Chapter 9. Controlling User Access: Authentication and Authorization


Until now, we have assumed that hackers use network-sniffing software to intercept confidential data; however, there is as much danger in forged or spoofed data. Chapter 5 on SMTP/POP3 demonstrates how the sender can specify the originating email address arbitrarily, making it easy to send an email that appears to have come from someone else’s account. One can imagine the havoc this would cause if a student were to send an email purporting to be from a professor saying, “All lectures have been canceled. You can all go home now, and we’ve decided to give you all an A+ on your exams.”

This chapter deals with the tricky issue of confirming that a client is who he says he is and that no fraudulent activity is taking place. Authentication systems must be able to validate supplied credentials securely against trusted sources and also to ensure that the message has not been tampered with in transit.

This chapter is structured in four distinct sections. The first section deals with Microsoft authentication systems, such as NTLM and .NET Passport. This is followed by a discussion on techniques to detect data tampering. The chapter continues with an explanation of secure sockets layer (SSL), one of the most common security mechanisms for data delivered via Web sites. The chapter concludes with coverage of some other related authentication technologies, such as .NET permissions and legacy authentication schemes.

Authentication techniques

To guarantee the identity of a client, you need to trust one piece of information that is unique to that client and that cannot easily be determined or faked (e.g., IP address, Windows username/password, or some other credential). Authentication systems prevent the masquerading of credentials, but they cannot protect against a careless user compromising the security of a Windows password.

Several different types of authentications are applicable to different scenarios. If you are developing a solution for an ISP, then the chances are the ISP can be sure which client base has what IP address and, thus, can use IP addresses as credentials. When developing a Windows-only intranet application, you can trust Windows logins. Internet service developers may use a combination of the IIS authentication options or a custom username and password system.

The most basic form of authentication is IP address validation, where access to information is granted only if the IP address of the client is within a given range. This scheme is used by ISPs to limit access to technical support to current customers. They can do this because their customers will have IP addresses in the range that was assigned to the ISP. IP spoofing would defeat form of authentication, but this is not an easy undertaking. Only a select few determined hackers are capable of carrying it off.

IIS authentication

Although this book focuses on stand-alone software, using IIS as a server is always an option not to be dismissed lightly. This approach does remove some of the flexibility from the system, and it becomes necessary to use the encryption and authentication mechanisms that Microsoft provides, rather than proprietary protocols. IIS5 provides five kinds of authentication: anonymous, basic, NT challenge/response (NTLM, standard for Windows 9x and NT), Integrated Windows (Kerberos, standard for Windows 2000 and XP), and digest. The latter two options are not available on IIS4. Each kind of authentication offers varying degrees of interoperability and security.

The most basic form of IIS authentication, if it has a right to be called authentication, is anonymous. This is where the clients do not have to supply any credentials and are automatically granted IUSR (guest) privileges. This allows them to read and write files, but not to generate any graphical interface or access certain API functions.

One step above this is basic authentication. This forces the client to supply credentials in base64 (basically, clear text). This system is completely interoperable between browsers, but offers very little security; however, when combined with SSL, this is a secure solution.

Moving toward the Microsoft world, we have NT challenge/response, or NTLM. This is quite secure and cannot be broken without significant effort, but it can be hacked by a determined individual. NTLM is supported on IIS4 and all versions of Internet Explorer. The credentials supplied by the client will have to match those of a local account on the server.

Digest authentication was introduced in IIS5. There has not been widely publicized case of any hacker breaking digest encryption. It is compatible with most versions of Internet Explorer. Again, the credentials supplied by the client will have to match those of a local account on the server.

Kerberos provides one of the highest levels of security for authentication available over the Internet. It requires access to a domain controller and works only on IIS5 and recent versions of Internet Explorer.

To access authentication options on IIS, click Start→Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Internet Information Services. Right-click on the server in question, and click Properties. Select the Directory Security tab and press Edit (Figure 9.1).

IIS authentication dialog.

Figure 9.1. IIS authentication dialog.

The screen in Figure 9.1 shows the authentication options for IIS. In this case, the lowest form of security is selected as the default. Options exist to upgrade this to basic authentication or NTLM. The option for digest authentication is not enabled here because this particular server has no access to a domain controller.

