWriter that uses the FileStream, as demonstrated here:

        // Create a FileStream
        FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("output.txt", FileMode::Create);
        // Create a StreamWriter
        StreamWriter ^sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fs);
    catch(System::Exception ^pe)

    The StreamWriter constructor takes a handle to a Stream object as its one argument.

  5. You can now use the Write and WriteLine functions to output text to the file. Place the following lines inside the try block:

    // Write some text
    sw->WriteLine("First line");
    sw->WriteLine("Second line");
    sw->WriteLine("Third line");
  6. Ensure that all output is flushed to the file and close the stream.

    // Close the file


    WriteLine performs buffered output, which means that it doesn’t necessarily write lines to the file every time you call the function. Instead, it maintains an internal buffer and writes the buffer to hard disk as necessary. One hard disk access per buffer is more efficient than writing individual lines, but you need to call Flush at the end of the code to ensure that output currently in the buffer is transferred to the file.

  7. Build and run the application.

    A text file named output.txt should appear in the CppWriter project directory. The file contains the three lines of text written by the CppWriter application.

The FileStream class

FileStream is used to pass bytes from some other class—such as StreamWriter—to a file. There are several overloaded constructors to this class with which you can specify combinations of the following:

  • The file name

  • The file mode, which determines how the file is going to be opened

  • The type of access required

  • The sharing options

The file mode is represented by members of the FileMode enumeration, which are described in the following table:




Opens an existing file or creates a new file and appends text to the end.


Creates a new file or opens an existing one and overwrites it.


Creates a new file, throwing an exception if the file already exists.


Opens an existing file.


Opens an existing file or creates a new one.


Opens an existing file and truncates its size to 0 bytes. An exception will be thrown if the file doesn’t exist.

The access is represented by members of the FileAccess enumeration, as listed in the following table:




Represents read access


Represents read/write access


Represents write access

Similarly, the sharing access is specified by the FileShare enumeration, as presented in the following table:




No sharing


Represents shared read access


Represents shared read/write access


Represents shared write access


Allows subsequent deletion of a file

The following example shows how to construct a FileStream by using these permissions:

FileStream ^fs2 = gcnew FileStream(
    "foo.txt",              // the filename
    FileMode::Create,       // create or overwrite
    FileAccess::ReadWrite,  // request read/write access
    FileShare::Read);       // allow shared reading


Although you’ll usually use the FileStream class with other writer classes, you can use its Read and Write methods to input and output bytes directly.

Using TextReader

The structure and operation of the TextReader class parallels that of TextWriter. The following table lists the methods provided for you by TextReader:




Closes the reader and releases any resources that it’s using


Releases all unmanaged resources used by the reader and, optionally, releases managed resources, as well


Returns the next character from the input stream without removing it


Reads one or more characters from the input stream


Reads one or more characters from the input stream asynchronously


Reads a block of characters


Reads a block of characters asynchronously


Reads a line


Reads a line asynchronously


Reads to the end of the input stream


Reads asynchronously to the end of the stream


Provides a thread-safe wrapper for TextReader objects

As with TextWriter, you use TextReader by plugging a reader into an object that is going to act as a source of bytes. There are several of these, including the one you’ve already seen, FileStream.

The exercise that follows shows you how to write an application similar in functionality to the Linux less command, which reads a file and echoes its contents to the screen, a few lines at a time. After it has displayed some lines, the user is presented with the choice of pressing the Enter key to continue or pressing Q to quit.

  1. Create a new CLR Console Application project named CppReader.

  2. Include a using declaration for System::IO at the top of the project.

    using namespace System::IO;
  3. Add code to main to ensure that the user has entered a file name.

    The argument to main is an array of the command-line arguments, not including the application name.

    // Check for required argument
    if (args->Length < 1)
        Console::WriteLine("Usage: CppReader path");
        return 0;
    String ^path = args[0];

    If the user hasn’t given an argument, an error message is printed and the application exits. If the user has provided it, the argument is saved for later use.

  4. It’s wise to check that the path represents an existing file before continuing, so add the following code:

    if (!File::Exists(path))
        Console::WriteLine("Invalid filename!");
        return -1;

    The File::Exists method checks whether a file with the specified name exists, returning false if it doesn’t. It will also return false if you give the name of a directory rather than a file. Notice the return value of –1. It’s a common convention for C/C++ applications to return 0 to indicate success, with negative values being used to denote error conditions.

