Chapter 1
Sources of Energy and Technologies

1.1 Energy Uses in Different Countries

As demand to meet social and economic development and improve human welfare and health is increasing, the demand for clean energy and associated services is also increasing. All societies require energy to meet basic human needs, for example, lighting, cooking, living comfort, mobility and communication also to run industries for various productive processes. Since around 1850, global use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) has been the most dominant source of energy supply, leading to a rapid growth in CO2 emissions. The per capita energy consumption which was about 200 W nearly 100 years ago has increased to more than 2000 W per capita now. The energy consumption has almost doubled during last 30 years. Globally, energy consumption grew most quickly in the transport and service sectors, because of rising passenger travel and freight transport and a rapid expansion in the service economy. In 2004, about 77.8% of total energy consumption was through fossil fuels, only 5.4% was nuclear and the rest 16.5% was from renewable resources which was mainly hydroelectric.

The energy consumption in the world is mainly from following six primary sources. These are (i) fossil fuels, ii) nuclear, iii) hydro, iv) wind, v) solar and vi) biomass.

According to Renewables 2010 Global Status Report, the renewable energy share of total energy consumption in 2008 was 19%, as shown in Fig. 1.1. Of this 19%, approximately 13% is used primarily for cooking and heating using traditional biomass which is growing slowly or even declining in some regions. The main reason for this is that now biomass is used more efficiently or is replaced by more modern energy forms. Hydropower represents 3.2% and is growing from a large base. Other renewables account for 2.6% and are growing very rapidly in developed as well as in some developing countries.

Scheme for Renewable energy share of global energy consumption.

Figure 1.1 Renewable energy share of global energy consumption in 2008.

Source: REN21 (2010) [1]. Reproduced with permission from Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century.

Three main sectors that account for approximately 70% of the total energy consumption in an industrialized country are as follows:

  • Motors (approximately 40–45%)
  • Lighting (15%)
  • Home appliances (15%)

Energy consumption in a country is an indication of the level of development and quality of life [1]. The developing and developed countries have striking disparities in per capita annual energy consumption as shown Fig. 1.2. In India, energy use per capita in 2012 was 614 KWh. The electric power consumption kWh per capita was the highest for Iceland 52,374 and minimum in Tanzania which was 92; for the United States, it was 11,919. The share of fossil fuels in primary sources of energy in 1995 and 2005 and the prediction for 2030 are shown in Fig. 1.3.

Histogram for Per capita energy consumption in countries.

Figure 1.2 Per capita energy consumption in countries.

Pie chart for World energy outlook and future prediction.

Figure 1.3 World energy outlook and future prediction.

1.2 Energy Sources

All major sources of energy can be categorized as non-renewable and renewable. Non-renewable energy is mainly the fossil fuels energy obtained from coal, crude oil, natural gas and nuclear fuel. Renewable energy is obtained from hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, ocean and biomass.

1.2.1 Non-Renewable Energy Resources

Coal, oil and gas are fossil fuels which are non-renewable sources of energy. These sources are non-renewable because they take millions of years to form. In addition, they are being used so extensively that the reserves are being depleted much faster than the new ones are being formed. One of the biggest benefits of using fossil fuels is their low cost. Another advantage is that these resources are available in abundance right now and relatively inexpensive to drill or mine. The estimate at current usage of coal suggests that its supply will last for 1500 years. However, if the consumption grows at 5% per year, the coal supply will last only for 86 years. It is expected that even greater usage of coal will be made in future as other fossil fuels become scarce. Other fuels such as oil and gas reserves are predicted on the basis of only proven reserve estimates. Total oil reserves in 2013 are now estimated at 1.64 trillion bbl, while the world's gas reserves are 7.02 quadrillion, up by 0.4% and 2%, respectively, from a forecast made a year earlier. It is estimated that oil production which will be economically viable will last at most by the end of 21st century. Similarly, the supply of natural gas may not last for more than 50 years. These fuels are being used extensively now because they are made of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons store energy in the form of the atomic bonds which can be released very easily – by simply burning them. The main drawback of using fossil fuels is the pollution due to the increase of toxic gases in the atmosphere. When fossil fuels are burnt, carbon and hydrogen react with oxygen in air to produce carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), other pollutants such as SOx and water (H2O). The increase of these greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has resulted in global warming.

