

1NF (First Normal Form), 169–171

2NF (Second Normal Form), 172–174

3NF (Third Normal Form), 175–176

8-bit Unicode Transformation Format, 2


-- operator, 23, 45

− operator, 23

! operator, 45

!= operator, 140

$ escape sequence, 29

% operator, 23

* operator, 23

. operator, 21, 26–27

/ operator, 23

@ error suppression operator, 250, 270

' escape sequence, 29

\ escape sequence, 29

" escape sequence, 29

| operator, 140

|| operator, 45, 48, 140

+ operator, 23

++ operator, 23

< operator, 45

<- operator, 45

< operator, 140

<= operator, 140

<> operator, 140

= operator, 14, 22, 25, 140

> operator, 45, 140

>- operator, 45

>= operator, 140

!- operator, 45

&& (and) operator, 45, 48, 56, 140

* (asterisk), using with SELECT queries, 138

`(backticks), use in SQL commands, 137

{} (curly braces)

using with arrays, 55, 57

using with conditionals, 45, 48

$ (dollar sign), using with variables, 14

== (double equals sign) vs. = (equals sign), 47

" (double) quotation marks, using, 29–31

(escape), using, 6

( ) (parentheses)

using with clauses, 25

using with functions, 8

# (pound) symbol, using in comments, 10–11

; (semicolon)

avoiding, 280

using with statements, 6

' (single) quotation marks, using, 29–31

// (slashes), using in comments, 10–11

[] (square brackets)

