17-8. Reconfiguring utPLSQL Parameters


You would like to change some of the configurations for your utPLSQL install. For instance, you would like to change the prefix for all of your unit test packages so that, instead of beginning with ut_, they all start with test_.


Use the utConfig package to alter the configurations for utPLSQL. For this solution, you will see how utConfig can be used to change the prefix that is used for all of your test packages. For example, here's how to change the prefix for your test packages from ut_ to test_ using the utConfig package for the current schema.

SQL> exec utConfig.setPrefix('test_'),

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

After executing the statement in the example, the utPLSQL unit test framework will look for test packages beginning with the test_ prefix rather than ut_ within the current schema, until the prefix is changed again using the utConfig package.

How It Works

The utPLSQL test framework can be configured to operate differently from its default manner by changing options using the utConfig package. Changes can be made for the current schema only, or for all schemas within the database. In the solution to this recipe, you have seen that the prefix for test packages is configurable. To change the prefix, pass the desired prefix in string format to utConfig.setPrefix(). The setPrefix() procedure also accepts an additional schema name that will specify the schema to which the configuration option will be applied. If you do not pass a schema name, the changes will occur within the current schema. The actual format for executing the utConfig.setPrefix procedure is as follows:

exec utConfig.setPrefix(desired_prefix, [schema]);

There are many configurable options that can be changed using the utConfig package. Table 17-2 shows the complete list of options.

Table 17-2. utConfig Configuration Options

Option Description
utConfig.autocompile Configure autocompile feature
utConfig.registertest Configure the registration mode (manual or automatic)
utConfig.setdateformat Configure the date format for the date portion of output file names
utConfig.setdelimiter Configure the V2 delimiter
utConfig.setdir Configure the directory containing the test package code
utConfig.setfiledir Configure the directory for file output
utConfig.setfileextension Configure the file extension for output file names
utConfig.setfileinfo Configure all of the above file output related items
utConfig.setincludeprogname Configure whether to include the name of the program being tested within output file names
utConfig.setprefix Configure the default unit test prefix
utConfig.setreporter Configure the default Output Reporter
utConfig.settester Configure whose configuration is used
utConfig.setuserprefix Configure the user prefix for output file names
utConfig.showfailuresonly Switch off the display for successful tests

You can set of the options shown here using a syntax similar to that shown for the setPrefix() procedure that was demonstrated in the solution to this recipe. For more information on using the configurations listed in Table 17-2, please see the online documentation that can be found at: http://utplsql.oracledeveloper.nl/. Along with configurable options, the utConfig package includes some functions that can be called to retrieve information regarding the unit test configuration for the database or for a particular schema. Table 17-3 contains a listing of the options that utConfig makes available for obtaining information.

Table 17-3. utConfig Informational Options

Option Name Description
utConfig.autocompiling Returns autocompile flag value
utConfig.dateformat Returns date format used to construct output file names
utConfig.delimiter Returns V2 delimiter
utConfig.dir Returns directory containing the test package code
utConfig.filedir Returns file output directory
utConfig.fileextension Returns output file name extension
utConfig.fileinfo Returns all file output—related items
utConfig.getreporter Obtains name of the default Output Reporter to use
utConfig.includeprogname Returns whether to include the name of the program being tested within file names
utConfig.prefix Returns default unit test prefix for your code
utConfig.registering Returns registration mode
utConfig.showconfig Displays a schema configuration
utConfig.showingfailuresonly Returns whether successful test results are displayed
utConfig.tester Returns the schema whose configuration is used
utConfig.userprefix Returns the user prefix for output files

The functions can be called just as if they were standard functions within your schema. Some, such as the utConfig.showconfig procedure, require you to set serveroutput on in order to display the output. The following excerpt from a SQL*Plus session shows a call to utConfig.showconfig.

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec utconfig.showconfig
utPLSQL Configuration for USERNAME
Manual test registration?
Prefix =
Default reporter     =
----- File Output settings:
Output directory:
User prefix     =
Include progname?
Date format     =
File extension  =
----- End File Output settings

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The utConfig package contains a variety of configurable options that will allow you to adjust unit testing according to your specific needs. Out of the box, the utPLSQL testing framework contains default values for each of these options, so you may never need to touch utConfig, but the option is available if you need it. Another nice feature is that you can set configurable options for a specific schema. Doing so will allow different schemas in the database to act differently when performing unit testing.

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