Apart from the security versus interoperability trade-off, there is also a security versus performance trade-off. On a benchmark computer (Pentium 3, 450 MHz, 128 Mb RAM), each of the preceding authentication systems was tested for performance in a high-load environment.

When accepting anonymous connections, the computer handled 860 requests per second. With basic authentication, the computer handled 780 requests per second, proving to be the fastest authentication mechanism, albeit with little security. NTLM incurred an additional overhead, reducing the overall speed to 99 requests per second. Digest authentication clocked in at 96 requests per second. With Kerberos authentication, the computer could handle only 55 requests per second. Finally, with full-blown SSL, the server dropped as low as a mere 2 requests per second.

Microsoft .NET Passport authentication

Passport authentication is where users can be identified by their Hotmail email addresses. Other passport-supporting email accounts do exist, but Hotmail is the most prevalent. This form of authentication is not meant to secure international fund transfers, but it certainly suffices for personal communications. The advantage of passport over in-house-developed systems is that many people already have a Hotmail email address, and thus do not have to reregister their details.

Passport authentication is used primarily for Web sites, but can also be applied to applications, MSN Messenger being a good example. The online help for .NET Passport is centered on Web site development, but it is possible to implement a proxy service built as a programmatically accessible Web site that your application could connect to. This could then be used to obtain personal details from a user-supplied passport.

Passports are available in two flavors: preproduction and production. Preproduction passports are free, but only a limited amount of personal information can be extracted from a passport. Production passports are not free, and Microsoft will inspect your site or application before you are granted a production passport. You do, however, get the benefit of being able to read full personal details from visitors’ passports. Furthermore, a preproduction passport does not have the functionality to perform a sign-out operation.

The first step in implementing .NET Passport–enabled software is to obtain what is known as a site ID. This is simply a number, which is given to you when you register your details with Microsoft .NET Services Manager. On, click Applications→Create Application, and then fill in all of the necessary fields.

Once you have a site ID, you can download the Passport SDK from This SDK should be installed on the server on which you intend to deploy the Web site, or the proxy server that is to provide passport services to the .NET-enabled standalone applications.

The final step is to download a private key that is to be installed on the deployment server. This can be downloaded under Manage Applications, in .NET Services Manager. The key comes in the form of an executable, which must be run from the command prompt as follows:

Partner###_#.exe /addkey
Partner###_#.exe /makecurrent /t 0

Where ####_# differs for different installations and site IDs. At this point, you may then run the passport administration utility (Figure 9.2). Enter your site ID in the space provided. Then press the Commit Changes button.

.NET Passport Manager Administration dialog.

Figure 9.2. .NET Passport Manager Administration dialog.

To test the system, start and stop IIS using Computer Management, or the IIS snap-in, then press Refresh Network Map, and Commit Changes again. You should see the following Web site appear: http:/localhost/passporttest/, as shown in Figure 9.3.

.NET Passport test page.

Figure 9.3. .NET Passport test page.

Pressing the Sign-In button will bring you to a cobranded login page for Passport. On successful login, the browser will display the URL that was specified during the site ID signup procedure

Hashing information

Hashing is a one-way algorithm in which data can be converted to a hash value, but a hash value cannot be converted back to meaningful data. It is used in conjunction with encryption to ensure that messages are not tampered with in transit. Modern hashing systems include Message Digest (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1).

When a hash value is produced from a block of plain text, it should be computationally difficult to generate a different block of text that would yield the same hash value. A standard property of hashing algorithms is that a small change in the input text creates a large change in the hash value. Hash algorithms always produce output values with the same length, regardless of the amount of input text.

In practice, a hash value is generated for a given message, and then the message and the hash code are encrypted together. When the message is decrypted, a hash must match that of the message; otherwise, it may have been tampered with. Even though it would be impossible for a hacker to read this encrypted message in transit, it would be possible for him to alter the contents of the transmission, which could result in misinterpreted communications.

Another useful application of hashing is the secure storage of usernames and passwords. If an application stores username and password pairs in a database, it is easy for a professional hacker to access this database and read them off. If the password is hashed, the hacker cannot tell what the original password was. When the legitimate user enters a password into your application, the entered password will be hashed, and if it matches the value in the database, then the user is granted access.