using with databases, 114

using with functions, 104

_ (underscore), using with variables, 17


ABS( ) function, 157

absolute vs. relative paths, 76

access problems, debugging, 263

addition operator, symbol for, 23

AES_DECRYPT( ) function, 237

AES_ENCRYPT( ) function, 237, 239

Ajax. See also jQuery

creating JavaScript, 485

form, 481–482

handling request, 484

login_ajax.php script, 484

login.php script, 481–482

overview, 479–480

performing request, 486–491

server-side script, 483

aliases, 153, 155

ALTER command, 230

ALTER TABLE clauses, 222

ANALYZE command, 230

and (&&) operator, 45, 48, 56

and not (XOR) logical operator, 45, 48

AND operator, 45, 48, 156, 140

argument values, setting defaults, 101–104


empty strings, 104

FALSE value, 104

$name, 103

NULL value, 104

using with user-defined functions, 97–100

values, 104

arithmetic, precedence issue, 25

arithmetic operators

addition, 23

decrement, 23

division, 23

increment, 23

modulus, 23

multiplication, 23

subtraction, 23

array( ) function, using, 58

array values, printing during debugging, 261

array_map( ) function, 408


&& (and) operator, 56

{} (curly braces), 55, 57

accessing, 58–59

arsort( ) function, 65, 68

$artists, 54

asort( ) function, 65, 68

associative, 54, 62

calendar.php document, 59–61

combining, 63

and conditionals, 56–57

$_COOKIE superglobal, 55

creating, 58

creating and accessing, 59–60

defined, 54

$_ENV superglobal, 55

examples, 54

foreach loop, 58–61, 63–64

$_GET superglobal, 55


HTML table for sorting, 66

indexed, 54

indexing, 58

keys, 54, 57

key-value pairs, 54

ksort( ) function, 65, 67

of Mexican states, 62–64

multidimensional, 61–64

naming rules, 54

natsort( ) function, 68

$_POST superglobal, 55–56

printing, 55

printing after sorting, 67

randomizing order of, 68

referring to values in, 54

$_REQUEST superglobal, 55–56

returning from functions, 108

$_SERVER superglobal, 55

$_SESSION superglobal, 55

shuffle( ) function, 68

sort( ) function, 65

sorting, 65–68

of sphenic numbers, 61

$states, 54

and strings, 65

superglobals, 55–56

using, 56–57

using for pull-down menus, 59–60

using with loops, 70

usort( ) function, 68

arsort( ) function, using with arrays, 65, 68

asort( ) function, using with arrays, 65, 68

assignment operator (=), 140

example, 25

using for concatenation, 22

using with variables, 14

asterisk (*), using with SELECT queries, 138

AUTO_INCREMENT example, 135

autocommit nature, altering, 236

AVG( ) grouping function, 214–215, 217


backslash code, 29

backticks (`), use in SQL commands, 137

banking database

accounts table, 198

average account balance, 214

customers table, 197

transactions table, 199

BETWEEN operator, 140

blacklist validation, 409

blank page

displaying in error, 8

error, 258

books database, 176

Boolean FULLTEXT searches, performing, 227–229

Boolean mode operators, 227

boundaries, using with regular expressions, 444


sending data to, 7–9

sending HTML to, 12

brute force attacks, preventing, 431


calculator.html page

DOM manipulation, 474–478

saving, 468

calculator.js page, saving, 472

calculator.php document

changing echo statement, 107

create_gallon_radio( ) function, 98

creating, 86

default argument values, 101–104

Filter extension, 422–424

formatting costs, 107

$name argument, 103

radio buttons, 98–103

return statement, 108

returning costs, 107

rewriting for sticky form, 90–94

saving, 90, 100

saving for sticky form, 94

script, 87, 92–93

typecasting, 410–413

user-defined function, 98–100

calendar.php document

creating, 59

loop examples, 70–71

saving, 61

call to undefined function error, 97, 258

cannot redeclare function error, 258

CAPTCHA test, 408

carriage return code, 29

CASCADE action, using with foreign key constraints, 196

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CASE( ) function, 219

ceil( ) function, 319

CEILING( ) function, 157

CHAR( ) function, 135


character classes, using with regular expressions, 443–445

character codes, replacing with values, 29

character sets

assigning, 186–188

collations, 184

establishing for columns, 186

explained, 184

UTF-8, 188

UTF-8 encoding, 185

characters, printing, 31

CHARSET command, 186

@charset "utf-8", using with CSS files, 5

cinema database, 172

clauses, grouping in parentheses, 25

COALESCE( ) function, 218

Codd, E.F., 166


assigning, 186–188

establishing for columns, 186

explained, 184

specifying in queries, 188

viewing, 185

column types, choosing for databases, 114–117

column values, applying functions to, 153

columns, using indexes on, 179

comma, concatenating to variables, 21


avoiding nesting, 13

example, 15

guidelines for, 13

HTML, 10

keeping up to date, 13

multiline, 10, 12

PHP, 10

using at end of line, 13

using to debug scripts, 259

writing, 10–13

comments.php document

creating, 11

saving, 12

COMMIT command, using with queries, 233, 236

comparative operators

-- (is equal to), 45

< (less than), 45

<- (less than or equal to), 45

> (greater than), 45

>- (greater than or equal to), 45

!- (is not equal to), 45

comparison functions, 218

CONCAT( ) functions, 154–156

concatenating values, 22


assignment operator (=), 22

defined, 21

operator (.), 21

using, 21–22

using with numbers, 21

using with strings, 21

concatenation operator (.)

using, 21

using with constants, 26–27

concat.php file, saving, 22


{} (curly braces), 45, 48

adding to print message, 47

default values, 48

else, 45

elseif, 45

$gender variable, 46

if, 45

if-elseif-else, 47

indicating subsets of, 48

switch, 48

using, 46–48

using with arrays, 56–57

connection scripts .php with, 271


accessing values of, 26

assigning scalar values, 26

concatenation (.) operator, 26–27

creating, 26

date, 27

define( ) function, 26

mysqli_fetch_array( ), 281

naming, 26

omitting quotation marks, 26

PHP_OS, 26


predefined, 26

using, 27–28

vs. variables, 26

constants.php document

creating, 27

saving, 28

constraints vs. triggers, 201

CONVERT( ) function, 188

CONVERT_TZ function, 190


accessing, 380–382

creating logout link, 386–387

deleting, 384–385

expirations, 384

explained, 376

sending, 378–380

vs. sessions, 388

setting, 377

setting parameters, 382–384

size limit, 380

testing for, 376

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

explained, 189

using, 189

COUNT( ) grouping function, 214–215, 319

applying, 217

create_ad( ) function, calling, 97

create_gallon_radio( ) function, 98

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

error class, 51

using with HTML forms, 37

CSS file, declaring encoding for, 5

CUR( ) functions, 159–160

curly braces ({})

