
Who do you want to become?

That’s a pretty big question, but the good news is you don’t have to know the answer to that just yet. After all, this question is likely why you’re here.

Looking back to where I started, I was desperate for someone to show me how to advance in my career, develop as a leader, and grow as a person, so I listened to anyone willing to share advice and read every business and personal development book I could get my hands on.

I pursued my dream career and life, learned from many mistakes, and celebrated many successes. Along the way, I also ended up with a strong network and large bookshelf. But something was still missing. I kept searching for a roadmap that showed me it was okay to be ambitious, that being grateful and wanting more wasn’t a paradox, and that I wasn’t alone.

That’s where my idea to start taking one Bold Move a day began. I decided it was time to achieve what I had never thought was pos sible for myself—and did that with a challenge and a reminder that I needed to put myself out there and follow through, though I will admit that this wasn’t concrete or conscious at first.

Over time, that changed. I realized that the more intentional I was with this commitment to myself to make one Bold Move a day, even if it was the smallest step in the direction I wanted to go, the stronger, more confident, more compassionate, and more successful I was—and it inspired others. And the easier it became to truly celebrate my progress, too.

Today, as a leadership consultant and philanthropic advisor who spent 20 years raising hundreds of millions of dollars and leading large teams in multibillion-dollar nonprofit organizations, I want to share everything I’ve learned up to this point (often the hard way) with you.

One Bold Move a Day is the book I had been looking for all this time—and I hope it can be your missing link to create the success you and I both know is possible for you.


When you think about Bold Moves, you might be thinking BOLD MOVES.

Yes, a Bold Move can be something you do that merits an all-caps text to a friend. But the reality is a Bold Move isn’t always going to be something as significant as moving to a new city or taking a new job. Your one Bold Move might be asking for the server to bring the mustard you wanted instead of quietly wishing they had. Or maybe it’s saying hello to a person you pass on the street. It might be speaking up in a meeting, disagreeing with someone more senior than you, or negotiating your salary to get paid what you’re worth.

A Bold Move is one that challenges you to grow. Sometimes it’s about capitalizing on an opportunity, and sometimes it’s about creating that opportunity for yourself. A Bold Move might look like a radical shift in your life, or it might be barely noticeable to others. Bold Moves can happen at work or at home, in friendships, relationships, and even in loving yourself.

Thinking about your Bold Move may make your heart beat a little quicker—and there’s likely a voice in your head that tells you not to do it, and that’s okay. Making a Bold Move requires intentionality, courage, and follow-through.

A Bold Move for you might not be the same as someone else’s. No one gets to judge your Bold Move and whether it’s good enough. Including you. You have to face the fear you’re feeling and learn to do things while you’re afraid.

With each Bold Move, you’ll grow stronger, more confident, and more compassionate. And you’ll inspire others, sometimes in ways you’ll never know and other times in ways you’ll be grateful to discover. No matter the case, you deserve to achieve your goals. You deserve to advance your career. You deserve great things. And you have the power to do all of this for yourself.

With one Bold Move a day.

It wasn’t always like this for me, though.

Early in my career, I walked into the office wearing a suit, a smile, and ready to share all of my ideas. And share I did. I’d speak up in meetings, comment on colleagues’ strategies, and raise my hand for new projects. Though what I did well helped me get promoted, it also became a magnet for other people’s opinions. I heard the whispers behind my back, and there were plenty of comments to my face. They were along the lines of, “Who does she think she is?” “She shouldn’t be so out there.” “She needs to take it down a bit.”

I internalized the commentary. It showed up in second-guessing myself or holding back an opinion. Over time, I minimized my own strengths in order to make others more comfortable. I didn’t even realize I was doing this. For years. But with help from an executive coach and loved ones, I slowly regained the power of being the best version of myself. I learned how to work through fears and rise anyway. I later realized other people’s reactions often had nothing to do with me.

This is where One Bold Move a Day comes from. I wanted other women to proudly share their best selves as they worked to achieve their goals. You can lead yourself and others with joy through intentionally making Bold Moves.


When I wrote this book for you, I wanted to support you in fulfilling your potential both personally and professionally. Each chapter focuses on a different priority area to help you advance your career, grow as a person, and develop as a leader.

At the end of each chapter, you will find three Bold Moves for you to make now, so you can apply what you’ve learned and begin to take meaningful actions to fulfill your potential.


Through this book, you will learn what is possible for yourself. You’ll be reminded of your existing strengths and cultivate new ones. You’ll understand that even the smallest step in the direction you want to go will get you closer to your goals and give you courage and energy to put yourself out there to try something new.

The reality is that sometimes the small things you do each day will end up leading to very big things. That’s how movements get started. You might start the first step in a project you’ve been thinking about for years. You might make one new connection at an event. You might support one person’s goals or get a new job. Whatever it is, one single Bold Move can change the trajectory of your career and your success, as long as you get started.

As for the right time? Well, there will never really be a perfect moment. You just have to start somewhere, so why not start right here and right now?

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