1.2.2 Renewable Sources of Energy

Since the fossil fuels are fast depleting and also creating pollution, other sources of energy which are renewable must be explored for sustainable development. The term “renewable” is generally applied to those energy resources and technologies whose common characteristic is that they are non-depletable or naturally replenishable. Renewable energy technologies produce power, heat or mechanical energy by converting those resources either to electricity or to motive power. At present, the renewable power generation provides about 18% of total electricity produced in the world. Most of this, that is, about 15%, is from hydroelectricity, and only 3% is produced from other renewable sources.

Major renewable resources include solar energy, wind, falling water, the heat of the earth (geothermal), plant materials (biomass), waves, ocean currents and the energy of the tides. In fact, all these energies are basically indirect form of solar energy except geothermal which is the heat generated deep inside the earth. Other sources of renewable energy are hydrogen energy, nuclear fusion and methane clathrate (methane ice). As will be seen in later chapters, the potential of renewable energy sources is enormous as they can in principle meet many times the world's energy demand for centuries.

The benefits of using renewable energy resources are many. Most of these benefits arise from their virtually inexhaustible nature and easy availability. Solar and wind resources are available as a continuous source of energy on a daily basis. Biomass can be grown through managed agricultural farming to provide continuous sources of fuel. In addition, these sources do not contribute to greenhouse effect and atmospheric pollution. Several of the renewable energy technologies, namely photovoltaics, solar thermal and wind, produce no emissions during power generation.

Sun is a big natural fusion reactor and retains its released gases due to gravitational forces. The surface of the Sun is maintained at a temperature of approximately c01-math-001. The Sun radiates energy uniformly in all directions in the form of electromagnetic waves which is about 120,000 TW. Solar energy has enormous potential as a clean, abundant and economical energy source but cannot be employed as such; it must be captured and converted into useful forms of energy such as electricity and heat. Currently, none of the technologies available to convert solar energy into heat, electricity and fuel is competitive with fossil fuels. However, because of environmental considerations and decreasing cost of solar energy systems, it is becoming attractive.

Wind energy has been used since early known history. It was used to propel boats, to pump water and grinding of grains and so on. Later, it was found that the energy contained in moving wind can be utilized to run turbines which can be connected to electric generators to produce electricity. Wind turbines work similarly to windmills but are used specifically to generate electricity. A wind turbine usually has fewer blades and is made of lighter materials, such as plastics, which allow the blades to turn more quickly and with less wind. The blades of the wind turbine capture the energy of the wind and send it down a shaft inside the nacelle. This shaft spins the turbines of a generator. A wind turbine can produce enough electricity to satisfy the needs of a home. Wind turbines can also be grouped together to create large quantities of electricity. This is referred to as a wind farm. Wind farms are becoming more widespread throughout the world.

Biomass is a plant-based material that stores light energy through photosynthesis. Biomass has unique property among renewable energy resources as it can be converted to carbon-based fuels and chemicals as well as electric power. Chemical or biological processes are used to transform biomass into carbon based fuels, such as methane, ethanol, producer gas and charcoal. Biomass plants, with a properly managed fuel cycle and modern emission controls, produce zero net carbon emissions and minimal amounts of other atmospheric effluents.

Another potential source of renewable energy is the heat contained inside the earth known as geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is the energy obtained from the earth (geo) from the hot rocks present inside the earth. It is produced due to the fission of radioactive materials in the earth's core because of which some places inside the earth become very hot. These are called hotspots. They cause the water deep inside the earth to form steam. As more steam is formed, it gets compressed at high pressure and comes out in the form of hot springs which produce geothermal power. Geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity or used as source of heat.

Energy from the oceans can be harnessed in the form of thermal energy, from the temperature difference of the warm surface waters and the cool deeper waters, as well as potential and kinetic energy from the tides, waves and currents.

Hydrogen is considered as an alternative fuel that can be produced from domestic resources. Hydrogen is locked up in enormous quantities in water (H2O), hydrocarbons (such as methane, CH4) and other organic matter. Hydrogen is a clean-burning fuel, and when combined with oxygen in a fuel cell, it produces heat and electricity with only water vapour as a by-product. But hydrogen does not exist freely in nature: it is only produced from other sources of energy, so it is often referred to as an energy carrier, that is, an efficient way to store and transport energy.

Hydropower engineering deals with mostly two forms of energy: of running water or from water stored in dams. Hydropower is still the largest source of renewable energy in electricity production. It is a proven, mature, predictable and economically viable technology. Hydropower has among the best conversion efficiencies of all known energy sources (about 90% efficiency). It requires relatively high initial investment but has a long lifespan with very low operation and maintenance.