  5. Start listing the file. The first step is to create a FileStream and connect it to a StreamReader.

        FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream(path, System::IO::FileMode::Open);
        StreamReader ^sr = gcnew StreamReader(fs);
    catch(System::Exception ^pe)

    In this case, you’re opening the file by using FileMode::Open, which will throw an exception if the file doesn’t already exist.

  6. Listing the file is done in this loop, which you should place after creating the StreamReader object, like this:

    int count = 0;
        String ^line  = sr->ReadLine();
        // If there are no more lines, break out of the loop
        if (line == nullptr) break;
        if (count % 20 == 0)
            Console::Write("--more-- ");
            String ^response = Console::ReadLine();
            if (response->Equals("q")) break;
            count = 0;
    Console::WriteLine("-- end --");

    The count variable is going to be used to count the lines as they’re read so that the application knows where to break. The loop reads a line into a String by using the ReadLine function of StreamReader; if there are no more lines to read, a null will be returned. The line is then echoed to the console and the count checked. I’ve set the number of lines displayed at one time to an arbitrary value of 20; when the count is exactly divisible by 20, the application writes “--more--” to the console and waits for the user to input something. If the user presses a lowercase q, the application stops; otherwise, it outputs the next set of lines.

    Remember that for(;;) sets up an infinite loop, which you need to terminate somehow. In this example, when there are no more lines to read, the call to ReadLine returns nullptr, and this causes the loop to terminate.

  7. Build and run the application, giving the name of a suitable text file as the argument.

    You can do this in one of two ways. The first is to open a command prompt, navigate to the directory containing the executable file, and then execute the application from the command line just as you would with any other application.

    The second is to run the application from within Visual Studio, providing the command-line arguments that you need. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name, and then, in the shortcut menu that appears, click Properties. When the Properties page appears, in the pane on the left, select Configuration Properties, click Debugging, and then enter the file name into the Command Arguments box in the center pane.

Working with files and directories

The System::IO namespace contains several classes to help you work with files and directories.

Getting information about files and directories

The Directory and DirectoryInfo classes provide you with functions to help you work with directories. The difference between them is that the Directory class only contains static methods, whereas DirectoryInfo contains non-static instance methods. Why the need for two different classes? It’s necessary for .NET to perform a security check before allowing you access to a directory or a file. The Directory class performs this check every time you use one of its static methods, which can be time-consuming. Objects of the DirectoryInfo class, on the other hand, work with one directory, and the security check is done once when the object is constructed. It can, therefore, be a lot more efficient to use DirectoryInfo if you’re going to perform multiple operations on one directory. The following table lists the main methods of the Directory class:




Creates a directory


Deletes a directory and, optionally, its subdirectories


Returns an enumerable collection of the directories in a specified path


Returns an enumerable collection of the files in a specified path


Returns an enumerable collection of all the files and directories in a specified path


Checks whether a directory exists


Gets the creation time of a directory


Returns a string representing the path to the application’s current directory


Gets an array of strings representing the names of subdirectories in a given directory


Returns the root portion of a path


Gets an array of strings representing the names of the files in a given directory


Gets an array of strings representing the names of the files and directories in a given directory


Gets the last access time for the directory


Gets the last write time for the directory


Gets a list of the logical drives on the computer


Gets the parent directory of a specified directory


Moves a directory and its contents


Sets the creation time for a directory


Sets the application’s current directory


Sets the last access time for the directory


Sets the last write time for the directory

The following two tables list the properties and methods of the DirectoryInfo class:




Gets or sets the FileAttributes for the directory


Gets or sets the creation time for the directory


Value is true if the directory path exists


Gets the extension part of the directory name


Gets the full path of the directory


Gets or sets the time when the directory was last accessed


Gets or sets the time at which the directory was last written


Represents the name of the directory


Gets a DirectoryInfo object representing the parent of this directory


Gets a DirectoryInfo object representing the root portion of a directory path




Creates a directory


Creates one or more subdirectories


Deletes a directory and its contents


Returns an enumerable collection of the directories in a specified path


Returns an enumerable collection of the files in a specified path


Returns an enumerable collection of all the files and directories in a specified path


