Silent installation: step by step

The silent installation has basically two steps:

Generating a silent XML file

There are samples available on OTN:

(, so here's the sample. I have left out the comments:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Silent installer option -mode=silent - silent_xml=C:myfilessilent.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UFF-8"?>
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="D:OracleMiddleware_Home" />
<data-value name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR" value="D:OracleMiddleware_Homewlserver_10.3" />
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS"
value="WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server
/Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade
Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic
JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/Third Party JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server
/WebLogic Server Clients|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Web Server Plugins
|WebLogic Server/UDDI and Xquery Support|WebLogic Server/Server Examples|Oracle Coherence/Coherence Product Files" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE" value="yes" />
<data-value name="NODEMGR_PORT" value="5559" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="yes"/>
<data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="D:jrockit_160_05|D:jdk160_11"/>

The values of local directories like BEAHOME and LOCAL_JVMS can be different on your system.

There are several values you have to be aware of:

  • BEAHOME: The Middleware Home directory such as /u01/app/oracle/Middleware.
  • WLS_INSTALL_DIR: Complete pathname that is given to the product installation such as /u01/app/oracle Middleware/wlserver_10.3.
  • COMPONENT_PATHS: Components and subcomponents that are to be installed.

    To install multiple components, separate the components with a pipe (|).To install subcomponents, specify a component/subcomponent combination by using the component; forward slash (/); subcomponent format.

  • INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE: Installs Node Manager as a Windows service. The default is "no".
  • NODEMGR_PORT: Specifies the Node Manager Listen port number. If not specified, it uses 5556.
  • BEA_BUNDLED_JVMS: Option to select BEA bundled JVMS such as jrockit_160_05 or jdk160_05 for Windows and LinuxLOCAL_JVMS: Option to select supported JVM, which is already installed. This is when you use the generic jar installer, which doesn't include the Java install package.

You must be aware of choosing the right components. Here's an overview of the components:



WebLogic Server


Core Application Server


Administration Console


Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework


Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server


Weblogic SCA

Optional, but mandatory

addition Oracle Software

WebLogic JDBC Drivers


Third Party JDBC Drivers


WebLogic Server Clients


WebLogic Web Server Clients


WebLogic Web Server Plugins


UDDI and Xquery Support


but mandatory

addition Oracle


Server Examples


Evaluation Database


Oracle Coherence


Coherence Product Files


Coherence Examples


Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

Only for server-side Eclipse IDE

Common files


Running the silent installation

Because your company uses Linux and UNIX for server-side solutions, the way to do the installation on Linux is discussed here, and on Windows it will be quite similar.

  1. Go to the directory that contains the installation program. On a Linux 32-bit environment, this will be wls1033_linux32.bin. When you install with the generic jar installer, it will be wls1033_generic.jar.
  2. Launch the installation program by entering the following commands:
    chmod a+x wls1033_linux32.bin
    ./wls1033_linux32.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_silent.xml
  3. Or use the generic installer:
    java -jar wls1033_generic.jar -mode=silent - silent_xml=path_to_silent.xml
  4. On a 64-bit environment use the d64 option, such as java d64 jar.

    path_to_silent.xml, which is the full path of the silent.xml file.

Some additional options you can add are log=path_to_logfile.

Using a pre-installed Java home

The generic installer does not include a JAVA installer. In this case, you can use the native operating system JAVA or install the package yourself.

If you have installed the package, you will have to give the option:

-jreLoc=<location of your JAVA installation>

Exit codes

The installation can end with 3 different exit codes:

  • 0: Successful installation.
  • 1: Installation failed due to a fatal error.

    Could be a missing directory or missing permissions to the file locations, which you specified in your XML.

  • 2: Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error.

    This is normally a typo or a missing quote in your XML files.

    ** Error during execution, error code = 65280"

Scripted installations

The use of the XML template enables you to script your installation with a shell script (on Linux/UNIX) or batch script (on Windows).

In this shell script, you can specify the same options you use when doing an installation from the command-line.

With scripted installation, you can automate your installation. You can even ask your Linux administrator to run the script during the creation of the Linux environment. So in this case, you provide them the necessary software and template, and they can deliver you a completely installed WebLogic Server.

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