Chapter 2. The Beginning: Planning and Installation

Congratulations! The management has given you the green light to proceed with Oracle WebLogic. So now you will have to arrange for some important things before you can start your first installation.

The first thing you do is go and talk to the Operating Systems Administration department to choose the right hardware and operating system, based on the specifications Oracle WebLogic needs.

Choosing your hardware

Choosing the right hardware is an important matter, but in most cases a company follows a strategy to decide what hardware should be used for what purpose.

Anyway, Oracle WebLogic is certified for several different hardware architectures; see the full list of certifications at: certification-100350.html.

  • Minimum CPU required is 1 GHz, but that's the absolute minimum. It is better to start from 2.5 GHz, with dual- or quad-core architecture. Intel and non-Intel processors are both supported.
  • It depends on what you will run on top of your WebLogic, but a good start is 3GB, considering the number of simultaneous users, sessions, and in-memory programs.
  • Storage refers to local hard disk or external storage. For just a WebLogic Server, installing 2 GB is enough, but be aware that normally you have to install additional software afterwards and configure your WebLogic domain. Consider around 5 to 7 GB, and then you're on the safer side.
  • Hardware or virtualized? Nowadays most companies use virtualization of hardware to reduce costs. Virtualization can be done on AIX (LPAR), Sun (LDOM), or VMware. For a long time, Oracle did not support virtualization, but now Oracle offers its own virtualization solutions, such as Oracle VM and Virtual Box.
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