Numerical Differentiation


Let a function y = f(x) be given by a table of values Eqn1. The process of finding the derivative Eqn2 for some particular value of Eqn3 is called numerical differen tiation. This process consists of approximating the function by a suitable interpolation formula and then differentiating it.

If the values of x are equally spaced, to find derivative near the beginning of the table, we use Newton’s forward difference formula and to find derivative near the end of the table, we use Newton’s backward difference formula. If the arguments are unequally spaced, we use the divided difference formula to find the derivative.

Remark on numerical differentiation: Numerical differentiation should be used with caution. If the differences of some order are constant, polynomial approximation for Eqn4 is quite accurate and we can use the method. Otherwise, derivative will be rough value with errors of considerable magnitude.

In this chapter, we discuss maxima and minima of functions represented by a table of values, using numerical differentiation technique.


6.1.1 Derivative Using Newton’s Forward Difference Interpolating Formula

Given Eqn5 where Eqn6,

Newton’s forward difference interpolation formula is


where Eqn8(2)

y is a function of u and u is a function of x.

Eqn9[by Chain rule and from (2)]

Differentiating (1) w.r.to u, we get



At Eqn12


and Eqn14

Similarly we can find the derivative of higher orders, such as Eqn15 etc.

6.1.2 Derivative Using Newton’s Backward Difference Interpolating Formula

Given Eqn16 where Eqn17

Newton’s backward interpolation formula is


where Eqn19

y is a function of v and v is a function of x.


Now differentiating (1) w.r.to v, we get







Similarly we can find the derivatives of higher orders, such as Eqn26 etc.


Example 1

Find Eqn27 from the table given below and hence find Eqn28(0) and Eqn29(0).

x 0 1 2 3 4
y 4 8 15 7 6


Given values of x are equally spaced and x0 = 0 is in the beginning of the table.

So, we use Newton’s forward formula to find Eqn30 and Eqn31

By Newton’s forward formula,


where Eqn33 Here Eqn34


Now we form the forward difference table


Hence find y′(x) at x = 0.5.


The values of x are equally spaced and x = 0.5 is near the beginning of the table.

So, we use Newton’s forward formula to find y′ (0.5)


where Eqn43 Here Eqn44


We form the forward difference table


Substituting the values of Eqn50 in (1), we get,


At x = 0.5,


Example 3

Find sec 31° from the following data:

θ° 31 32 33 34
tanθ 0.6008 0.6249 0.6494 0.6745


The values of Eqn55 are equally spaced and Eqn56 is the beginning value of the table.

So, we find sec 31° using Newton’s forward formula. Let y = tan Eqn57, Eqn57 is radian.

Newton’s forward formula is


where Eqn59 Here Eqn60 radian Eqn432

When θ = 31 °, u = 0


Now we form the forward difference table.


Substituting the values of Eqn68 in (1), we get



Example 4

Find the value of cos 1.74 using the values given in the table below:

X 1.70 1.74 1.78 1.82 1.86
sin x 0.9916 0.9857 0.9781 0.9691 0.9584


The values of x are equally spaced and x = 1.74 is near the beginning of the table.

So, we use Newton’s forward formula to find cos 1.74.

Let y = sin x

By Newton’s forward formula,


where Eqn72. Here Eqn73

When Eqn74


We now form the forward difference table


Substituting the values of Eqn80 in (1), we get,


Example 5

Find the first derivative of f(x) at x = 0.4 from the following table:

x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
f (x) 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182


The values of x are equally spaced and x = 0.4 is the end value of the table. To find Eqn95 at x = 0.4, we use Newton’s backward formula.

By Newton’s backward formula,


where Eqn97. Here Eqn98

When Eqn99, 1b


Now we form the difference table



Example 6

A jet fighter’s position on an aircraft carrier’s runway was timed during landing.

t, (sec) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
y, (m) 7.989 8.403 8.781 9.129 9.451 9.750 10.031

where y is the distance from the end of the carrier. Estimate velocity Eqn154 and acceleration Eqn155 at (i) t = 1.1, (ii) t = 1.6 using numerical differentiation.


The values of t are equally spaced and t = 1.1 is near the beginning of the table. So, we use Newton’s forward formula to find Eqn156 and Eqn157 at t = 1.1.

By Newton’s forward formula,


where Eqn159. Here Eqn160

When t = 1.1, Eqn161


and Eqn163(2)

We form the difference table


Substituting the values of Eqn170 in (1) and (2) we get



(ii) t = 1.6 is the end value of the given table.

