IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)

An organization that is responsible for IP addresses, domain names, and protocol parameters. Some functions of IANA, such as domain name assignment, have been devolved into other organizations.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

A network-layer Internet protocol documented in RFC 792 that reports errors and provides other information relevant to IP packet processing. Utilities such as ping and tracert use functionality provided by ICMP.

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)

The most common type of disk drive used in PCs today. In these devices, the controller is integrated into the device.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

A professional organization that develops standards for networking and communications.

IEEE 802.1

A standard that defines the OSI model's physical and data-link layers. This standard allows two IEEE LAN stations to communicate over a LAN or WAN and is often referred to as the internetworking standard.

IEEE 802.2

A standard that defines the LLC sublayer of the data-link layer for the entire series of protocols covered by the 802.x standards. This standard specifies the adding of header fields, which tell the receiving host which upper layer sent the information.

IEEE 802.3

A standard that specifies physical-layer attributes, such as signaling types, data rates, and topologies, as well as the media access method used. It also defines specifications for the implementation of the physical layer and the MAC sublayer of the data-link layer, using CSMA/CD. This standard also includes the original specifications for Fast Ethernet.

IEEE 802.4

A standard that defines how production machines should communicate and establishes a common protocol for use in connecting these machines together. It also defines specifications for the implementation of the physical layer and the MAC sublayer of the data-link layer, using Token Ring access over a bus topology.

IEEE 802.5

A standard that is used to define Token Ring. However, it does not specify a particular topology or transmission medium. It provides specifications for the implementation of the physical layer and the MAC sublayer of the data-link layer, using a token-passing media-access method on a ring topology.

IEEE 802.6

A standard that defines the distributed queue dual bus technology to transfer high-speed data between nodes. It provides specifications for the implementation of MANs.

IEEE 802.7

A standard that defines the design, installation, and testing of broadband-based communications and related physical media connectivity.

IEEE 802.8

A standard that defines a group, called the Fiber Optic Technical Advisory Group, that advises the other 802 standard committees on various fiber-optic technologies and standards.

IEEE 802.9

A standard that defines the integration of voice and data transmissions using isochronous Ethernet.

IEEE 802.10

A standard that focuses on security issues by defining a standard method for protocols and services to exchange data securely by using encryption mechanisms.

IEEE 802.11

A standard that defines the implementation of wireless technologies, such as infrared and spread-spectrum radio.

IEEE 802.11b

An extension to the IEEE 802.11 standard that defines wireless access for local area networking.

IEEE 802.12

A standard that defines 100BaseVG-AnyLAN, which uses a 1Gbps signaling rate and a special media access method that allows 100Mbps data traffic over voice-grade cable.

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

A group of research volunteers that is responsible for specifying the protocols used on the Internet and for specifying the architecture of the Internet.


A command used on Linux, Unix, and OS/2 systems to obtain configuration for and configure network interfaces.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

A protocol that allows email to be retrieved from a remote server. It is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and it is similar in operation to POP but offers more functionality.

incremental backup

A backup of only files that have been created or changed since the last backup. In an incremental backup, the archive bit is cleared to indicate that a file has been backed up.


A wireless data communication method that uses light pulses in the infrared range as a carrier signal.

inherited rights

The file system or directory access rights that are valid at a given point as a result of those rights being assigned at a higher level in the directory structure.

intelligent hub/switch

A hub or switch that contains some management or monitoring capability.

intelligent UPS

A UPS that has associated software for monitoring and managing the power that is provided to the system. In order for information to be passed between the UPS and the system, the UPS and system must be connected, which is normally achieved through a serial or USB connection.


A device, such as a card or a plug, that connects pieces of hardware with a computer so that information can be moved from place to place (for example, between computers and printers, hard disks, and other devices, or between two or more nodes on a network). Also, the part of an application or operating system that the user sees.


Anything that can compromise the quality of a signal. On bound media, crosstalk and EMI are examples of interference. In wireless environments, atmospheric conditions that degrade the quality of a signal would be considered interference.

internal IPX address

A unique eight-digit hexadecimal number that is used to identify a server running IPX/SPX. It is usually generated at random when the server is installed.

internal loopback address

Functionality built into the TCP/IP protocol stack that allows one to verify the correct functioning of the stack by pinging any address in the 127.x.x.x range, except the network address ( or the broadcast address ( The address is most commonly used.

Internet domain name

The name of an area of the DNS namespace The Internet domain name is normally expressed along with the high-level domain to which it belongs (for example, comptia.org).

Internet layer

In the TCP/IP architectural model, the layer that is responsible for addressing, packaging, and routing functions. Protocols that operate at this layer are responsible for encapsulating packets into Internet datagrams. All necessary routing algorithms are run here.


A group of networks that are connected by routers or other connectivity devices so that the networks function as one network.

intrusion detection

The process or procedures that provide a warning of successful or failed unauthorized access to a system.

I/O (input/output)

An operation in which data is either entered into a computer or taken out of a computer.

IP (Internet Protocol)

A network-layer protocol, documented in RFC 791, that offers a connectionless internetwork service. IP provides features for addressing, packet fragmentation and reassembly, type-of-service specification, and security.

IP address

The unique address that is used to identify the network number and node address of a device that is connected to a TCP/IP network.


A Windows NT/2000 command that provides information about the configuration of the TCP/IP parameters, including the IP address.

IPSec (IP Security)

A protocol that is used to provide strong security standards for encryption and authentication on VPNs.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)

The new version of IP, which has a larger range of usable addresses than the current version of IP, IPv4, and enhanced security.

IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)

A network-layer protocol that is usually used by Novell's NetWare. IPX provides connectionless communication, supporting packet sizes up to 64KB.

IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange)

The default protocol used in NetWare networks. It is a combination of IPX, to provide addressing, and SPX, to provide guaranteed delivery for IPX. IPX/SPX is similar in nature to its counterpart, TCP/IP.

IPX address

The unique address that used to identify a node in a network.

IRQ (interrupt request)

A number assigned to a device in a computer that determines the priority and path in communications between a device and the CPU.

IRTF (Internet Research Task Force)

The research arm of the Internet Architecture Board that performs research in the areas of Internet protocols, applications, architecture, and technology.

ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)

The standard of the older, more common, 8-bit and 16-bit bus and card architectures.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

An internationally adopted standard for end-to-end digital communications over the PSTN that permits telephone networks to carry data, voice, and other source traffic.

ISDN terminal adapter

A device that enables communication over an ISDN link.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

A voluntary organization founded in 1946 that is responsible for creating international standards in many areas, including communications and computers.

ISP (Internet service provider)

A company or an organization that provides facilities for clients to access the Internet.

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