using with arrays, 55, 57

using with conditionals, 45, 48


data, validating by type, 409–413

database design

ERD (entity-relationship diagram), 169

foreign key constraints, 195–201

forum data, 166–167

indexes, 179–181

process, 169

reviewing, 177–178

database elements, naming, 112–113

database schema

explained, 166

MySQL Workbench program, 169

database structure, confirming, 188

database tables

altering, 222

deleting data in, 152

emptying, 152

joining three or more, 211–213



banking, 196–197

“big,” 233

books, 176

choosing column types, 114–117

connecting to, 268–272

data types, 115

default values for columns, 119–120

deleting, 152

encrypting, 237–239

forum, 175, 181–182

indexes, 118

keys, 118, 167

Length attribute, 114

message board, 520–528

modeling, 169

movies table, 170

optimizing, 230

planning contents of, 166

PRIMARY KEY, 118–119

relationships, 168–169

selecting, 268–272

square brackets ([ ]), 114

TEXT columns, 120

TIMESTAMP column, 119

UNSIGNED number types, 119–120

USE command, 123, 126

users table, 116, 120

ZEROFILL number types, 119

date and time

accessing on client, 163

*_FORMAT parameters, 162

functions, 159–161, 362–365

NOW( ) function, 163

returning current, 163

date constant, creating, 27

DATE( ) function, 159

date( ) function formatting

formatting, 362

parameters, 364

dates, handling consistently, 194

DateTime class, 511–517

datetime.php script, 513–514

DAY( ) functions, 159–160

debugging. See also error messages

access problems, 263

basics, 242–243

beginning, 244–246

with Firefox, 246


HTML errors, 246–247

JavaScript, 459

MySQL techniques, 262–263

PHP scripts, 5, 8, 33, 259–261

with phpinfo( ) script, 245

SQL techniques, 262–263

steps, 243–244

using display_errors, 33

validation tools, 246

decimals vs. integers, 25

decrement operator, symbol for, 23

define( ) function, using with constants, 26

DELETE command, 151

delete_user.php script, 303–305


constrained records, 201

cookies, 384–385

data, 151–152

records, 297

session variables, 393

sessions, 393–395

die( ) function, using in debugging, 261, 270

display_errors, 248–249

confirming, 33

turned off, 8

using in debugging, 33

using to debug scripts, 259

display_errors.php, opening, 251

division operator, symbol for, 23

do...while, 70

documents, organizing, 271

dollar sign ($)

code, 29–31

using with variables, 14

DOM manipulation, 473–478

double (") quotation marks, 29–31

double equals sign (==) vs. equals sign (=), 47

DROP command, 152

dynamic Web sites. See also external files; HTML forms; Web sites

ease of maintenance, 78

handling HTML forms, 85–90

.html file extension, 78

.inc file extension, 78

including multiple files, 78–84

$page_title variable, 82

security, 78

sticky forms, 91–94

structure, 78


echo language construct

sending HTML code to browser, 8

using, 6–7

using over multiple lines, 9

using to debug scripts, 260

echo statement

concatenation example, 21

in HTML forms, 43

using with strings, 20


add_artist.php document, 613–618

add_cart.php script, 645–648

add_print.php document, 618–628

artists table, 606, 608

browse_prints.php document, 634–637

checkout process, 654

checkout.php script, 655–658

customers table, 607, 609

database, 606–611

footer.html document, 631

header.html document, 629–630

index.php document, 631–632

order_contents table, 607, 610

orders table, 607, 609

prints table, 606, 608–609

product catalog, 633–644

public template, 629–632

recording orders, 654–658

security, 611

shopping cart, 645–653

show_image.php document, 642–644

view_cart.php script, 648–653

view_print.php document, 638–642, 644

edit_user.php script, 309–311

else conditional, 45

elseif conditional, 45

email, sending, 330–335

email.php script, 332–333

array_map( ) function, 408

preventing spam, 404

empty( ) function, using with forms, 49

empty variable value error, 258


declaring for external CSS file, 5

explained, 2

indicating to Web browser, 2

listing, 184

encrypting databases, 237–239. See also security methods

enctype, including with form tag, 342, 347

ENUM types, sorting on, 146

equals sign (=) vs. double equals sign (==), 47

ERD (entity-relationship diagram)

