2-7. Obtaining Environment and Session Information


You want to obtain environment and session information such as the name and IP address of the current user so that the values can be stored into local variables for logging purposes.


Make use of the SYS_CONTEXT built-in function to query the database for the user's information. Once you have obtained the information, then store it into a local variable. At that point, you can do whatever you'd like with it, such as save it in a logging table. The following code block demonstrates this technique:

  username     varchar2(100);
  ip_address    varchar2(100);
  INTO username, ip_address

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The connected user is: ' || username || ', and the IP addressImage
 is ' ||

Once this code block has been run, then the user's information should be stored into the local variables that have been declared within it.

How It Works

You can use the SYS_CONTEXT function to obtain important information regarding the current user's environment, among other things. It is oftentimes used for auditing purposes so that a particular code block can grab important information about the connected user such as you've seen in the solution to this recipe. The SYS_CONTEXT function allows you to define a namespace and then place parameters within it so that they can be retrieved for use at a later time. The general syntax for the use of SYS_CONTEXT is as follows:


A namespace can be any valid SQL identifier, and it must be created using the CREATE_CONTEXT statement. The parameter must be a string or evaluate to a string, and it must be set using the DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT procedure. The call to SYS_CONTEXT with a valid namespace and parameter will result in the return of a value that has a VARCHAR2 datatype. The default maximum length of the returned value is 256 bytes. However, this default maximum length can be overridden by specifying the length when calling SYS_CONTEXT. The length is an optional parameter. The range of values for the length is 1 to 4000, and if you specify an invalid value, then the default of 256 will be used.

The USERENV namespace is automatically available for use because it is a built-in namespace provided by Oracle. The USERENV namespace contains session information for the current user. Table 2-1 lists the parameters that are available to use with the USERENV namespace.

Table 2-1. USERENV Parameter Listing

Parameter Description
ACTION Identifies the position in the application name.
AUDITED_CURSORID Returns the cursor ID of the SQL that triggered the audit.
AUTHENTICATED_DATA Returns the data being used to authenticate the user.
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE Identifies how the user was authenticated.
BG_JOB_ID If an Oracle Database background process was used to establish the connection, then this returns the job ID of the current session. If no background process was established, then NULL is returned.
CLIENT_IDENTIFIER Returns identifier that is set by the application.
CLIENT_INFO Returns up to 64 bytes of user session information that can be stored by an application using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.
CURRENT_SCHEMA Returns the current session's default schema.
CURRENT_SCHEMAID Returns the current schema's identifier.
CURRENT_SQL Returns the first 4KB of the triggering SQL.
DB_DOMAIN Returns the value specified in the DB_DOMAIN parameter.
DB_NAME Returns the value specified in the DB_NAME parameter.
DB_UNIQUE_NAME Returns the value specified in the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter.
ENTRYID Returns the current audit entry number.
EXTERNAL_NAME Returns the external name of the database user.
FG_JOB_ID If an Oracle Database foreground process was used to establish the connection, then this returns the job ID of the current session. If no foreground process was established, then NULL is returned.
GLOBAL_CONTEXT_MEMORY Returns the number being used by the globally accessed context in the System Global Area.
HOST Returns the host name of the machine from which the client has connected.
INSTANCE Returns the instance ID number of the current instance.
IP_ADDRESS Returns the IP address of the machine from which the client has connected.
ISDBA Returns TRUE if the user was authenticated as a DBA.
LANG Returns the ISO abbreviation of the language name.
LANGUAGE Returns the language and territory used by the session, along with the character set.
MODULE Returns the application name. This name has to be set via the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.
NETWORK_PROTOCOL Returns the network protocol being used for communication.
NLS_CALENDAR Returns the current calendar of the current session.
NLS_CURRENCY Returns the currency of the current session.
NLS_DATE_FORMAT Returns the date format for the session.
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE Returns the language being used for expressing dates.
NLS_SORT Returns the BINARY or linguistic sort basis.
NLS_TERRITORY Returns the territory of the current session.
OS_USER Returns the operating system user name of the client that initiated the session.
PROXY_USER Returns the name of the database that opened the current session on behalf of SESSION_USER.
PROXY_USERID Returns the identifier of the database user who opened the current session on behalf of the SESSION_USER.
SERVICE_NAME Returns the name of the service to which a given session is connected.
SERSSION_USER Returns the database user name through which the current user is authenticated.
SESSION_USERID Returns the identifier of the database user name by which the current user is authenticated.
SESSIONID Returns the auditing session identifier.
STATEMENTID Returns the auditing statement identifier.
TERMINAL Returns the operating system identifier for the client of the current session.

When SYS_CONTEXT is used within any query, it is most commonly issued against the DUAL table. The DUAL table is installed along with the data dictionary when the Oracle Database is created. This table is really a dummy table that contains one column that is appropriately named DUMMY. This column contains the value X.

SQL> desc dual;
 Name      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 DUMMY               VARCHAR2(1)

Among other things, DUAL is useful for obtaining values from the database when no actual table is needed. Our solution case is such a situation.

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