List of Tables

Chapter 2. Mastering modularity

Table 2.1. Overview of the classes in the paint program

Table 2.2. Version range syntax and meaning

Table 2.3. Benefits of modularization in the paint program

Chapter 3. Learning lifecycle

Table 3.1. Standard OSGi framework properties

Chapter 4. Studying services

Table 4.1. Example characteristics of real-world services

Table 4.2. Standard OSGi service properties

Table 4.3. Standard OSGi services covered in this section

Chapter 5. Delving deeper into modularity

Table 5.1. OSGi defined standard execution environment names

Chapter 6. Moving toward bundles

Table 6.1. Mapping real-world project versions to OSGi

Table 6.2. Common optional imported packages found in third-party libraries

Chapter 7. Testing applications

Table 7.1. OSGi test tool features

Table 7.2. Management testing ideas

Chapter 11. Component models and frameworks

Table 11.1. Potential issues associated with component orientation

Table 11.2. The Declarative Services’ raison d’être

Chapter 12. Advanced component frameworks

Table 12.1. Blueprint component container managers

Table 12.2. Blueprint manager value objects

Table 12.3. How Blueprint scopes apply to different managers

Table 12.4. Summary of component framework features

Table 12.5. Component model discontinuities

Chapter 13. Launching and embedding an OSGi framework

Table 13.1. Some standard OSGi framework configuration properties

Chapter 14. Securing your applications

Table 14.1. Permissions defined by the OSGi specification

Table 14.2. PackagePermission constructor parameters

Table 14.3. BundlePermission constructor parameters

Table 14.4. AdminPermission constructor parameters

Table 14.5. ServicePermission constructor parameters

Table 14.6. Digital cryptography terminology

Table 14.7. Certificate DN wildcard matching

Chapter 15. Web applications and web services

Table 15.1. Default behavior of HttpContext implementations

Table 15.2. Parameters supported by the Web URL Handler

Appendix A. Building bundles

Table A.1. maven-bundle-plugin defaults

Appendix B. OSGi standard services

Table B.1. Core OSGi services

Table B.2. Compendium OSGi services

Table B.3. Enterprise OSGi services

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