Setting up your game

To perform any In-App Purchase, your game must also be signed with a key.der file. Ouya will generate this file for you after you create a listing for your game on their website.

While we're on the Ouya website, let's do that too. Go to and click on Add a Game. Add the values to the following fields:

  • Title: Sokoban 3D, if this is taken use a name of your liking—currently the Ouya platform is allowing duplicate application names although this is likely to change.
  • Android package name: com.generic.sokoban, if this is taken use a name of your liking. Currently the Ouya platform is allowing you to submit duplicate bundle IDs although this is also likely to change. If you do change your bundle ID then revisit Chapter 2, Setting Up Unity and the Ouya Plugin, and follow the steps to set up your new bundle ID in Unity.
  • OUYA exclusive: No – if your app is going to only come out on Ouya then set this to Yes. We will be converting our game to run on Android phones, which is why we set it to No.
  • Expected: The date you plan to release the game.
  • Developer permission: Yes – saying Yes here means that Ouya will publicize the release of your game on the Ouya website.

Tick the three checkboxes and click on Create, you'll be taken to a screen for more information. The required fields on this page are Description, Content rating, Support email address, and Website, so fill in those fields and then click on Save. The My Games screen will appear with your new entry. One of the items alongside your entry will be Signing Key with a Download button. Download your key.der file and save it to (your game project folder)AssetsPluginsAndroid es awkey.der. This will now allow you to sign your apps for release and the In-App Purchase to work.

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