Gets an array of DirectoryInfo objects representing the subdirectories of this directory


Gets an array of FileInfo objects representing the files in this directory


Gets an array of FileSystemInfo objects representing the directories and files in this directory


Moves the directory and its contents


Returns the fully qualified path as a string

Two classes, File and FileInfo, are used to work with files. Like the Directory and DirectoryInfo classes discussed earlier, File contains static methods, and FileInfo contains non-static instance methods. The following table lists the methods provided by the File class:




Appends lines to a file, creating it if necessary, and then closes it


Appends a string to a file, creating it if necessary, and then closes it


Appends text to a file, creating the file if it doesn’t already exist


Copies a file


Creates a new file


Creates a new text file


Deletes a file


Returns true if a file exists


Returns the file attributes


Returns the file’s creation time


Returns the file’s last access time


Returns the file’s last write time


Moves a file to a new location, with the option of renaming it


Opens a FileStream for read/write access to a file


Opens a FileStream for read-only access to a file


Opens a FileStream to read from a text file


Opens a FileStream for read/write access to a file


Replaces the content of one file with another, deleting the original and creating a backup of the replaced file


Sets the file attributes


Sets the file’s creation time


Sets the file’s last access time


Sets the file’s last write time


Creates a new file, writes lines to it, and then closes it


Creates a new file, writes a string to it, and then closes it

The following two tables list the main properties and methods exposed by the FileInfo class:




Gets or sets the creation time of the directory


Returns a DirectoryInfo object representing the file’s parent directory


Returns a string representing the file’s full path


Returns true if the file exists


Gets the full path of the directory or file


Gets or sets the time the file or directory was last accessed


Gets or sets the time the file or directory was last written


Returns the length of the file in bytes


Returns the name of the file




Creates a StreamWriter to append text to a file


Copies a file to another location


Creates a new file and a FileStream to write to it


Creates a StreamWriter to write to a new text file


Deletes a file


Moves a file to a new location


Returns a FileStream with a specified level of access to a file


Returns a FileStream with read access to a file


Creates a StreamReader to read from an existing file


Returns a FileStream with read/write access to a file


Takes a snapshot of the file from the file system


Replaces the content of one file with another, deleting the original and creating a backup of the replaced file


Returns the file path as a string

The following example illustrates the use of the directory and file manipulation classes. You’ll construct a simple directory-listing application, similar in functionality to the MS-DOS dir command. Here’s how it will work:

  • If the path represents a file, the details of the file will be printed.

  • If the path represents a directory, the contents of the directory will be listed.

  • In addition to the name, the user can choose to display size, last modification date, and attributes. For directories, only the last modification date applies.

  1. Create a new CLR Console Application named CppFiles.

  2. Because all the file and directory classes are part of System::IO, add a using declaration at the beginning of the application.

    using namespace System::IO;
  3. When the application is run, the user can supply options in addition to a file or directory path. Add the following code to main to check that you have the minimum number of options:

    if (args->Length < 1)
        Console::WriteLine("Usage: CppFiles [options] [path]");
        return 0;

    If the user has specified options, we need to check what they are. Each option is specified by a single letter, and multiple options are specified as a string, for example, “sa” to choose the “s” and “a” options. The options supported by this simple application are “s” (for the file size), “d” (for the last modified date), and “a” (for the file attributes). You can also use “v” (for verbose) as a shorthand to indicate that you want them all. It doesn’t matter in what order the options letters are specified, or even if they are repeated.

  4. Add the following code to main:

    String ^options = nullptr;
    String ^path = nullptr;
    bool hasOptions = false;
    bool size = false;
    bool date = false;
    bool atts = false;
    // If we have two arguments, we have options
    if (args->Length == 2)
        hasOptions = true;
        options = args[0];
        path = args[1];
        // Parse the option string to set the option flags
        ParseOptions(options, size, date, atts);
        path = args[0];
  5. Add the function that is going to process the options, placing it before main:

    void ParseOptions(String ^opts, bool &size, bool &date, bool &atts)
        opts = opts->ToLower();
        if (opts->Contains("v"))
            size = date = atts = true;
            if (opts->Contains("s")) size = true;
            if (opts->Contains("d")) date = true;
            if (opts->Contains("a")) atts = true;

    The three bool variables are passed in by reference rather than by value; thus setting them in this function will change their value back in the main function.