This may pose a problem if the user forgets a password because the application cannot determine the original password from the hash. A system should be in place to replace passwords from an administrator’s account. More importantly, if the hacker can guess the hashing algorithm used, he could generate a hashed password, replace the existing one, and gain access. For this reason, where data integrity can be compromised, the hashing procedure should be combined with another form of encryption such as 3DES.

Hashing can also be used to prevent unauthorized data mining of online services. If you provide an Internet-based service that is accessed via a custom-made client (e.g., a DLL that provides currency conversion based on live exchange rates, or whatever), and you want only paying customers to access the service, the last thing you want is a competitor to use a packet-sniffing tool to determine what data you are sending to the server and create a product that uses your service without paying you. The obvious solution is to use asymmetric encryption; however, let us imagine that performance is the overriding factor, and asymmetric encryption would cause an unacceptable processing overhead.

A keyed hash (or a hash of the payload with an appended secret string of characters) of the data included in the header creates only a small overhead, but it makes the header impossible to re-create without knowing the hash key. This affords no security against your competitors’ reading what is being sent back and forth to your server, but it prevents them from generating their own client; however, you should take care that the client cannot be disassembled to view this key easily. A tool such as Dotfuscator ( can be used to obfuscate the code and help hide this key from prying eyes.

A real-world example of this system in use is the Google toolbar. This utility can display Google’s page rank for any given Web page. Google does not want people to be able to data-mine these values using automatic processes, so the request that the toolbar component makes to the Google server contains a keyed hash code for the Web site in question. It is difficult to predict this hash code, and requests made without this code return an error. Full-blown asymmetric encryption was not used in this case because it would have created unacceptable overhead for the servers to return data that is basically available to anyone.

Hashing algorithms

.NET provides support for two hashing algorithms: Secure Hash Algorithm, or SHA, and Message Digest, or MD5 in the classes SHA1Managed and MD5CryptoServiceProvider, respectively.

SHA is specified by the secure hash standard (SHS). The hash is generated from 64-byte blocks, which are transformed by a combination of oneway operations and a function of previous block transforms. The specification for SHA is widely available and can be implemented easily in any other language, so it is suitable for use on solutions with clients written in other languages or on other platforms. The specification is available in RFC 3174 (

Hashing algorithms do not involve the same high-level mathematics as RSA or elliptic curve encryption. This is not to say that it is advisable to try to develop your own hashing algorithm. Breeds of algorithms that are similar in function to hashing are cyclic redundancy check (CRC) functions. CRC functions provide a fixed-length checksum for any given input. Although these may be one-way functions and provide generally higher throughput than hashing algorithms, they do not afford the same level of security.

There are four different variations of the SHA available for use in .NET: SHA1Managed (20-byte hash), SHA256Managed (32-byte hash), SHA384Managed (48-byte hash), and SHA512Managed (64-byte hash). The longer the hash, the more difficult it is for a hacker to create a new message with the same hash, although a longer hash may contain more information about the original message. In either case, SHA1 should be sufficient.

Using SHA

Create a new Windows application in Visual Studio .NET as usual, and draw two textboxes on the form named tbPlaintext and tbHashed. A button named btnHash is also needed. Click on the button and enter the following code:


private void btnHash_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  byte[] entered =
  byte [] hash = new SHA1Managed().ComputeHash(entered);
  tbHashed.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hash);


Private Sub btnHash_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
  Dim entered() As Byte = _
  Dim hash() As Byte = New _
  tbHashed.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hash)
End Sub

This code converts the text entered in tbPlainText into a byte array, and then passes this byte array to the ComputeHash method of the SHA1Managed class. The hash code is generated by an instance of this SHA1Mananged class. By substituting SHA1Managed with SHA512Managed or even MD5cryptoServiceProvider, the hashing will take place using that algorithm instead of SHA1.

You will also require the relevant namespaces:


using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;


Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

To test this, run it from Visual Studio .NET, type some text into the textbox provided, and press the button. A fixed-length hash will appear in the second textbox as shown in Figure 9.4. A small change in the plain text will cause a large change in the hash value, which will always remain the same length.

Secure hashing application.

Figure 9.4. Secure hashing application.