example, 178

explained, 169

error CSS class, defining, 51

error handlers, customizing, 253–257

error management

die( ) function, 261

exit( ) function, 261

error messages. See also debugging

access-denied, 263

call to undefined function error, 97

column values in MySQL, 137

deleting parent records, 195

SHOW WARNINGS command, 137

trusting, 33

Undefined variable: variablename, 44

error reporting

adjusting in PHP, 250–252

levels, 250

notices, 250

warnings, 250


in book, 247

display_errors, 248–249

PHP, 248–249

suppressing with @, 250

syntactical, 242

types of, 242–243

escape (), 6

escape sequences, 29

exit( ) function, using in debugging, 261

EXPLAIN command, 231, 233

extensions, 4

external files. See also Web sites

absolute paths, 76

include( ) function, 76–77, 82

referencing, 76

relative paths, 76

require( ) function, 76–77

using, 78


fetch_object( ) method, 507

file extensions, 4

file not found error, receiving, 5

file uploads

allowing for, 336–337

configurations, 336

$_FILES array, 342

with PHP, 342–347

preparing server, 338–341

secure folder permissions, 337

Unix chmod command, 341

Fileinfo extension, 415–416


including multiple, 76–84

validating by type, 414–417

$_FILES array, using with uploads, 342

filters, 421–424

sanitation, 421

validation, 421

Firefox, using for debugging, 246

First Normal Form (1NF), 169–171

first.php document

creating, 3

running in browser, 4

saving, 4

sending data to Web browser, 7

FLOOR( ) function, 157

FLUSH PRIVILEGES, using in debugging, 263

folder permissions, securing, 337

footer file, including in HTML form, 90

footer.html file

creating, 81

saving, 82

for loop. See also loops

example, 69

functionality, 70

rewriting foreach loop as, 70–71

foreach loop. See also loops

rewriting as for loop, 70–71

using with arrays, 58–61, 63–64

foreign key constraints

accounts table, 198

action options, 195

banking database, 197

CASCADE action, 196

creating, 197–201

customers table, 197

ON DELETE action, 195

explained, 195–196

impact on INSERT queries, 195

populating tables, 200

syntax, 195

transactions table, 199

ON UPDATE action, 195

form data

adding CSS to HTML head, 51

empty( ) function, 49, 51

error CSS class, 51

if-else conditional, 52

is_numeric( ) function, 53

isset( ) function, 49, 51

validating, 49–53

validating gender variable, 51–52

form tag

action attribute, 36

enctype part of, 342, 347

method attribute, 36

specifying encoding, 40

using in HTML forms, 36, 38

FORMAT( ) function, 157

*_FORMAT parameters, date and time, 162

form.html document

creating, 37

saving, 40

testing, 43

forms. See also HTML forms

preventing automated submissions, 408

validating, 56

validation errors, 279

forum database, 175. See also message board

atomic, 170

creating, 186

ERD (entity-relationship diagram), explained, 178

indexes, 181

items, 166–167

table types, 182

time zones, 190–194

forum page, creating for message board, 538–542

forums table, creating, 186

FULLTEXT indexes, adding, 180, 223–224

FULLTEXT searches

Boolean, 227–229

performing, 222–226

function.js document

creating, 350

saving, 352

functions. See also MySQL functions; PHP functions; user-defined functions

[ ] (square brackets), 104

applying to column values, 153

avoiding global variables in, 109

calling and returning arrays, 108

date and time, 159

errors, 258

grouping, 214

for numbers, 23

numeric, 157–158

optional parameters, 104

returning multiple values, 108

searching in PHP manual, 22

for strings, 22

text, 154–156

type validation, 409


garbage collection, 394

gender radio buttons, validating, 46

gender variable, validating, 51–52

GET request, using with HTML forms, 85

$_GET variable vs. variable scope, 109

getdate( ) array, 363

getimagesize( ) array, 352

$GLOBALS array, adding elements to, 109

greater than (>) operator, 45

greater than or equal to (>-) operator, 45

GREATEST( ) function, 218

GROUP BY clauses, using with joins, 215

GROUP_CONCAT( ) grouping function, 214


functions, 214–215

data, 216–217


handle_form.php document

for arrays, 56–57

conditionals example, 46–48

creating, 42

saving, 43, 53

using stripslashes( ) function in, 44

validating form data, 49–53

HAVING clause, explained, 217

header( ) function, 356–361

header.html file

for logout link, 386

modifying, 266–267

saving, 81, 266

for session variables, 392

headers already sent error, 258

hidden form inputs, 304–308

home page, creating for message board, 537

HOUR( ) function, 159

.htaccess file, 337


printing with PHP, 31

resource for, 5

sending to Web browser, 12

HTML attributes, double quoting, 94

HTML code, sending, 8

HTML errors, debugging, 246–247

.html extension, 3, 78

HTML for Web page script, 80

HTML forms. See also dynamic Web sites; forms; sticky forms

age element, 42

beginning, 89

comments element, 42

completing, 89

creating, 37–40

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 37

echo statement, 43

email element, 42

encoding for form tag, 39