  6. Check whether the path represents a file or a directory by adding the following code to the main function:

    bool isAFile = false;
    bool isADirectory = false;
    FileInfo ^fi = gcnew FileInfo(path);
    DirectoryInfo ^di = gcnew DirectoryInfo(path);
    if (fi->Exists)
        isAFile = true;
    else if (di->Exists)
        isADirectory = true;
        Console::WriteLine("No such file or directory");
        return -1;

    This isn’t quite as straightforward as you might think. You have to create both FileInfo and DirectoryInfo objects and then use their Exists properties to check whether either of them recognizes the path. If neither of them returns true, the most likely explanation is that the path doesn’t exist, so you print an error message and exit.

  7. Now that you know what kind of object you have and what options the user wants, you can print out the details. The first case is that for a single file, and the code for that is very simple, as illustrated here:

    if (isAFile)
        ProcessFile(fi, size, date, atts);
  8. Again, in the interests of modularity, place the code for processing a file in a separate function before main:

    void ProcessFile(FileInfo ^fi, bool size, bool date, bool atts)
        // Echo the filename and length
        Console::Write("{0,30}", fi->Name);
        if (size) Console::Write(" {0,10}", fi->Length);
        if (date) Console::Write(" {0}",
        if (atts)
            FileAttributes fa = File::GetAttributes(fi->ToString());
            Console::Write(" ");
            if ((fa & FileAttributes::Normal) == FileAttributes::Normal)
                if ((fa & FileAttributes::Archive) == FileAttributes::Archive)
                if ((fa & FileAttributes::Hidden) == FileAttributes::Hidden)
                if ((fa & FileAttributes::System) == FileAttributes::System)
                if ((fa & FileAttributes::ReadOnly) == FileAttributes::ReadOnly)

    The function first prints the file name and then displays other details, depending on the options chosen by the user. The last access time can be obtained by calling one of the static methods on the File class, passing it the path. The easiest way to get the path is to call ToString on the FileInfo object.

    Observe the use of a field width when printing the name; format specifiers can take an optional field width after the field number. If this value is positive, the value is right-justified in the field; if it is negative, the value is left-justified. A field width of 30 characters should be wide enough for most files.

    If the user has requested attributes, use the static GetAttributes method on the File class to obtain the FileAttributes. You can then use the bitwise AND operator (&) to match against the various values defined in the FileAttributes class. This code only checks for four attributes. There are many more, and it would be simple to extend the application to check for them.

  9. If the user has entered a directory, list its contents. We will list subdirectories first, followed by files; directory names will be printed in uppercase letters, and file names in lowercase, but you can obviously change this to display them however you want. Add the following code for listing the subdirectories:

    else if (isADirectory)
        // Process the subdirectories
        array<String^> ^dirs = Directory::GetDirectories(di->ToString());
        for (int i=0; i<dirs->Length; i++)
            DirectoryInfo ^inf = gcnew DirectoryInfo(dirs[i]);
            String ^name = inf->Name->ToUpper();
            Console::Write("{0,30}", name);
            Console::Write(" {0,10}", "--");  // no size for dirs
            if (date) Console::WriteLine(" {0}",
        // Now do the files

    The Directory::GetDirectories function returns an array of strings representing the names of the subdirectories. Loop over this list, creating a DirectoryInfo object from each entry, and printing out its details. Because there is no size for a directory, simply print a couple of dashes.

  10. Process the files by using the same function you defined earlier. Place the following code after the “Now do the files” comment:

    array<String^> ^files = Directory::GetFiles(di->ToString());
    for (int i=0; i<files->Length; i++)
        FileInfo ^fi = gcnew FileInfo(files[i]);
        ProcessFile(fi, size, date, atts);

    As you can see, it is simply a case of retrieving a list of file names by using GetFiles, creating a FileInfo object for each file, and then passing it to the processFile function.

  11. Build the application, open a console window, and then change to the project’s Debug directory. You can then run the application with a suitable command line, such as the following:

    CppFiles v ..

    You should see output similar to the following screen shot, listing the files in the parent directory:

    A screenshot of the console output showing details of the files, with the data aligned in columns.