Hydropower plants do not consume the water that drives the turbines. The water, after power generation, is available for various other essential uses. In fact, a significant proportion of hydropower projects are designed for multiple purposes. The dams help to prevent or mitigate floods and droughts, provide the possibility to irrigate agriculture, supply water for domestic, municipal and industrial use and can improve conditions for navigation, fishing and so on.

As there is more concern for greenhouse effect and global warming, the present trend in most of the countries is to gradually move away from fossil-fuel-based systems to renewable-energy-based technologies. As the costs of solar and wind power systems have dropped substantially in the past 30 years, and continue to decline, while the prices of oil and gas continue to fluctuate, a time will come soon when the price of energy due to renewables will be comparable with fossil fuel energy.

At present, the cost of power generation from renewables is high compared to fossil fuel energy. With development in renewable energy technologies, they may soon become more competitive. Since many renewable energy plants do not need to be built in large scale, they can be built in size increments proportionate to load growth patterns and local need. When constructed in smaller size, they can be located closer to the customer load, reducing infrastructure costs for transmission and distribution. Such “distributed” generations have a potentially high economic value more than just the value of the electricity generation as they help to guarantee local power reliability and quality.

In fact, fossil fuel and renewable energy prices, social and environmental costs are heading in the opposite directions. Thus, in a few years, the renewable energy systems may compete favourably with the present-day fossil fuel plants.

1.3 Energy and Environment

All fossil fuel energy sources have environmental impact during their life cycles. Climate change associated with greenhouse gas emissions is seen as the greatest environmental challenge facing humanity. At present, the power generation system is the largest contributor to overall emissions of greenhouse gases. The term greenhouse is used for a house made from transparent glass panes or sheets in which plants are grown. During the day, the Sun emits rays of short-wave infrared light. The short-wave infrared light is able to pass through glass. After hitting a surface, the waves turn into thermal energy. This energy is a long-wave infrared light that the glass roof does not allow it to pass. Hence, it maintains a controlled warmer environment inside the house suitable for growth of plants especially in harsh environments.

Similar effect as shown in Fig. 1.4 is observed naturally on Earth and has been given the name greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon by which certain gases in the atmosphere prevent re-emitting of solar radiation back into space. The burning of fossil fuels produces huge quantities of carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas. The Sun radiates vast amount of energy into space which is mostly in visible and near-visible parts of the spectrum. Various components of Earth's atmosphere absorb ultraviolet and infrared solar radiation before it penetrates to the surface, and the ozone layer in the Earth's stratosphere absorbs the harmful ultraviolet rays. However, the atmosphere is quite transparent to visible light, thus the Earth absorbs part of the Sun's radiation. This part of radiation which is absorbed by the Earth heats it which then radiates some of its energy out into space. Since the frequency at which any object emits radiation depends on its temperature and since the Earth is much cooler than the Sun, it emits energy at a lower frequency and therefore longer wavelength – in the IR region. Steady state is reached where the Earth is absorbing and radiating energy at the same rate, resulting in a fairly constant average temperature. If there were no greenhouse effect at all, then the surface temperature of the Earth would be about 256 K or −17°C (about the temperature of a domestic freezer), and life could not exist because water, which is fundamental to life, would be a solid. However, the IR radiation emitted by the Earth can be absorbed by gases in the troposphere and become trapped. The radiation is then re-emitted in all directions: some back towards the Earth, which is known as the “greenhouse effect”. This leads to an increase in temperature and global warming, making the average surface temperature of the Earth about 286 K or 13°C. It is an essential part of keeping our planet hospitable and helps to sustain life. The gases which absorb IR radiation and then re-emit it are known as greenhouse gases.

Illustration for Greenhouse effect.

Figure 1.4 Greenhouse effect.

The most significant greenhouse gas is CO2. When fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas are burnt, CO2 is released into the Earth's atmosphere. The cutting down of forests also increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere by wood, leaves and soil; this CO2 is released back into the atmosphere when forests are burnt. Apart from CO2, other greenhouse gases are methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and water vapour. The CO2 emissions from developed countries account for 82% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the world. China tops the countries that emit most CO2 in the atmosphere followed by the United States and India. But only looking at carbon dioxide emissions doesn't give us the true picture of all greenhouse gases. Although the vast majority of emissions are carbon dioxide followed by methane and nitrous oxide, lesser amounts of CFC-12, HCFC-22, Perfluoroethane and Sulfur Hexafluoride are also emitted, and their contribution to global warming is magnified by their high global warming potential. The nitrous oxide is 310 times more absorptive than carbon dioxide and can remain in the atmosphere for over a hundred years.