So we use Newton’s backward formula for derivative.

By Newton’s backward formula


where Eqn174. Here Eqn175

When Eqn176, Eqn177




Example 7

Find Eqn198(10) from the following data:

x 3 5 11 27 34
f(x) –13 23 899 17315 35606


The values of x are not equally spaced. so, we use Newton’s divided difference formula to find f (x) and then we find Eqn199

Newton’s divided difference formula is


We form the divided difference table


Substituting the values of Eqn214 in (1) we get


when Eqn216

Example 8

Using the following data find f (x) as polynomial in x and hence find Eqn242(4), Eqn242(4).

x 0 1 2 5
f (x) 2 3 12 147


The values of x are not equally spaced and so, we use Newton’s divided difference formula to find f(x) and then we find Eqn244(4), Eqn245(4)

Newton’s divided difference formula is


Now we form the divided difference table


Substituting the values of Eqn256 in (1), we get


Differentiating w.r.to x,


When x = 4,


Exercises 6.1

  1. Find the value of Eqn283 and hence Eqn284 from the following table:
    x 0 1 2 3 4 5
    y 0 0.25 0 2.25 16 56.25
  2. The following table gives the velocity of a body at t. Find its derivative at t = 1.1
    t 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4
    v 43.1 47.7 52.1 56.4 60.8
  3. Find Eqn286(0) and Eqn287(0) from the following table:
    x 0 2 3 4 5
    y 4 8 15 7 2
  4. Find the first and second derivatives at x = 1.5 if
    x 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
    f(x) 3.375 7.000 13.625 24.000 38.875 59.000
  5. Find Eqn289 of the functionEqn290, given by the following table at the point x = 1.1
    x 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
    f(x) 0 1.28 0.544 1.296 2.432 4
  6. Given the following table of values of x and y.
    x 1 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30
    y 1 1.0247 1.0488 1.0954 1.1180 1.1401

    Find Eqn292 and Eqn293 at (a) x = 1, and (b) x = 1.25

  7. Find the derivative of f (x) at x = 0.4 from the following table:
    x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
    f(x) 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182
  8. Given the following table:
    x 1.96 1.98 2 2.02 2.04
    y 0.7825 0.7739 0.7651 0.7563 0.7473

    Find Eqn294 at x = 2.03.

  9. Find the values of Eqn296(3) and Eqn297(3) from the following data, using the method Newton’s divided difference formula for interpolation.
    x 1 3 5 7 9
    f(x) 85.3 74.3 67.0 60.5
  10. Find the values of Eqn299(4) and Eqn300(4) from the following data using Newton’s divided difference formula:
    x 1 2 4 8 10
    f(x) 0 1 5 21 27
  11. Find the values of Eqn301 at x = 2, x = 5 from the following data:
    x 0 1 3 6
    f(x) 18 10 −18 40
  12. Find the values of Eqn302 and Eqn303 at (i) x = 51 and (ii) x = 55 from the following data:
    x 50 51 52 53 55 56
    y 3.6840 3.7084 3.7325 3.7563 3.7798 3.8030
  13. Find the values of Eqn304(23) and Eqn305(23) from the following data:
    x 15 17 19 21 23 25
    f(x) 3.873 4.123 4.359 4.583 4.796 5
  14. Find the first and second derivatives of Eqn306 at (i) x = 15 and (ii) x = 25 from the following data:
    x 15 17 19 21 23 25
    Eqn307 3.873 4.123 4.359 4.583 4.796 5.000
  15. Find Eqn308 and Eqn309 at x = 51 from the following data:
    x 50 60 70 80 90
    y 19.96 36.65 58.81 77.21 94.61

Answers 6.1

(1) Eqn285 (2) 45.16

(3) −27.9, 117.67 (4) Eqn288

(5) Eqn291 (6) (a) 0.5005, −0.2732;

(6) (b) 0.4473, −0.1583

(7) 1.4913 (8) Eqn295

(9) Eqn298 (10) 0.58, 1.029

(11) −15.444, 28.889 (12) (i) 0.02425, −0.0003

(12) (ii) 0.02305, −0.0003

(13) (i) 0.1040 (ii) −0.0023 (14) (i) 0.1292, −0.0046,

(15) (ii) 0.1004, −0.0029


6.2 Maxima and minima of tabulated function

In calculus, for a differentiable function f, local maximum and minimum are obtained by solving Eqn311 and testing the sign of Eqn312 for the solutions of Eqn313.

