Chapter 2. Setting Up Unity and the Ouya Plugin

In this chapter, you'll be guided through installing the Android SDK, Android NDK (Native Development Kit), Java, Java JDK (Java Development Kit), and ODK (Ouya Development Kit) and shown how to set up your Unity project so that you can build Ouya. Once this is complete we'll be ready to start our game, Sokoban. Sokoban is a classic crate-moving game where the player has to get all the crates in a warehouse on to their designated goal tiles. Sokoban in Japanese roughly translates to warehouse keeper.


These instructions have been written for Windows but the installation of the SDK, Java, NDK, and ODK will be similar. Where the process differs greatly we'll include some extra information.

Installing the Android SDK

It may not look like it, but Ouya runs Android so we'll need to install the Android SDK. This is going to allow us to compile from Unity and then add the game to the our Ouya or Android device. Go to in your browser and you'll see a large, blue button on the right that says Download the SDK followed by ADT Bundle for Windows.

Press the large, blue button and you'll be presented with a Terms and Conditions page and a radio button asking whether you want the 32-bit or 64-bit version. We're going to go with the 32-bit version for this book. Once downloaded, install it on your machine. For the purposes of this book, I'm going to install it to c:adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729.

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