Server and domain logs

The WebLogic Server produces several types of log files. The first you encounter is called the server log. It logs all activity for a single server instance and is stored as DOMAIN_HOME/servers/logs/SERVER_NAME.log by default.

Another type of log file is the domain log. It logs key events from all servers in a domain and is stored in DOMAIN_HOME/servers/SERVER_NAME/logs/DOMAIN_NAME.log by default.

Other logs that WebLogic Server produces are:

  • HTTP
  • JMS
  • JDBC

These logs are independently configured.


Place the log files outside of the Domain Home; it is best practice to place them on a separate filesystem. In case of backup or recovery of a domain, the log files do not need to be recovered. Furthermore, to store log files on a central location can let you provide information to anyone who has an interest or goal to know how the WebLogic Server and its applications are doing.

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