The most common form of security used over the Internet is secure sockets layer, or SSL. SSL is a secure stream protocol, which uses both symmetric and asymmetric encryption, combined with digital certificates to provide authentication. Digital certificates can be bought from a certificate authority (CA) such as Thawte or Verisign. In order to buy a certificate, you need to prove your identity beyond doubt, which may involve providing a letter from your bank manager or the articles of association for your company. The certificate contains details of your server’s DNS name and your organization, and it is encrypted by the CA’s private key. The public key for every CA is installed in every browser, so anyone on the Internet can be sure that your company, and no one else, operates the machine that serves the page they are looking at. Furthermore, all data sent between client and server is encrypted with RSA.

SSL is defined in RFC 2660. The most common use for SSL is securing Web pages, but it can be equally applied to email, FTP, or news. HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) operates on port 443; SMTP over SSL (SSMTP) operates on port 465; and NNTP over SSL (SNNTP) operates on port 563.


SSL provides end-to-end encryption and authentication. Whenever a browser views a secure Web site, a padlock appears in the status bar. Clicking this icon will authenticate the server as belonging to a particular company, in a specific location. This is achieved by using server certificates.

A certificate has to be issued by a CA in order to be globally accepted. It is possible to create self-signed certificates, but these would generally be deemed trustworthy only within your organization. A digital certificate signed by XYZ Corporation would be trusted by employees of XYZ, but probably wouldn’t be trusted by the general public.

The most common form of digital certificate is known as X.509. This is an international standard maintained by the IETF Public Key Infrastructure (PKIX) working group. X.509 comes in three versions: v1, v2, and v3. Version 3 is the most commonly used form. The certificate comprises various fields that identify the holder, the issuer, and the certificate itself:

  • Serial number: The unique serial number on every certificate created by an issuer

  • Signature: Identifies the makeup of the certificate, represented by an object identifier (OID).

  • Validity period: The date at which the certificate becomes and ceases to be valid

  • Subject: The owner of the private key

  • Public key: The key that will decrypt the certificate hash

  • Signed hash: The hash of the certificate encrypted with the private key of the CA

The subject has several predefined fields (Table 9.1), some of which are standard, but there are no strict guidelines as to what can or cannot be included in the subject line.

Table 9.1. Standard subject markers for digital certificates.

Subject Marker













Organizational unit


Common name



The certificate is not encrypted, but its contents are held in either Base64 or Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). This is to facilitate transmission over plain-text email and to make it more difficult to sniff certificates from the network.

Some common myths about certificates should be mentioned in this context. Contrary to popular belief, certificates are not only used for Web page authentication; they can also be used in email (S/MIME) and general-purpose data (IPSec). Another common fallacy is that the private key should be kept in the HTTP root of the server it authenticates. This is akin to leaving the house keys under the doormat. The private key should never be transmitted over the Internet because if it is lost, it will need to be reissued. The issuer generally does not retain private keys for customers.

Server certificates

If you ever enter your credit card details into a Web site, the first thing you should look for is the padlock icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the browser. This icon not only means that the communications with the remote site are secure, but also that you can click on this icon and assure yourself that the company with which you are dealing is the owner of the Web site you are viewing.

Server certificates for real-world Web sites need to be obtained from a CA. For development purposes, however, it is possible to make self-signed certificates. A useful utility for creating self-signed certificates is IBM KeyMan ( You could also use Keytool, which is part of the Java SDK from Sun, but this utility doesn’t have a GUI and is more awkward to use.

The steps to enable HTTPS using a self-signed certificate and IBM KeyMan on IIS are as follows:

  1. Click Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Internet Information Services.

  2. Expand the tree, and right-click Default Web Site, then click Properties.

  3. Select the Directory Security tab, then click Server Certificate→Next→Create a new certificate.

  4. Select Prepare a request now, then fill in your details on each page, pressing the Next button when complete. The default location for the certificate request file is c:certreq.txt.

  5. Install IBM KeyMan, and run it from Start→Programs→IBM KeyMan→KeyMan.

  6. Select Create New, then PKCS #12 Token, then the tick icon.

  7. Select Actions→Generate Key, then click the tick icon to accept the default RSA 1024bit security.

  8. Select Actions→Create Certificate→Self-Signed certificate, then fill in your details in the space provided. Press the tick icon twice to proceed.

  9. Select Actions→Create Certificate→Sign a PCKS #10 request, then enter c:certreq.txt into the box provided and press the tick icon.