1.3.1 Climate Change

The effect of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to burning of fossil fuels is to trap heat resulting in the rise of temperature of the planet. Earth's average temperature has risen by 0.9°C in the last century. Even a small amount of increase in global temperatures has resulted in changes in weather and climate of different parts of the world. The rising temperatures are leading to the melting of polar ice caps which in turn may result in rise in the levels of seawater. Other effects of climate change are visible in the form of frequent and severe hot and cold waves, tropical cyclones and heavy rains or draughts. Following are the impacts of global warming:

  • Rise in the sea level resulting in inundation of low lying cities and islands.
  • Changes in rainfall patterns resulting in draughts and fires in some areas and excess rainfall in other areas.
  • Melting of ice caps may result in loss of habitat near the poles.
  • Melting of glaciers.
  • Bleaching of coral reefs due to warming of seas and carbonic acid formation.
  • Extreme conditions such as hurricanes, floods.
  • Spread of disease in the epidemic form of cholera, malaria and so on.

Changes in climate are visible in many parts of the world, where floods, heavy rains or draughts and intense heat waves are being observed. The scientists are forecasting an increase of about 1°C in another 100 years. In order to save the Earth from disaster, it is important that emission of greenhouse gases must be reduced. International concern for climate change led to Kyoto protocol negotiated in 1997. In order to satisfy the Kyoto protocol, developed countries were required to cut back their emissions by a total of 5.2% between 2008 and 2012 from the levels in 1990. Specifically, the United States was supposed to reduce its presently projected 2010 annual emissions by 400 million tons of CO2.

1.4 Review of Technologies for Renewable Energy System

The knowledge of the basic types of energy and the law of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics are required for understanding the technologies in renewable energy systems. The transfer of energy to and from a moving fluid is the basis of hydro, wind, wave and some solar power systems. In direct solar, geothermal and biomass, energy transfer is by heat rather than by mechanical or electrical process. A brief description of these theories is presented for the understanding of working of renewable energy systems. In addition, for operation and control of renewable energy systems, knowledge of types of generators used and power conversion through power electronic circuits is required. These technologies are discussed briefly in Chapters 2 and 3. Since most of the renewable energy sources are intermittent in nature, it is important to have knowledge of various energy storage techniques for large systems. It is described in Chapter 7.

1.4.1 Fluid Dynamics

In order to understand the operation of renewable energy systems requiring natural movement of air and water, the basic laws of mechanics must be understood. The basic equations of fluid dynamics are based on familiar laws of mechanics [2, 3].

  • Conservation of mass
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Conservation of energy

The fluid considered here can be liquid or gas. If the flow also leads to compression of the fluid, then the law of thermodynamics can also be considered. Conservation of Mass

The principle of conservation of mass is based on the fundamental theory that the matter cannot be created or destroyed. This principle is applied to flowing fluids with fixed volumes known as control volumes or surfaces.

When studying the properties of moving fluid and the property of the objects that travel in a fluid, two types of fluid flow are considered: laminar flow and turbulent flow. Laminar flow occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. In laminar flow, the particles in the fluid follow in streamlines, and the motion of particles in the fluid is predictable. Laminar flow occurs when the velocity is low or the fluid is very viscous. If the flow rate is very large, or if objects obstruct the flow, the fluid starts to swirl in an erratic motion. This region of constantly changing flow lines is said to consist of turbulent flow. For studying the theory of conservation of mass, the simplest case of fluid flow – laminar flow with uniform velocity in a pipe – is considered. Fig. 1.5 shows a fluid of density d flowing through a uniform pipe of Area A with velocity v.

Scheme for Flow of fluid in a pipe.

Figure 1.5 Flow of fluid in a pipe.

The rate at which mass m flows through area A over time t is given as

1.1 equation

where c01-math-003 is fluid density, V is the volume and A is the area. Since in a pipe no fluid can pass through the walls and there is no possibility of it being created or destroyed, the mass crossing each section of the pipe per unit time must be the same.

1.2 equation

This expression represents the law of conservation of mass for incompressible fluids. In the case of renewable energy systems using wind power, the air is treated as incompressible. Conservation of Momentum

Newton's second law of motion for fluids may be defined as “At any instant in steady flow, the resultant force acting on the moving fluid within a fixed volume of space equals the net rate of change of momentum in that volume and is in the direction of force.” To determine the rate of change of momentum in a moving fluid, let us consider a stream tube as shown in Fig. 1.6. Assuming that the fluid has steady and non-uniform flow, the volume of fluid entering the tube in time c01-math-006 is c01-math-007 and the momentum is equal to

Geometrical illustration of Stream tube.