footer file, 90

form data variables, 42

form tag, 36, 38

gender element, 42

gender radio button, 46

GET method, 36

GET request, 85

handling, 42–44, 86–90

.html extension, 39

input types, 44

method attribute, 36

multidimensional arrays from, 64

name element, 42

number_format( ) function, 88

performing calculations, 88

POST method, 36, 85

printing, 42

printing results, 88

printing values in, 42

pull-down menu, 39, 59–60

radio buttons, 39, 90

$_REQUEST[ ] variables, 42–43

sample script, 37–38

starting, 38

submit element, 42

submitting back to itself, 90

testing, 43

testing submission of, 85–86

text box for comments, 39

text inputs, 38

textarea element, 39

validating, 88

variables for form elements, 42

HTML source code

altering spacing of, 9

checking, 33

HTML table, creating to sort arrays, 66

HTML template script, 79

HTML5, development of, 3

HTML-embedded language, PHP as, 2

htmlentities( ) function, 418–420

.html extension, 39

htmlspecialchars( ) function, 418, 420

HTTP headers, 355–357


if conditional, 45

if-else conditional, 52

if-elseif-else conditional, 47

IFNULL( ) function, 221

images.php document. See also show_image.php script

creating, 352

date and time functions, 363–365

script, 353–355

IN operator, 140

.inc file extension, 78

include( ) function

vs. require( ) function, 84

using, 76–77, 82

increment operator, symbol for, 23

index page, creating for message board, 537


creating, 179–181




using on columns, 179

using with JOINs, 181

index.php file

saving, 83

using to create function, 95

ini_set( ) function, 248–249

inner joins, 205–207, 212

InnoDB storage engine

features, 182

foreign key constraints, 195

vs. MyISAM, 182


vs. decimals, 25

maximum, 25

is equal to (--) operator, 45

IS FALSE operator, 140

is not equal to (!-) operator, 45

IS NOT NULL operator, 140

IS NULL operator, 140–141

IS TRUE operator, 140

is_* type validation functions, 409

is_numeric( ) function, using with forms, 53

is_uploaded_file( ) function, 347

ISO-8859-1 encoding, use of, 5

isset( ) function

using with conditionals, 45

validating form data, 49, 51



alert( ) call, 470

debugging, 459

event handling, 469–472

form submission, 470–472

form validation, 491

formatting numbers, 472

test.js file, 470

JavaScript file

creating, 349–354

creating with PHP, 352–354

join types, 232

joining tables, 211–213


creating, 211

GROUP BY clauses in, 215

inner, 205–207, 212

outer, 208–211

performing, 204–205

self-, 210

JOINs, using indexes with, 181

jQuery. See also Ajax

$(document), 466

DOM manipulation, 473–478

hosted, 461

HTML form, 467–468

incorporating, 460–462

overview, 458–459

selecting page elements, 466–468

selecting Web documents, 466

test.html script, 462, 467

using, 463–465

jQuery( ) function, calling, 465



assigning, 167

foreign, 167

primary, 167

ksort( ) function, using with arrays, 65, 67


LEFT( ) function, 154

LENGTH( ) function, 154, 156

less than (< ) operator, 45

less than or equal to (<-) operator, 45

LIKE keyword, 222

literal underscore, 144

percentage, 144

using, 143–144

LIMIT clause

using with queries, 147–148

using with UPDATE, 150

list( )function, 108

loggedin.php script, 381, 391, 398

logical operators

! (not), 45

&& (and), 45, 48

|| (or), 45, 48

AND, 45, 48

OR, 45, 48

XOR (and not), 45, 48

login functions, making, 371–375

login page, making, 368–371 script, 372–373

login_page.php script, 369

login.js file, creating, 486–488

login.php script, 378, 383

Ajax, 481–482

with encryption, 397

with sessions, 389

logout link, creating for cookies, 386–387

logout.php script, 385, 393

loops. See also for loop; foreach loop; while loop

conditions, 70

do...while, 70

infinite, 70

parameters, 70

using, 70–71

using with arrays, 70

LOWER( ) function, 154


Magic Quotes. See also quotation marks

stripslashes( ) function, 44

undoing effect of, 44

mail( ) function, 330–335

many-to-many relationship, 168

matches.php document, 450, 452

mathematical calculations

assignment operators, 25

performing, 24

MAX( ) grouping function, 214


MD5( ) function, 135

message board. See also forum database

administering, 557

database, 520–528

footer file, 536

forum page, 538–542

header.html template, 530–536

home page, 537

index page, 537

languages table, 527

post_form.php page, 548–551

posting messages, 548–557

post.php file, 552–557

read.php file for thread page, 544–546

templates, 529–537

thread page, 543–547

threads table, 524

users table, 525, 527

words table, 526, 528

messages table, creating, 187

meta tag, using in encoding, 2

meta-characters, using in regular expressions, 438

method attribute, using with HTML forms, 36

MIN( ) grouping function, 214

MINUTE( ) function, 159

MOD( ) function, 157–158

modulus operator, symbol for, 23

MONTH( ) functions, 159

movies table, 170

movies-actors table, 171, 174

multi.php document, creating, 62

multiplication operator, symbol for, 23

MyISAM table type, 182

MySQL. See also SQL (Structured Query Language)