If Eqn314 for a solution Eqn315 then Eqn316 has a maximum at Eqn317

if Eqn318 for a solution Eqn319 then Eqn320 has a minimum at Eqn321

In the case of tabulated data, we represent it by a suitable interpolation formula and proceed as above.

Suppose the data give rise to a constant column in the difference table, we represent by Newton’s forward formula.

Otherwise, we have to choose a suitable value as the origin and represent by an appropriate interpolation formula.

Suppose the given values increase up to x1 and then decrease, then in the neighbourhood of x1 maximum occurs.

Choose x1 as the origin and Eqn322. Since u is small higher powers of u may be neglected and so we may take the formula in u upto third or fourth degree and proceed as above to get the maximum or minimum value of the function.


Example 1

Find the maximum and minimum values of y tabulated below:

x –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
y 2 –0.25 0 –0.25 2 15.75 56


The given values of x and y are

x0 = 2, x1 = 1, x2 = 0, x3 = 1, x4 = 2, x5 = 3, x6 = 4

y0 = 2, y1 = 0.25, y2 = 0, y3 = 0.25, y4 = 2, y5 = 15.75, y6 = 4

Let us form the difference table

x y Eqn323 Eqn324 Eqn325 Eqn326 Eqn327
−2 2
−1 −0.25 2.50
0.25 −3
0 0 −0.50 6
Eqn328 3
1 −0.25 Eqn329 6
2.25 Eqn330
2 2 11.50
13.75 15
3 15.75 26.50
4 56

Since the fourth differences are constant, the given function is a polynomial of degree 4 in x

We shall represent the function by Newton’s forward formula


where Eqn333

Choose the origin as x0 = 0, h = 1 ∴ u = x

<img arr.eps> Eqn334



For maximum or minimum Eqn338



When x = 0, Eqn341

y is maximum when x = 0 and the maximum value = 0

When x = −1, Eqn342

y is minimum when x = −1 and the minimum value = - 0.25

When x = 1, Eqn343

∴ when x = 1, y is minimum and the minimum value = - 0.25

Example 2

For what values of x is the following tabulated function a minimum?

x 3 4 5 6 7 8
f(x) -205 -240 -259 -262 -250 -224


we observe from the given table that the functional values keep on decreasing upto −262 (ie upto x = 6) and then increases

So, the minimum occurs in the neighbourhood of x = 6

∴ choose the origin as Eqn344 Here h = 1


Since the origin 6 is near the middle of the table, a central difference formula is used

∴ we use Stirling’s formula for the given data.

Now we form the difference table


Stirling’s formula in u is



Differentiating w.r. to u, we get



For minimum of Eqn357




= 30.30795 or − 0.30795

When u = 30.30795, x − 6 = 30, 30795

x = 36.30795

which is outside the table and so we reject it.

u = − 0.30795 gives the minimum

x − 6 = − 0.30795

x = − 0.30795 + 6 = 5.6921

∴ the function is minimum when x = 5.6921

Note: When u = − 0.3075, Eqn361 15 = 15.3075 > 0

y is minimum when u = − 3075

x = 5.6921

Example 3

Find the appropriate maximum value of Eqn362 given the following table.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Eqn363 4774 4968 5104 5183 5208 5181 5104


we observe from the given table that the functional values keep on increasing up to 5208 ie up to x = 5 and then decreases.

So, the maximum occurs in the neighbourhood of x = 5

Choose the origen as x0 = 5. Here h = 1


We can use Stirling’s formula or Bessel’s formula

We use Bessel’s formula.


Now we form the difference table

x u = x − 5 Eqn366 Eqn367 Eqn368 Eqn369 Eqn370 Eqn371
1 −4 4774
2 −3 4968 -58
3 −2 5104 −57 2
79 3
4 −1 5183 −54 −1
25 2
5 0 5208 -52 0
-27 2
6 1 5181 -50
7 2 5104


= 5184.5 − 27 Eqn373 − 25.5(u2u) Eqn374

Eqn375 (1)


For a maximum or minimum of Eqn377


But u = 52.032 is outside the table and so we reject it

u = −0.0321

x − 5 = −0.321

x = 5 −0.0321 = 4.9679

To find the maximum value f (4.9679), put u = − 0.0321 in (1)

∴ maximum value = Eqn379−26 (−0.0321)2−1.6667(−0.0321) + 5208

= −0.00001103 − 0.02679066 + 0.05350107 + 5208

= 5208.0267

Example 4

Find the maximum and minimum values of Eqn380 tabulate below.

x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Eqn381 1.23 0.32 -0.35 -0.05 0.08 1.25 1.01 0


Since maximum and minimum values are required, we shall first form the difference table to see any difference column has constant values.