  10. Select a location to save the certificate. You should use the .cer extension for your file.

  11. Going back to the directory security settings for IIS, select Server Certificate, press Next, then click Process the pending request.

  12. Enter the path of the .cer file produced by KeyMan. Then press Next and then Finish.

  13. You can now test HTTPS on your local server, by entering https://localhost in your browser. You will receive a warning saying that “The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust.” This is because it was signed by yourself, not a CA. Pressing Yes on this warning will allow you to proceed.

Client certificates

Whereas server certificates authenticate a Web site to a browser, a client certificate authenticates a browser to a server. Client certificates are only used for maximum-security Web sites, such as online business banking. Client certificates are available free of charge from Thawte. They are used to send and receive encrypted emails and to authenticate your email address to recipients. You will need to have a passport or social security number to receive a client certificate.

A basic client certificate only authenticates the email address, not the person who sent the email. To get your name on the certificate, you need to have a bank manager or attorney vouch for your identity. The rest of this section assumes that you have, at this point, received a client certificate from Thawte.

To view the client certificates installed on your system, open Internet Explorer. Click on Tools→Internet Options→Content→Certificates (Figure 9.5).

Internet Explorer Certificates dialog.

Figure 9.5. Internet Explorer Certificates dialog.

Clicking on View→Details→Subject on this screen will show which email address this certificate authenticates. Pressing Export will produce an X.509 (.cer) file, which is used in the next example program.

Microsoft Certificate Services

As mentioned earlier, you cannot download a software package that will create globally acceptable X.509 certificates on the fly because the certificate issuer needs to be trusted in order for the certificate to be meaningful. Certificate issuers are to legally required enforce policies and have their private key fully insured against theft.

Organizations may require internal security (e.g., in a university, the servers that hold student grade information would need to be authenticated, to ensure that a student is not using a “poisoned” DNS server to impersonate one of the servers). In this scenario, it might be expensive to buy certificates for every server, and there is no need for people from outside the campus to access the servers, let alone trust them. This is where Microsoft Certificate Services (MSCS) is used.

MSCS runs on Windows 2000 and can generate X.509 certificates in PKCS #7 format from PKCS #10 certificate requests. MSCS can run as either a root CA or subordinate CA and can optionally hold certificates in the active directory. When used in conjunction with the active directory, MSCS will use this as its certificate revocation list (CRL).

A CRL is a publicly accessible list of serial numbers of certificates that have been compromised or have been shown to have been fraudulently acquired. Verisign holds its CRL at

Reading certificates

Certificates can be read using the X509Certificate class (Table 9.2) in .NET.

Table 9.2. Significant methods and properties of X.509 certificates.

Method or Property



Returns the hash value for the certificate as a hexadecimal string


Returns the effective date of this certificate


Returns the expiration date of this certificate


Returns the name of the format of this certificate


Returns the name of the certification authority that issued the certificate


Returns the key algorithm information for this certificate


Returns the key algorithm parameters for this certificate


Returns the name of the principal to which the certificate was issued


Returns the public key for the certificate


Returns the raw data for the entire certificate


Returns the serial number of the certificate

To write a short .NET application to read certificate files, create a new project in Visual Studio .NET. Draw two textboxes named tbCertFile and tbDetails. Add two buttons, btnBrowse and btnExamine. You will also require a File Open Dialog control named openFileDialog.

Click on the Browse button and add the following code:


private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs
  tbCertFile.Text = openFileDialog.FileName;


Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBrowse.Click
   tbCertFile.Text = openFileDialog.FileName
End Sub

Once we have the name of the certificate file, we can use an X.509certificate object to decrypt the file and extract some pertinent information.

Now click on the Examine button and enter the following code:


private void btnExamine_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 X509Certificate x509 =
  tbDetails.Text = x509.GetName();
 tbDetails.Text += x509.GetIssuerName();


Private Sub btnExamine_Click(ByVal sender As _
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnExamine.Click
  Dim x509 As X509Certificate
  x509 = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(tbCertFile.Text)
  tbDetails.Text = x509.GetName()
  tbDetails.Text += x509.GetIssuerName()
End Sub

You will also need to include the relevant namespace:


using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;


Imports System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

To test the application, run it from Visual Studio .NET. Click Browse, and locate your .cer file on disk, which you have previously exported from Internet Explorer. Press Examine, and you should see information about the issuer and the certificate owner, as is shown in Figure 9.6.