Figure 1.6 Stream tube.

c01-math-008 and the momentum of fluid leaving the tube is c01-math-009 . From Newton's second law, the force is equal to the rate of change of momentum.

1.3 equation

Since from conservation of mass, c01-math-011; hence,

1.4 equation Conservation of Energy

Conservation of energy also known as Bernoulli's equation is stated as The sum of the kinetic, potential and flow energies of a fluid particle is constant along a streamline during steady flow when compressibility and frictional effects are negligible. Since the kinetic, potential and flow energies are the mechanical forms of energy, the Bernoulli equation can be viewed as the conservation of mechanical energy.

The Bernoulli equation states that during steady, incompressible flow with negligible viscosity, the various forms of mechanical energy are converted to each other, but their sum remains constant. In other words, there is no dissipation of mechanical energy during such flows since there is no friction that converts mechanical energy to thermal (internal) energy. The following two assumptions must be met for this Bernoulli equation to apply: the flow must be incompressible – even though pressure varies, the density must remain constant along a streamline; friction by viscous forces has to be negligible.

The total mechanical energy of a fluid exists in two forms: potential and kinetic and internal energy (flow energy). The law of conservation of energy can be written in terms of the quantities which are related to fluid flow (pressure, density, velocity, etc.). Bernoulli's equation states that at any point in the channel of a flowing fluid, the energy does not change.


The internal energy is required to overcome the pressure P in the pipe. This pressure generates a force that resists the motion of the fluid. Thus, Bernoulli's equation is

1.5 equation

Here P is the pressure, h is the height, V is the velocity and c01-math-014 is the density of fluid at any point in the flow channel. If the elevation of the fluid remains constant, or if the change in elevation is small enough to not change the gravitational potential energy of the fluid appreciably, then the potential energy term can be ignored. We then have

1.6 equation

Despite the many approximations used in deriving the Bernoulli equation, it is commonly used in practice for solving practical fluid flow problems. This is because many flows of practical engineering interest are steady (or at least steady in the mean), compressibility effects are relatively small and net frictional forces are negligible in some regions of interest in the flow. Thus, Bernoulli's equation gives the result with reasonable accuracy.

1.5 Thermodynamics

With direct solar, geothermal and biomass sources, most energy transfer is by heat rather than by mechanical or electrical processes. The knowledge of the basic types of energy and laws of thermodynamics is essential in understanding the conversion of heat into other forms of energy. Thermodynamics is the science of relations between heat, work and properties of the system or matter which are in equilibrium. In thermodynamics, the universe is arbitrarily divided into a system and its surroundings. The portion of the universe, which is chosen for thermodynamic consideration, is called a system. It usually consists of a definite amount of a specific substance as steam in turbine or CNG in a cylinder. The matter outside the system is called surroundings, and the separation between system and surroundings defines the boundary. A system may be homogeneous (gas or mixture of gases or liquid) or heterogeneous containing liquid and vapour or liquids which do not mix with each other. The system may be open, closed or isolated, depending on whether the matter and energy can flow in or out of the system. In a closed system, the energy can be exchanged but not matter with an external system. In an open system, both matter and energy can be exchanged with an external system. Most of the engineering systems are open systems. In an isolated system, neither energy nor matter can be exchanged with an external system.

The thermodynamic state of a system is defined by four properties: composition, pressure, volume and temperature. These properties define the system completely. The thermodynamic state of a system will not change from one state to another unless there is some interaction with the outside world. Whenever a thermodynamic system changes its state, it always involves addition or removal of heat or work. This is known as a process. A process occurs when a system undergoes change in state or an energy transfer at a steady state. A process has a certain path between the starting point and the end point and can be depicted as P-V (pressure–volume) or T-S (temperature–entropy) curve as shown in Fig. 1.7. The process may be reversible if it follows the same path in the reverse direction or irreversible if it follows a different path in the reverse direction. Both heat and work are functions of path, whereas internal energy is a function of state [4, 5]. Any process or a series of processes whose end states are identical is termed as a cycle. One of the thermodynamic properties of a system is its internal energy, E, which is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the particles that form the system. The other thermodynamic properties are as follows.

Illustration for P-V and T-S diagrams.

Figure 1.7 P-V and T-S diagrams.