Now we form the difference table


Since the values are not equal in the last column, we find the maximum and the minimum separately using stirling’s formula.

We observe that the functional values decreases upto −0.35 ie. upto x = 0.4 and then increases.

So, the minimum occurs in the neighbourhood of x = 0.4

So, we use the origin as x0 = 0.4. Here h = 0.2

<img ellipse.eps> Eqn422


By Stirling’s formula,


Differentiating (1) w.r. to u, we get


For maximum or minimum Eqn425


we shall find the value of u by successive approximation method

Eqn426<img ellipse.eps>

First approximation is

u1 = Eqn427a

Second approximation is


Third approximation is


Fourth approximation is


Since u3 u4 for four places of decimals,

we take Eqn429

when x = 0.4273, y is minimum

substituting u = 0.1363 in (1), we get

the minimum value Eqn430

∴ maximum value -0.3602

Now we shall find the maximum value.

We observe that values increase upto 1.25 ie upto x = 1, and then decrease

So, the maximum occurs in the neighbourhood of x = 1

Choose the origin as x0 = 1. Here h = 0.2


Now we form the difference table


We use Stirling’s formula to find u.

Stirling’s formula is




For maximum Eqn407



We find u by successive approximation method.


First approximation is


Second approximation is


Third approximation is


Fourth approximation is


Fifth approximation is


Since u4 = u5 for four place of decimals, we take

u = 0.3490


Substituting u = 0.349 in (2), we get the maximum value.

The maximum value = 0.1288 (0.349)4 − 0.15(0.349)3 - 0.8338 (0.349)2

+ 0.615(0.349) + 1.25

= 0.001911 − 0.006376 − 0.10156 + 0.21464 + 1.25

= 1.3586

Exercises 6.2

  1. Find the minimum value of Eqn416 from the following table.
    x 0 1 2 3 4 5
    Eqn417 58 43 40 45 52 60
  2. For what value of x, the following tabulated function of x is minimum?
    x 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
    y 0.918 0.898 0.887 886 0.894 0.909
  3. For what value of x is the following tabulated function maximum?
    x 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
    y 8.3 8.7 6.4 2.4 4.6
  4. From the table below determine the value of x for which the function is a maximum.
    x 3 4 5 6 8
    y 208 240 259 262 250 224
  5. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function from the following table.
    x 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
    Eqn418 −11 −12.106 −13.008 −13.62 −14.104 −14.250 −14.096 3.018

    [Hint: Third difference will be constant, use Newton’s forward difference formula]

  6. Find the maximum and minimum values of y tabulated below.
    x 0 3 4 5
    y 0 0.25 0.10 −0.20 3

Answers 6.2

  1. Minimum at x = 1.7889

    Minimum value = 39.8027

  2. Minimum at x = 0.496

    Minimum value = 0.8852

  3. Maximum at x = 0.308
  4. Maximum at x = 5.695
  5. Maximum at x = 1

    Maximum value = 17

    Minimum at = 1.5

    Minimum value = −14.25

  6. Maximum at x = 1.0728

    Maximum value = 0.2561

    Minimum at x = 3.4363

    Minimum value = −0.4.894

Short Answer Questions
  1. Find Eqn12_1 at x = 1 from the following table.
    x 1 2 3 4
    y 1 8 27 64
  2. State Newton’s formula to find Eqn34_1 using the forward differences.
  3. If Eqn21_1, is given for x = 0, 0.5, 1, ... , then show by numerical differentiation that Eqn22_1.
  4. Write down the formula for Eqn40_1 using Newton’s backward difference formula.
  5. For a function given by the table find Eqn47_1 at x = 3.
    x 3 4 5
    y 36 73 134
  6. The following data gives the velocity of a particle for 15 seconds at an interval of 5 seconds. Find the initial acceleration using the entire data.
    Time t (secs) 0 5 10 15
    Velocity v (m/sec) v 0 3 14 69
  7. The following data gives the corresponding values of pressure and specific volume of a super heated steam.
    V 2 4 6 8
    P 105 43.7 25.3 16.7

    Find the rate of change of pressure w.r.to volume when V = 2.

  8. For the data
    x 0 3 4
    y 12 6 8

    Find Eqn69_1 at x = 1.

  9. If u6 = 1.556, u7 = 1.690, u9 = 1.908 find Eqn79_1when x = 8.
  10. Assuming Bessel’s interpolation formula, prove that


  11. Assuming Bessel’s formula prove that


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