Digital certificate reader application.

Figure 9.6. Digital certificate reader application.

Permissions in .NET

Any programmer familiar with Java will know about the sandbox imposed on applets. This protects client computers from accidentally executing Java code that could potentially damage that computer. The restrictions include file reading and writing and connecting to a computer other than the one that the applet was downloaded from.

.NET offers the same sandbox architecture, which provides users with a facility to execute untrustworthy code without risking damage to their computers. There are several levels of sandbox, from trusted local computer to potentially dangerous code downloaded from an unknown site on the Internet.

Although there is no widespread usage of .NET applets running inside Web pages, there will be in the future. At present, the most significant impact the .NET sandbox will have on code is when a program is executed directly from a network share. This type of application deployment could be used on a corporate intranet, where a small application is executed from a central server at every login to record employees’ working practices and the like.

Code running from network shares is restricted in several ways. It cannot write arbitrarily to the local hard disk, but it can use an unlimited amount of isolated storage space on the local computer or the network share from which it was executed. Because unmanaged code cannot be governed by .NET, any assembly operating within a sandbox cannot make a call to unmanaged code. This includes any use of legacy COM controls or Windows API functions. Restrictions also apply to reading environment variables, performing reflection, and accessing the event log.

To view or edit the run-time security policy in .NET, you can access this from Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration. Then click Runtime Security Policy (Figure 9.7).

.NET permission configuration utility.

Figure 9.7. .NET permission configuration utility.

The System.Security.Permissions namespace offers facilities to check permissions programmatically and impose further restrictions on the code. There seem to be very few circumstances in which it would be necessary to impose further restrictions on an intranet application.

An interesting feature of code access security in .NET is the isolated storage feature. This is one idea that was not adapted from Java, unlike so many other features of .NET. This feature enables applications deployed over an intranet or other semitrusted source to read and write a limited amount of data to the host computers. If the application could read and write arbitrarily, the privilege could be exploited maliciously to read your personal emails, but isolated storage is a clever solution to this problem.

Isolated storage, as the name suggests, is where a small amount of hard disk space (10 Kb) is allocated to any particular application originating from a trusted Internet site. The folder where this data is placed is well away from the system folders and anything else that may contain user data. Each application is allocated its own folder and space such that untrusted applications cannot read each other’s data. The amount of isolated storage allocated to any particular application is configurable. This can prevent rogue applications from hogging too much disk space. Intranet-originating applications are allocated unlimited isolated storage.

To use isolated storage from within a .NET application, obtain an IsolatedStorageFile object and then create a stream to it. This stream can then be used in the same way as a FileStream.


IsolatedStorageFile IsolatedStore;
IsolatedStorageFileStream IsolatedStream;
IsolatedStore =
IsolatedStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("data.txt",
   FileMode.CreateNew, IsolatedStore);


Dim IsolatedStore as IsolatedStorageFile
Dim IsolatedStream as IsolatedStorageFileStream
IsolatedStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore _
   (IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, _
IsolatedStream = New IsolatedStorageFileStream _
   ("data.txt", FileMode.CreateNew, IsolatedStore)

Access to isolated storage in the case described above would be allocated on a per-assembly basis. Isolated storage can also be allocated on a per-user basis, per–domain name basis (for Internet code), or a combination of the above.

Financial network security

If a hacker were to break into an e-commerce site successfully and capture someone’s credit card number, some unfortunate person would get stung financially; however, if the same thing happened on an interbank network, a country’s economy could be ruined overnight. Banks and financial institutions use a diverse array of cryptography and authentication systems, which are not accessible to the general public.

The threat to security so far has been pictured as a lone hacker trying to steal credit cards; however, a rogue nation or terrorist organization could use a network of supercomputers to bring down a large national bank in order to cripple a country’s economy.

Most banks use private leased lines between their branches so that the confidential information does not come into contact with the public phone network. ATMs usually employ VPN links to the bank. ATMs are limited to a maximum value of transactions they can perform, so it would be impossible to use one rogue VPN connection to drain a bank of its capital.

When a bank needs to communicate with a second financial institution overseas to perform, it must use the public phone network. Where communications between two banks happen on a daily basis, a private virtual circuit (PVC) is set up between the two banks. This reduces the amount of foreign data on the line, but neither bank actually owns the telecom connection. The communication will be very strongly encrypted in one of two main formats: ISO 8730 or SWIFT.


