8-6. Returning Data from a Dynamic Query into a Record


You are writing a block of code that will need to use dynamic SQL to execute a query because the exact SQL string is not known until runtime. The query needs to return the entire contents of the table row so that all columns of data can be used. You want to return the columns into a record variable.


Create a native dynamic SQL query to accommodate the SQL string that is unknown until runtime. FETCH the data using BULK COLLECT into a table of records. Our solution example shows rows from the jobs table being fetched into records, after which the individual record columns of data can be worked with. The following code block demonstrates this technique:


max_sal  NUMBER DEFAULT 0)
  sql_text      VARCHAR2(1000);
  TYPE job_tab IS TABLE OF jobs%ROWTYPE;
  job_list      job_tab;
  job_elem      jobs%ROWTYPE;
  max_sal_temp  NUMBER;
  filter_flag   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
  cursor_var    NUMBER;
  TYPE          cur_type IS REF CURSOR;
  cur           cur_type;
  sql_text := 'SELECT * ' ||
              'FROM JOBS WHERE ' ||
              'min_salary >= :min_sal ' ||
              'and max_salary <= :max_sal';

  IF max_sal = 0 THEN
    SELECT max(max_salary)
    INTO max_sal_temp
    max_sal_temp := max_sal;

  OPEN cur FOR sql_text USING min_sal, max_sal_temp;
  CLOSE cur;

  FOR i IN job_list.FIRST .. job_list.LAST LOOP
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(job_list(i).job_id || ' - ' || job_list(i).job_title);


As the salaries are obtained from the user input, they are used to determine how the bind variables will be populated within the query. The SQL is then executed, and the results are traversed. Each record is fetched and returned into a PL/SQL table of job records using BULK_COLLECT, and then in turn, each record is used to process the results. In this example, the data is simply printed out using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, but any number of tasks could be completed with the data.

How It Works

Dynamic SQL can be processed in a number of ways. In this solution, a record type is created by using the %ROWTYPE attribute of the table that is being queried. In this case, the %ROWTYPE attribute of the JOBS table is being used as a record. The data that is returned from performing a SELECT * on the JOBS table will be stored within that record, and then it will be processed accordingly. The record is created using the following syntax:

record_name     table_name%ROWTYPE;

Using this format, the record_name is any name of your choice that complies with PL/SQL's naming conventions. The table_name is the name of the table from which you will be gathering the data for each column, and the %ROWTYPE attribute is a special table attribute that creates a record type.

To process each record, create a REF CURSOR using the dynamic SQL string and perform a BULK COLLECT to fetch each row of data into a record in the table of JOBS records. The BULK COLLECT will load all of the resulting records at once into a PL/SQL collection object. Once all the data has been retrieved into an object, it can be processed accordingly. The BULK COLLECT is much more efficient than fetching each row from the table one-by-one using a LOOP construct.

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