If you want to run the application under the Visual Studio debugger, you will need to provide the command-line arguments for the application. To do so, bring up the property pages for the project. In the Configuration Properties section, click the Debugging option, and then, in the Command Arguments edit control, enter the arguments. You can now run the application in debug mode.

Binary I/O

Binary I/O in the .NET Framework uses the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes, which read and write .NET primitive types in binary format. As with the TextReader and TextWriter classes, the binary I/O classes use an underlying Stream object to provide a byte stream. Both BinaryReader and BinaryWriter have a BaseStream property that gives access to the underlying Stream.

The BinaryWriter class

The following table lists the methods provided by BinaryWriter:




Closes the writer and the underlying stream


Releases all unmanaged resources used by the writer and, optionally, releases managed resources, as well


Causes all buffered data to be written to the underlying device


Sets the seek position within the underlying stream


Writes a value to the stream


Writes a 32-bit integer in a compressed format

If you look at the Visual Studio 2012 documentation, you’ll see that the Write function has no fewer than 18 overloads for you to cope with when writing the various basic types provided by the .NET Framework. Because not all the types provided by .NET are compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS), you need to be careful when using some of the Write methods if you intend for the data to be read from code written in other .NET languages.


The CLS defines types that all .NET languages must support. The signed byte and unsigned integer types are not included in the CLS, so they might not be usable from some .NET languages. The most important of these is Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, which doesn’t support any of the non–CLS-compliant types.

The BinaryReader class

The following table describes the functions provided by BinaryReader:




Closes the writer and the underlying stream


Releases all unmanaged resources used by the writer and, optionally, releases managed resources, as well


Fills the internal buffer with a number of bytes read from the underlying stream


Reads the next character but doesn’t advance the seek pointer


Reads one or more bytes or characters from the stream


Reads a 32-bit integer that was written in a compressed format


Reads a Boolean from the stream

ReadByte, ReadBytes

Reads one or more bytes from the stream

ReadChar, ReadChars

Reads one or more characters from the stream


Reads a decimal value from the stream

ReadDouble, ReadSingle

Reads a double or single-precision floating-point value from the stream

ReadInt16, ReadInt32, ReadInt64

Reads an integer type from the stream


Reads a signed byte from the stream; not CLS-compliant


Reads a string from the stream

ReadUInt16, ReadUInt32, ReadUInt64

Reads an unsigned integer type from the stream; not CLS-compliant

Unlike BinaryWriter, BinaryReader provides separate functions to read each of the basic types.

The exercise that follows shows you how to use the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter classes to write binary data to a file and read it back. It uses a class, Customer, which represents a bank customer who has a name, an account number, and a current balance. The application writes customer details to a file in binary and reads them back.

  1. Create a new CLR Console Application project named CppBinRead.

  2. Add the using declaration for System::IO to the beginning of the code, like this:

    using namespace System::IO;
  3. Add a new class definition before the main function.

    // The Customer class
    ref class Customer
        String ^name;
        long accNo;
        double balance;
        // Default constructor
        Customer() : name(nullptr), accNo(0), balance(0.0) { }
        Customer(String ^n, long ac, double bal)
            : name(n), accNo(ac), balance(bal) { }
        // Properties to retrieve instance data
        property String ^Name
            String ^get() { return name; }
        property long AccountNumber
            long get() { return accNo; }
        property double Balance
            double get() { return balance; }
        // Write object
        void Write(BinaryWriter ^bw)
        // Read object
        void Read(BinaryReader ^br)
            name = br->ReadString();
            accNo = br->ReadInt32();
            balance = br->ReadDouble();

    The class has three data members: a String for the name, a long for the account number, and a double for the balance. There are constructors to create default and fully populated objects, and there’s a set of read-only properties to allow access to the data members.

    The Read and Write functions use BinaryReader and BinaryWriter objects to read and write the state of the object in binary format.

  4. Add the following code to main to check that the user passes in a file name and save the path as a String:

    if (args->Length == 0)
        Console::WriteLine("Usage: CppBinRead [path]");
        return 0;
    String ^path = args[0];

    This code is very similar to the argument-handling code that has been used in other exercises in this chapter. Note that for simplicity I’m not checking the path for validity, but it’s easy—and advisable—to add such a check in a real application.

