11-2. E-mailing Output from a Scheduled Job


You have a scheduled job that runs a stored procedure at a regular interval. The procedure produces output that ordinarily would be sent to the screen via the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure, but since it runs as a nightly batch job, you want to send the output to a distribution list as an e-mail message.


Save the output in a CLOB variable and then send it to the target distribution list using the UTL_MAIL.SEND procedure. For example, suppose you want to audit the employee table periodically to find all employees who have not been assigned to a department within the company. Here's a procedure to do that:


CURSOR    driver IS    -- find all employees not in a department
SELECT    employee_id, first_name, last_name
FROM      employees
WHERE     department_id is null
ORDER BY  last_name, first_name;

buffer        CLOB := null; -- the e-mail message


   FOR rec IN driver LOOP    -- generate the e-mail message
      buffer := buffer  ||
        rec.employee_id || ' '  ||
        rec.last_name   || ', ' ||
        rec.first_name  || chr(10);

--    Send the e-mail
   IF buffer is not null THEN -- there are employees without a department
      buffer := 'Employees with no Department' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) || buffer;

              SENDER=>'[email protected]',
          RECIPIENTS=>'[email protected]',
             SUBJECT=>'Employee Audit Results',
   END IF;


How It Works

The procedure is very straightforward in that it finds all employees with no department. When run as a scheduled job, calls to DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE won't work because there is no “screen” to view the output. Instead, the output is collected in a CLOB variable to later use in the UTL_MAIL.SEND procedure. The key to remember in this recipe is there is no screen output from a stored procedure while running as a scheduled job. You must store the intended output and either write it to an operating system file or, as in this example, send it to users in an e-mail.

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