
From P. Sivaramakrishna Das: I express my gratitude to the chairperson, Dr. Elizabeth Varghese and the directors of KCG College of Technology for giving me an opportunity to write this book.

From P. Sivaramakrishna Das and C. Vijayakumari: We are grateful to the members of our family for lending us their support for the successful completion of this book. Special thanks are due to our daughter S. Sathiyapriya, our niece V. S. Anushanthi and our student J. Jayalakshmi for their help in proofreading the chapters.

We are obliged to Sojan Jose and M. Balakrishnan of Pearson Education for their diligence in bringing this work out to fruition. We thank King D. Charles Fenny, R. P. Mathivathani and Badari Vishal Adavikolanu for evincing keen interest in this book.

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