  5. Create some Customer objects.

    // Create some customers
    Customer ^c1 = gcnew Customer("Fred Smith", 1234567, 100.0);
    Customer ^c2 = gcnew Customer("Jane Doe", 2345678, 1000.0);
    Customer ^c3 = gcnew Customer("Gill Evans", 3456789, 500.0);
  6. To write the objects, you need a BinaryWriter and a FileStream to do the output to the file.

    FileStream ^fs = nullptr;
        // Create a FileStream to write to the file
        fs = gcnew FileStream(path, FileMode::Create, FileAccess::ReadWrite);
        // Create a BinaryWriter
        BinaryWriter ^bw = gcnew BinaryWriter(fs);
    catch(IOException ^iex)
        return -1;
        if (fs != nullptr) fs->Close();

    The FileStream writes to a file, creating it if necessary, and the file will be opened with read/write access because you’ll be reading from it later in the application. Again, it’s good practice to put the I/O class creation code in a try block to catch any problems that might occur. The finally block ensures that the file is closed, no matter what happens, but you obviously do not want to do this if creating the FileStream failed.


    You might find that Visual Studio complains that the FileMode and FileAccess enumerations are ambiguous. You can ignore this because the code will compile perfectly well.

  7. Writing the object data to the file is simply a case of calling the Write function, passing in a pointer to the BinaryWriter. Add the following code at the end of the try block:

    // Write the objects to the file
  8. Because the file was opened with read/write access, you can now read from the file. To do so, create a BinaryReader object and attach it to the same FileStream, as shown here:

    // Create a BinaryReader that reads from the same FileStream
    BinaryReader ^br = gcnew BinaryReader(fs);
  9. Before you can read from a file to which you’ve written, you have to move the position of the seek pointer.

    // Move back to the beginning
    br->BaseStream->Seek(0, SeekOrigin::Begin);

    Notice that this code uses the BaseStream property and its associated seek pointer to get at the underlying Stream object. If you haven’t encountered seek pointers before, read the explanation in the following sidebar.

  10. Continue with the project from the previous exercise.

  11. Create a new empty Customer object and read its details from the file, as follows:

    Customer ^c4 = gcnew Customer();
    Console::WriteLine("Balance for {0} (a/c {1}) is {2}",
              c4->Name, c4->AccountNumber, c4->Balance);

    The new Customer object has all its fields set to default values. The call to Read directs it to read its data from the current position in the file.

    The obvious potential problem is that the Read function will read from wherever the BinaryReader is currently positioned. If it isn’t at the beginning of a Customer object’s data, you can expect to get an exception thrown.


    If you want to save the state of objects in a real-world application, you wouldn’t do it manually like this. The System::Runtime::Serialization namespace contains classes that help you save and restore the state of objects in an efficient way.

  12. Build and run the application, providing a suitable file name.

Quick reference


Do this

Write text to a file.

Create a StreamWriter that outputs to a FileStream and then use the Write and WriteLine members of StreamWriter. For example:

FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("foo.txt",
StreamWriter ^sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fs);
sw->WriteLine("Some text");

Flush and close the StreamWriter when you’re finished with it. For example:


Read text from a file.

Create a StreamReader that reads from a FileStream and then use the ReadLine member of StreamReader. For example:

FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("foo.txt",
StreamReader ^sr = gcnew StreamReader(fs);
String ^line = sr->ReadLine();

Write binary values to a file.

Create a BinaryWriter that outputs to a FileStream and then use the overloaded Write members of BinaryWriter. For example:

FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("bar.dat",
BinaryWriter ^bw = gcnew BinaryWriter(fs);
bw->Write("Some text");

Read binary values from a file.

Create a BinaryReader that reads from a FileStream and then use the ReadXxx members of BinaryReader. For example:

FileStream ^fs = gcnew FileStream("foo.txt",
BinaryReader ^br = gcnew BinaryReader(fs);
String ^line = br->ReadString();
double d = br->ReadDouble();

Find out information about a file.

Use the static functions provided by the File class. If you’re going to perform several operations on the same file, consider creating a FileInfo object and using that, instead.

Find out information about a directory.

Use the static functions provided by the Directory class. If you’re going to perform several operations on the same file, consider creating a DirectoryInfo object and using that, instead.

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