1.5.1 Enthalpy

Enthalpy H is defined as the sum of internal energy U and the pressure volume product PV as

where P is the pressure in n/m2, V is the volume in m3 and H and U are in J. If pressure P is constant, then Eq. (1.7) can be written as

1.8 equation
1.9 equation

Thus, the change in enthalpy is equal to the heat transferred Q at constant pressure. M = mass of fluid or gas, c01-math-022 is the specific heat at a constant pressure and c01-math-023 is the change in temperature.

1.5.2 Specific Heat

Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass (mole) of any substance by 1°C. For gases, two different kinds of specific heat are used: specific heat at constant volume c01-math-024 and specific heat at constant pressure c01-math-025. For solids, there is one specific heat c01-math-026 only. For a solid of mass c01-math-027 and specific heat c01-math-028, the heat c01-math-029 required to raise the temperature by c01-math-030 degree is

1.10 equation

For gases in constant volume process, if the mass is c01-math-032, the heat required to raise the temperature by dT is (here no work is done) hence c01-math-033.

1.11 equation

And for a gas of mass m at constant pressure, the work done is given by c01-math-035; hence, c01-math-036, and the heat required is

1.12 equation

And for one mole of gas, m = 1 and c01-math-038.

For ideal gases, c01-math-039, and the expression for enthalpy change is

1.13 equation

From these expressions, it is clear that for an ideal gas, internal energy and enthalpy are functions of temperature only.

Thermodynamics is governed by four laws, zero, first, second and third. The second law of thermodynamics was discovered first followed by the first law, then the third law and lastly the zeroth law. These laws are stated as follows.

1.5.3 Zeroth Law

The zeroth law of thermodynamics defines the concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium. This law of thermodynamics is actually an observation. For example, if two bodies A and B are at the same temperature and they are brought into contact, no heat will be exchanged between the two. In addition, if two bodies A and B are at the same temperature and B and a third body C are at the same temperature, then A and C are also at the same temperature (thermal equilibrium). If two bodies at different temperatures are in contact with each other for a long time, they will reach the same temperature. Thus, it can be stated that objects in thermodynamic equilibrium have the same temperature.

1.5.4 First Law

The first law, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be redistributed or changed from one form to another. This law of thermodynamics is based on Joule's law which states that the internal energy of a perfect gas is a function of temperature alone. According to Joule's law. regardless of change in volume of an ideal gas, if the temperature does not change, the internal energy will remain constant. The internal energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energies of the particles that form a system. A way of expressing the first law of thermodynamics is that any change in the internal energy (dU) of a system is equal to the difference between heat added to the system and the work done by the system.

1.14 equation

here Q is the heat input to the system and W is work done by the system; Q and W are not functions of state, but U depends only on the state of the system. This gives the result that dU is independent of path, but Q and W depend on the path taken for change from one state to another. Sometimes, the first law is written in differential form as

1.15 equation

In an isolated system, there is no interaction of the system with the surroundings; hence, c01-math-043, c01-math-044 and c01-math-045.

The first law of thermodynamics is not applicable to nuclear reactions. Limitations of First law

The first law of thermodynamics has certain limitations which can be explained as follows. The first law does not give any indication of the directionality of a process, nor does it give any indication of the quality of energy. For example, if a current is passed through a resistor, it will heat up, but if the same resistor is heated to the same temperature, no current flows through it. That means that there are processes which can work in a certain direction only.

According to the first law, work and heat are directly related, and there is no quality associated. However, it will be shown from many examples that work is something which can rather easily be generated or which can be converted to heat, but on the other hand, heat cannot be directly converted into work, and it requires certain complicated devices which are called heat engines which will be described along with second law of thermodynamics.

1.5.5 Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of any isolated system not in thermal equilibrium almost always increases. The entropy is a measure of disorder in the system, and for a reversible process between two equilibrium states, change in entropy is given by


where dS = change in entropy, dQ = heat absorbed or expelled by the system in a reverse process and T = absolute temperature. In other words, for a reversible process, the incremental change in entropy is a ratio of heat change and absolute temperature. When heat is absorbed by the system, c01-math-046 is positive, and hence, the entropy increases. When thermal energy is expelled by the system, c01-math-047 is negative and the entropy decreases. Entropy of the universe in all natural processes increases. All physical processes tend towards more probable states for the system and its surroundings. The more probable state is always one of higher disorder. The entropy is a measure of the disorder of a state.