accessing, 121–127

case sensitivity of identifiers, 113

CHAR( ) function, 135

column properties, 118–120

column types, 114–117

connecting to, 268–272

connection for OOP, 497–500

debugging techniques, 262–263

described, 111

errors related to column values, 137

FALSE keyword, 142


inserting rows, 133

length limits for element names, 113

MD5( ) function, 135

naming database elements, 112–113

NOT NULL value for columns, 118

NOW( ) function, 135, 137

NULL value for columns, 119

Query Browser, 121

selecting column types, 116–117

SHA1( ) function, 135, 137, 142


SHOW command, 188

time zones, 189–194

TRUE keyword, 142

users table, 113

mysql client, 121–124

MySQL data types




CHAR, 115, 117

DATE, 115





ENUM, 114–115

FLOAT, 115


INT, 115






SET, 114–115

SHOW ENGINES command, 183


TEXT, 115

TIME, 115

TIMESTAMP, 115, 117


TINYINT, 115, 117




VARCHAR, 115, 117

MySQL functions, support for, 267. See also functions

MySQL Workbench program, 169

mysqli_connect.php document

creating, 268

saving, 270

script, 269

security, 271

mysqli_fetch_array( ) constants, 281

mysqli_num_rows( ) function, 290–291

mysqli_real_escape_string( ) function, 286–289, 425


(newline) character

escape sequence, meaning, 29, 31

printing, 9

namespaces, support for, 496

natsort( ) function, using with arrays, 68

newline ( ) character, printing, 9

newline code, 29, 31

nl2br( ) function, 420


1NF (First Normal Form), 169–171

2NF (Second Normal Form), 172–174

3NF (Third Normal Form), 175–176

defined, 165

development, 166

forms, 169

overruling, 176

process, 166, 169

not (!) operator, 45

NOT BETWEEN operator, 140

NOT IN operator, 140

NOT LIKE keyword

literal underscore, 144

percentage, 144

using, 143–144

NOT operator, 140

Notepad, avoiding use of, 3–4

notices, error reporting, 250

NOW( ) function, 135, 159

NULL type, explained, 45

NULL values vs. empty strings, 141

number_format( ) function, 23, 25, 88


arithmetic operators, 23

functions for, 23

quoting, 23

sphenic, 61

using, 24–25

using typecasting with, 413

using variables with, 24

numbers.php document

creating, 24

quotation marks examples, 29–31

saving, 25

number-type variables, examples, 23

numeric functions, 157–158


one-to-many relationship, 168

one-to-one relationship, 168

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming). See also programming techniques

classes, 496

DateTime class, 511–517

executing queries, 501–504

fetch_object( ) method, 507

fetching results, 505–507

fundamentals, 494–495

MySQL connection, 497–500

outbound parameters, 510

prepared statements, 508–510

vs. procedural, 494

syntax in PHP, 495–496

operating system (OS) constant, 26


comparative, 45

exclusive or, 48

logical, 45

ternary, 317

OPTIMIZE command, 230

or (||) operator, 45, 48

OR operator, 45, 48, 140

ORDER BY clause

alias in, 155

using with indexes, 180

ORDER BY clause, using with queries, 145–146

OS (operating system) constant, 26

outbound parameters, 510

outer joins, 208–211

output buffering, 561


pagination, explained, 316

parameters. See arguments

parentheses (())

using with clauses, 25

using with functions, 8

parse error, 258

for arrays, 55

receiving, 8

password, validating, 277

password.php script, 292–297

paths, absolute vs. relative, 76


back references, 455

defining for regular expressions, 438–440

matching, 452–455

meta-characters, 438

modifiers, 450

replacing, 452–455

pcre.php script

character classes, 444–445

matching patterns, 435

quantifiers, 441–442

reporting matches, 446–449

using patterns, 439–440


adjusting error reporting, 250–252

debugging technique, 258–261

namespaces, 496

OOP syntax in, 495–496

updating records with, 292–297

PHP and JavaScript, 348

PHP code

executing, 5

objects in, 500

placing in PHP tags, 3

PHP errors

blank page, 258

call to undefined function, 258

cannot redeclare function, 258

displaying, 248–249

empty variable value, 258

headers already sent, 258

logging, 257

parse error, 258

undefined variable, 258

.php extension

using, 3, 78

using with connection scripts, 271

PHP files, including extensions with, 3

PHP functions, using with MySQL, 267. See also functions

PHP mail( ) dependencies, 330

PHP manual, accessing, 22

PHP pages, storing data sent to, 44

PHP scripts. See also scripts

debugging, 5, 8, 33, 259–261

for JavaScript, 352–354

making, 3–5

running through URLs, 7, 33

sending values to, 300–303

writing, 3

PHP tags, 4

PHP_OS constant

explained, 26

using, 27

PHP_VERSION constant

explained, 26

using, 27, 33

phpinfo( ) function

using, 33

using for debugging, 245

php.ini configuration file, include_path setting, 84


INSERT form, 137

INSERT tab, 137

SELECT queries, 139

sitename database, 132

updating records, 150

using, 124–127

“Plain and Simple” template, 78

POST method, using with HTML forms, 85

$_POST variable vs. variable scope, 109

post_message.php script, 427–431, 508–510

pound (#) symbol, using in comments, 10–11

POW( ) function, 157

precedence, explained, 25

predefined.php document

creating, 15

saving, 17

preg_match( ) function, using with regular expressions, 446–447

preg_replace( ) function, 452–454

prepared statements

in OOP, 508–510

performance, 425

using, 427–431

primary key, assigning, 167

PRIMARY KEY index, adding, 180–181

print language construct

sending HTML code to browser, 8

using, 6–7

using over multiple lines, 9

using to debug scripts, 260

print_r( ) function, 500


arrays, 55

arrays after sorting, 67

backslashes, 29

characters, 31

date, 27

dollar signs, 30–31

HTML forms, 42

HTML with PHP, 31

names of scripts, 16

operating system information, 27

parse error, receiving, 55

PHP version, 27

quotation marks, 29

results of HTML forms, 88

server information, 16

user information for scripts, 16

validation results for form data, 52

values in HTML forms, 43

values of strings, 18

values of variables, 31

programming techniques. See also OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