Many financial protocols run over X.25 packet layer protocol rather than IP. This offers no inherent security above the fact that it isn’t IP. X.25 was developed by the CCITT in 1978 and is in widespread use on banking networks. Like the OSI model, it uses encapsulation, where low-level details such as packet framing are not of concern at the implementation level. It supports many of the features of TCP/IP, such as connection orientation and data integrity provided by high-level data link control/Link access procedure balanced (HDLC/LAPB). Supported speeds are from 300 bps to 2.04 Mbps, on packets up to 1,024 bytes.

Routing on X.25 is extensive, with support for both shared virtual circuits and PVCs. Up to 200 virtual circuits can be supported on one X.25 line. A network has to be designed to support X.25 data. In situations where X.25 must travel over an IP network, LAPB can be replaced by TCP/IP. Cisco IOS software or TCP X.25 gateways have the capability to do this, as described in RFC 1613.

ISO 8730

Although less common than SWIFT, this format is used frequently for interbank transfers. It uses symmetric keys with ISO 8732 / ANSI X9.17 key distribution. The key distribution center (KDC) would be run by one or the other of the banks, or a trusted third party.

An ISO 8730 message can be hashed in one of two ways: a hash can be taken of (1) the entire message, or (2) only of the details that are crucial to the purpose of the message. In any case, every message must include the date on which the MAC was created. Out-of-date messages can therefore be discarded. This date value must be hashed regardless of the mode of operation. Hashed fields throughout the message are clearly delimited thus:

  • QD<date>DQThe date the MAC was created

  • QK<key>QKThe authentication key used by the recipient

  • QX<message ID>XQA unique number for that day and key

  • QT<transaction detail>TQDetails of the transaction amount, currency, identification of the parties, and the date

  • MQ<hash>MQThe hash itself, being eight bytes long, separated by a space


The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) network caters to 7,000 financial institutions in almost 200 countries around the world. It is based in Belgium, Holland, and the United States. To access the SWIFT network, dedicated terminals are required, each with SWIFT-accredited software.

Communications can be made using either X.25 or Secure IP Network (SIPN). Connections to the SWIFT point of presence (POP) are made with leased lines or dedicated ISDN links. An API is available from SWIFT to communicate on this network, but accreditation must be sought before any transactions are made using any in-house software.

SWIFT is not solely concerned with electronic fund transfers. The predefined communications on SWIFT are customer transfers, bank-to-bank instructions, foreign exchange and derivatives, documentary collections, securities, syndicated loans, precious metals, travelers checks, documentary credits, statements, advice, and general messages.

When a transaction involves two currencies, control of the debit and credit is designated to the bank at which the transaction currency is local tender. When only one currency is involved, a third-party clearinghouse or other financial institution carries out the control of the debit and credit.

Corporate transactions

When a bank has a large corporation as a client, it will expect to process many highly sensitive transactions with them on a daily basis. Some of these transactions will be on a par with interbank transfers and, thus, must be afforded the same level of security.

The Comité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaires (CFONB) designed a secure file-transfer mechanism named ETEBAC 5. This mechanism was designed specifically for client–bank transactions and is widely used in France and elsewhere.

A common system for corporate transactions in the United Kingdom is the Bankers Automated Clearing Service (BACS). This is used when a company performs an electronic fund transfer (EFT) to pay an employee’s salary or wishes to process a direct debit. The BACS can process anywhere up to 60 million transactions per day, for more than 40,000 customers. It is accessed remotely via the BACSTEL service during office hours. BACSTEL runs over X.25, but an IP version of BACSTEL is set to replace this standard.


This chapter has looked at the mechanisms for guaranteeing the identity of network clients over the Web and on Microsoft networks. The structure and use of digital certificates in a distributed environment were discussed. Extending the topic to real-world scenarios, we looked at how banks use authentication to transfer billions of dollars safely across phone lines.

Sample code was provided to demonstrate how to process a credit card payment securely over an SSL connection. This type of facility is commonplace in most e-commerce solutions, point-of-sale systems, and many other software products.

The next chapter introduces the concept of application scalability (i.e., how software performs under heavy usage and when designed to run reliably for long periods).

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