T-S diagram is used to analyse energy transfer system cycles. This is because the work done by or on the system and the heat added to or removed from the system can be visualized on the T-S diagram. By the definition of entropy, the heat transferred to or from a system equals the area under the T-S curve of the process. Figure 1.8 is the T-S diagram for steam.

Illustration for T-S diagram for steam.

Figure 1.8 T-S diagram for steam.

In order to understand the second law of thermodynamics, it is important to know the following terms:

  1. Thermal Reservoir

    Thermal reservoir is a large body from which a finite quantity of energy can be extracted or to which a finite quantity of energy can be added as heat without changing its temperature.

  2. Heat Engine

    A heat engine is a device working cyclically which converts the energy it receives as heat into work. It receives energy as heat form a high-temperature body and converts part of it into work, and the rest is rejected to a low-temperature body.

  3. Heat Pump

    Figure 1.9 shows a heat engine and a heat pump. Heat pump is a cyclically operating device which absorbs energy form a low-temperature reservoir and delivers energy as heat to a high-temperature reservoir when work is performed on the device. Refrigerator is an example of heat pump.

  4. Coefficient of Performance (COP)

    The ratio of heat transfer to work input is not called the efficiency, but the coefficient of performance

    1.16 equation

    There are two coefficients of performance for such a cycle: one for the refrigeration effect and one for the heat pump effect. There are two classical statements of second law of thermodynamics: Kelvin–Planck statement and Clausius statement.

Scheme for heat engine and a refrigerator.

Figure 1.9 Schematic diagram of a heat engine and a refrigerator. Kelvin–Planck Statement

It is impossible to construct an operating device working in a cycle such that it produces no other effect than the absorption of energy as heat from a single thermal reservoir and performs an equivalent amount of work. It means that some of the energy received must be rejected to a lower temperature sink. Thus, the Kelvin–Planck statement further implies that no heat engine can have a thermal efficiency of 1 (100%). This does not violate the first law of thermodynamics. For example, a fluid can flow from high pressure or potential to low pressure or potential, but to send back the fluid to higher potential, a pump (energy) is required. Current can flow from a point of high potential to low potential, but energy must be spent if the reverse is required. Battery can discharge through higher potential to lower one through a resistor, but to charge it, electrical energy is required. Clausius Statement

Heat always flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature. The reverse process never occurs spontaneously. Clausius statement of the second law says: It is impossible to construct a device which, operating in a cycle, will produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a low-temperature body to a high temperature body.

1.5.6 Third Law of Thermodynamics

The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value (zero for perfect crystal) as the temperature approaches zero. The crystal must be perfect for entropy to become zero; else, there will be some inherent disorder. It must also be at 0 K; otherwise, there will be thermal motion within the crystal which leads to disorder. The third law also says that it is not possible for any system to reach absolute zero in a finite number of steps. This effectively makes it impossible to ever attain a temperature of exactly 0 K.

1.6 Thermodynamic Power Cycles

According to the first law of thermodynamics, the net heat input is equal to the net work output over any cycle. The repeating nature of the process allows for continuous operation, making the cycle an important concept in thermodynamics. There are two types of thermodynamic cycles – the power cycle and the heat pump cycle. The power cycles convert heat input into mechanical work. The heat engine cycle transfers heat from lower temperature to higher temperature using mechanical work as input. Here only power cycles are discussed.

There are four power cycles that are generally used in the generation of electricity: the Rankine cycle used in steam turbines, the Brayton cycle for gas turbine, the Otto cycle for petrol engines and the Diesel cycle for diesel engines. These power cycles are the basis for the operation of heat engines, which supply most of the world's electric power and run almost all motor vehicles. Before discussing these power cycles, it will be useful to study the ideal cycle or Carnot cycle which describes the maximum efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle. In addition, only Rankine and Brayton cycles are described as these are used in renewable energy systems.

1.6.1 Ideal Cycle (Carnot Cycle)

The Carnot cycle shown in Fig. 1.10 is a cycle composed of totally reversible processes of isentropic compression and expansion and isothermal heat addition and rejection. Any fluid can be used in the operation of the Carnot cycle. There are four stages of a Carnot cycle.

Illustration for Carnot cycle.

Figure 1.10 Carnot cycle.

In stage 1, (process 1–2) known as isothermal expansion, the heat is applied, and the fluid expands isothermally at constant temperature c01-math-049.

In stage II (process 2–3) known as adiabatic expansion, no heat is applied or taken away. The fluid expands adiabatically, and temperature falls from c01-math-050 to c01-math-051.

In stage III (process 3–4) known as isothermal compression, the heat is rejected by the fluid as it is compressed isothermally at constant temperature c01-math-052.

