11-4. Refreshing a Materialized View on a Timed Interval


You have a materialized view that must be refreshed on a scheduled basis to reflect changes made to the underlying table.


First, create the materialized view with a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. In this example, a materialized view is created consisting of the department and its total salary.:

SELECT department_id, SUM(salary) total_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

Display the contents of the materialized view:

FROM dept_salaries
ORDER BY department_id;

------------- ------------
           10         6500
           20        20200
           30        43500
           40         6500
           50       297100
           60        35000
           70        10000
           80       305600
           90        58000
          100        51600
          110        20300

Use the EXEC DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE procedure to set up a refresh of the materialized view:


Change the underlying data of the view.:

UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary * 1.03;


Note that the materialized view has not changed:

FROM dept_salaries
ORDER BY department_id;

------------- ------------
           10         6500
           20        20200
           30        43500
           40         6500
           50       297100
           60        35000
           70        10000
           80       305600
           90        58000
          100        51600
          110        20300

Next, manually refresh the materialized view:


The materialized view now reflects the updated salaries:

FROM dept_salaries
ORDER BY department_id;

------------- ------------
           10         6695
           20        20806
           30        44805
           40         6695
           50       306013
           60        36050
           70        10300
           80       314768
           90        59740
          100        53148
          110        20909

How It Works

The DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE procedure creates a list of materialized views that refresh at a specified time. Although you could schedule a job that calls the DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH procedure to refresh the view, the MAKE procedure simplifies this automated task. In addition, once your refresh list is created, you can later add more materialized views to the schedule using the DBMS_REFRESH.ADD procedure.

The first argument of the DBMS_REFRESH.MAKE procedure specifies the name of this list; in this example, the list name is HR_MVs. This name must be unique among lists. The next parameter is a list of all materialized views to refresh. The procedure accepts either a comma-separated string of materialized view names or an INDEX BY table, each containing a view name. If the list contains a view not owned by the schema creating the list, then the view name must be qualified with the owner, for example, HR.dept_salaries. The third parameter specifies the first time the refresh will run. In this example, sysdate is used, so the refresh is immediate. The fourth parameter is the interval, which must be a function that returns a date/time for the next run time. This recipe uses 'TRUNC(SYSDATE)+1', which causes the refresh to run at midnight every night.

In this example, the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement creates a simple materialized view of the total salary by departments, and the data is selected from the view to verify that it is populated with correct data.

Image Note After adding a 3 percent raise to each employee's salary, we continue to see a materialized view that reflects the old data. The DBMS_REFRESH routine solves that problem.

Although the refresh list was created, the content of the materialized view remains unchanged until the automatic update, which occurs every night at midnight. After the refresh occurs, the materialized view will reflect all changes made to employee salary since the last refresh occurred.

The manual call to DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH demonstrates how the content of the materialized view changes once the view is refreshed. Without the call to the REFRESH procedure, the content of the materialized view remains unchanged until the next automated run of the REFRESH procedure.

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