editing records, 309–315

hidden form inputs, 304–308

paginating query results, 316–322

sending values to scripts, 300–303

sortable displays, 323–327

proxy.php script, using with HTTP headers, 355

pull-down menu

adding to HTML form, 39

preselecting in sticky forms, 91

using arrays for, 59–60


quantifiers, using with regular expressions, 441–442


executing, 273–280

executing in OOP, 501–504

explaining, 231–233

identifying problems with, 233

limiting results, 147–148

optimizing, 230–233

ORDER BY clause, 145–146

performing calculations in, 142

quotes in, 134

sorting results, 145–146

specifying collations in, 188

query results

fetching, 284

paginating, 316–322

retrieving, 281–284

quotation marks. See also Magic Quotes

checking during debugging, 260

escape sequences, 29

printing, 29

single vs. double, 29–31

using in queries, 134

using with functions, 6–7

using with HTML attributes, 94

using with strings, 18

using with variables, 14

quotes.php file, saving, 31


escape sequence, meaning, 29

radio buttons

adding to HTML forms, 39

changing in sticky forms, 93

presetting in sticky forms, 91

using in HTML forms, 90

RAND( ) function, 157–158

RDBMS, “relational” aspect, 169

read.php, creating for thread page, 544–546


counting returned, 290–291

deleting, 151–152, 297

deleting constrained, 201

editing, 309–315

fetching, 506

finding in users table, 319

updating, 149–150

updating with PHP, 292–297

register.php script, 274–276

modifying, 291

mysqli_real_escape_string( ), 286–288

OOP example, 502–504

regular expressions

boundaries, 444

character classes, 443–446

finding matches, 446–449

matching patterns, 452–455

modifiers, 450–451

patterns, 438–440

preg_match( ) function, 446

quantifiers, 441–442

reducing greediness, 447–448

replacing patterns, 452–455

searching, 156

strstr( ) function, 440

test script, 434–437

using, 403, 409, 413


many-to-many, 168

one-to-many, 168

one-to-one, 168

relative vs. absolute paths, 76

REPLACE command, 137

REPLACE( ) function, 154

$_REQUEST variable vs. variable scope, 109

require( ) function, vs. include( ) function, 84

return, including in messages, 9

return statement, using with functions, 105–108

RIGHT( ) function, 154

ROLLBACK command, with queries, 233, 236

round( ) function, 23

ROUND( ) function, 157

rows, inserting in MySQL, 133


sanitation filters, 421

savepoints, creating in transactions, 236

scandir( ) function, 352

schema, defined, 166

script files, 352

scripts. See also PHP scripts

dynamic, 17

printing names of, 16

searches, performing FULLTEXT, 222–226

SECOND( ) function, 159

Second Normal Form (2NF), 172–174

second.php file, saving, 7

secure SQL, ensuring, 285–289


e-commerce, 611

of sortable displays, 327

security methods. See also encrypting databases

approaching, 403

CAPTCHA test, 408

Filter extension, 421–424

preventing brute force attacks, 431

preventing spam, 402–408

preventing SQL injection attacks, 425–431

preventing XSS attacks, 418–420

recommendations, 430

validating data by type, 409–413

validating files by type, 414–417

SELECT queries

* (asterisk) used with, 138

adding conditionals to, 140–143

listing columns in, 139

retrieving columns, 139

using with column values, 153

selections, advanced, 218–221

self-joins, performing, 210

semicolon (;)