In stage IV (process 4–1) known as adiabatic compression, no heat is allowed to enter or leave the fluid. The temperature of the fluid is raised due to compression to c01-math-053.

The thermal efficiency of a Carnot cycle depends only on the absolute temperatures of the two reservoirs in which heat transfer takes place, and for a power cycle, it is given by

1.17 equation

1.6.2 Rankine Cycle

Rankine cycle is an ideal cycle for steam power plants. The shortcomings inherent in a steam power plant realizing the Carnot cycle with wet steam can be partly remedied if heat is rejected from the wet steam in the condenser before the entire steam condenses. Thus, instead of wet steam with a small density, water is compressed from pressure c01-math-055 to pressure c01-math-056. The cycle consists of four processes similar to Carnot cycle as shown in Fig. 1.11(a) and (b).

  1. In process 1–2, heat c01-math-057 is added to increase the temperature of the high-pressure water up to its saturation value.
  2. In process 2–3, the work delivered by turbine, WT = h3h4.
  3. In process 3–4, the energy rejected in the condenser, q2 = h4h1.
  4. In process 4–1, the work is done in pumping water (negligible).
Illustration for (a) Rankine cycle; (b) T-S diagram.

Figure 1.11 (a) Rankine cycle; (b) T-S diagram.

The thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is given by the area under the closed loop 1–2–3–4 shown in the T-S diagram:

1.18 equation

Normally, the water-pumping power is very small compared to the power produced by the turbine.

1.19 equation

Rankine cycle efficiency can be improved by the following.

  • Superheat: If the steam is superheated before entering the turbine, the efficiency is improved.
  • Increased boiler pressure. By increasing the boiler pressure, the efficiency is increased, reaching a maximum value. Further increase in pressure decreases the efficiency.
  • Reducing the condenser pressure: By reducing the condensing pressure, the temperature at which heat is rejected can be decreased, thereby improving the efficiency.

1.6.3 Brayton Cycle

The Brayton cycle was proposed by George Brayton in 1870 for use in reciprocating engines. Now it is used in gas turbines with rotating machines. This cycle consists of two isentropic and two constant-pressure processes. Figure 1.12 shows the Brayton cycle with P-V and T-S diagrams. Brayton cycle basically consists of four internally reversible processes. Process 1–2 is isentropic compression. It is basically compression in a compressor. Here work is accepted as input. Process 2–3 is constant-pressure transfer of heat in combustor. Process 3–4 is isentropic expansion. In the case of a gas turbine engine, it is in a turbine. A work is produced. Process 4–1 is constant-pressure heat rejection by the condenser. All these processes are internally reversible. The thermal efficiency of Brayton cycle can be obtained as

1.20 equation
Illustration for (a) Brayton cycle; (b) P-V diagram.

Figure 1.12 (a) Brayton cycle; (b) P-V diagram.

In an ideal Brayton cycle, heat is added to the cycle at a constant-pressure process (process 2–3).

1.21 equation

Heat is rejected at a constant-pressure process (process 4–1).

1.22 equation

Then the thermal efficiency of the ideal Brayton cycle under the cold-air standard assumption is given as

1.23 equation

Process 1–2 and process 3–4 are isentropic processes; thus,

1.24 equation
1.25 equation

where c01-math-066 is the pressure ratio and c01-math-067 is the specific heat ratio. In most designs, the pressure ratio of gas turbines ranges from about 11 to 16.

1.7 Summary

As the demand for renewable energy sources to generate power is growing, different sources of renewable energy are being exploited. The greenhouse effect and climate change are deriving most of the countries to apply power sources that are pollution free. The technologies involved in various renewable energy sources are based on theories of fluid dynamics and heat transfer (thermodynamics). The transfer of energy to and from a moving fluid is the basis of hydro, wind, wave and some solar power systems. This chapter therefore describes some of the basic properties of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.

Since similarly power electronics is finding applications in RES to improve performance and efficiency of these systems, these systems require greater attention and will be described in Chapter 9.


  1. 1 REN 21 (2010) Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, p. 15.
  2. 2 Boyle, G. (2012) Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable, Future.
  3. 3 Dixon, S.L. and Hall, C. (2010) Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Butterworth-Heinemann.
  4. 4 Alexander, O. (1969) Treatise on Thermodynamics, 3rd edn, Dover Publications.
  5. 5 Wolfgang, P. (2003) Thermodynamics and the Kinetic Theory of Gases, Dover Publications.
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