To the gang at home, particularly my kids, who will always be the kids that I watched the movie The Master of Disguise with too many times to count.

—Bob Bryla

This book is dedicated to all those who saved the life of my wife, Carrie, as she spent the Christmas of 2016 in a coma, and spent the winter of 2017 recovering from that coma. The doctors, nurses, therapists, social worker, and everyone else who took a situation where mortality was most likely and made life the end result.

This book is dedicated to all of those who helped me, during that time, to take care of a 3-year-old and a newborn while I was trying to juggle more than I knew how. This book is dedicated to all those who offered prayers and comfort during that time, and who continue to root for Carrie and my family. So many names, too numerous to mention.

This book is dedicated to my sister Ginger, who dropped everything to come and stay with my kids—to give me time to focus on Carrie and recover from strep throat that hit at the same time. It’s dedicated also to Jen, a good friend, who stepped in and helped watch the kids at times. She allowed me moments of quiet and time to get ready for the terror of being a 51-year-old new dad who has to take care of a 3-year-old crazy-pants child and a tiny newborn.

The book is dedicated to the wonderful folks at Businessolver, who provided me the flexibility I needed to take care of Carrie—the many hours away at doctors, therapists, and all of the things that go with recovery. Thanks to all my co-workers, too numerous to list, and the expressions of concern that I received.

Finally, it’s dedicated to Wendy Rinaldi—who recognized that I was in deep need of help, and for taking this project off my hands when I could not bring myself to do it. This book has always been my baby, my love—and giving it away was painful.

—Robert G. Freeman

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