avoiding, 280

using with statements, 6

server, preparing for file uploads, 338–341

server information, printing, 16

session behavior, changing, 396

session fixation, preventing, 399

session variables

accessing, 390–392

deleting, 393

setting, 388–389

session_start( ) function, calling, 394


beginning, 389–390

vs. cookies, 388

deleting, 393–395

destroying, 393

improving security, 396–399

using, 388

setcookie( ) function, 377, 380

arguments, 384

result of, 387

SHA1( ) function, 135, 236, 239


SHOW command, 188

SHOW ENGINES command, 183

SHOW WARNINGS command, 137

show_image.php script. See also images.php document

creating, 358

saving, 360

shuffle( ) function, using with arrays, 68

single (') quotation marks, 29–31

sitename database

creating, 130

SELECT queries, 140–142

users table, 131

slashes (//), using in comments, 10–11

sort( ) function, using with arrays, 65

sortable displays, making, 323–327


arrays, 65–68

on ENUM types, 146

query results, 145–146

sorting.php document

creating, 66

saving, 68

space, concatenating to variables, 21

spacing, altering in Web pages, 9

spam, preventing, 402–408

spam_scrubber( ) function, 404–406

special characters, printing, 31

sphenic numbers, creating array of, 61

SQL (Structured Query Language). See also MySQL

aliases, 153, 155


character set, 132

collation, 132

conditionals, 140–142

confirming tables, 132


creating databases, 130–132

creating tables, 130–132

date and time functions, 159–161

debugging techniques, 262–263

DELETE command, 151

deleting data, 151–152

DESCRIBE tablename syntax, 132

DROP command, 152

formatting date and time, 162–163

formatting text, 155–156

functions, 153–156

INSERT command, 133–137

inserting records, 133–137

LIKE, 143–144

LIMIT clause, 147–148

limiting query results, 147–148

listing columns, 132

NOT LIKE, 143–144

NULL values, 133

numeric functions, 157–158

quotes in queries, 134

securing, 285–289

SELECT query, 138–139

SHOW COLUMNS FROM tablename, 132

SHOW TABLES syntax, 132

sorting query results, 145–146

specifying collation, 132

table types, 132

text columns, 132

text functions, 154–155

TRUNCATE TABLE command, 151

UPDATE syntax, 149–150

updating data, 149–150

users table, 131

WHERE term, 140–141

SQL commands

backticks (`) in, 137

entering, 127


SELECT, 138–139

SQL injection attacks

bound value types, 426

prepared statements, 427–431

preventing, 425–431

SQRT( ) function, 157

square brackets ([ ])

using with databases, 114

using with functions, 104

sticky forms. See also HTML forms

changing distance input, 92

changing radio buttons, 93

described, 91

making, 92–94

preselecting pull-down menu, 91

presetting status of radio buttons, 91

presetting value of textarea, 91

select menu options, 94

using, 309, 314–315

value attribute, 91

storage engine, defined, 182

string equality, checking for, 143

strings. See also variables

and arrays, 65

assigning values to variables, 18

calculating length of, 22

comparing, 143

concatenating, 21–22

converting case of, 22

creating, 18

defined, 18

echo statement, 20

functions, 22

matching, 222

printing values of, 18

size consideration, 20

using, 19–20

using quotation marks with, 18

using variables with, 19

strings.php document

concatenation example, 21–22

creating, 19

saving, 20

strip_tags( ) function, 418, 420

stripslashes( ) function, 44

strlen( ) function, 22

strstr( ) function 440

strtolower( ) function, 22

strtoupper( ) function, 22

Structured Query Language (SQL). See SQL (Structured Query Language)

style.css file, downloading, 79

SUBSTRING( ) function, 154

subtraction operator, symbol for, 23

SUM( ) grouping function, 214, 217

superglobal variable, $_REQUEST, 44

switch conditional, 48

syntax, errors in, 242


escape sequence, meaning, 29

tab code, 29

table types

confirming, 223

establishing, 183

finding, 183

MyISAM, 182

storage engine, 182

using, 182

tables. See database tables

template system

creating, 77–78

header file, 266–267

index.php page, 83

ternary operator, structure of, 317


converting, 188

formatting, 155–156

text box for comments, adding to HTML form, 39

text editor, 3

text functions, 154–156

textarea element

adding to HTML form, 39

presetting value in sticky forms, 91

Third Normal Form (3NF), 175–176

thread page, creating for message board, 543–547

Thumbs.db file, 354

time. See date and time

time zones, changing, 190


creating savepoints in, 236

performing, 234–236

triggers vs. constraints, 201

TRIM( ) function, 154

TRUNCATE command, 297

TRUNCATE TABLE command, 151

.txt extension, avoiding use of, 4

type validation functions, 409

typecasting, 410–413


ucfirst( ) function, 22

ucwords( ) function, 22

undefined variable error, 258

Undefined variable: variablename error, 44

underscore (_), using with variables, 17

UNIQUE indexes, adding, 180

Unix chmod command, using for file uploads, 341

UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) functions, 159

UPDATE query, running, 292–297

UPDATE syntax, 149–150

upload_image.php document, 343–345

upload_rtf.php script, 415–417

UPPER( ) function, 153–154


appending variables to, 303

using with PHP scripts, 5, 7, 33

user information, printing, 16

user registration

account activation, 586–588

activation page, 586–588

activation process, 583

change_password.php script, 599–603

configuration scripts, 566–573

database connection, 571–573

database scheme, 573

database script, 570

footer.html file, 563–565

forgot_password.php script, 594–599

header.html file, 560–562

home page, 574–575

index.php script, 574–575

login.php script, 589–592

logout.php script, 593

output buffering, 561

password management, 594–603

register.php script, 576–585

site administration, 602

templates, 560–565

user-defined functions. See also functions

calculation script, 105–107

calling after creating, 97

case insensitivity, 95

create_ad( ), 97

creating, 95–97

default argument values, 101–104

memory usage, 97

naming, 95

return statement, 105

returning values from, 105–108

taking arguments, 97–100

variable scope, 109

users table

creating, 187

finding records in, 319

usort( ) function, using with arrays, 68

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

explained, 189

using, 191–194

UTC Offsets table, 189

UTC_TIMESTAMP( ) functions, 159

UTF-8 characters, increasing column size for, 188

UTF-8 encoding, 2, 185, 191


validating files by type, 414–417


blacklist, 409

typecasting, 410–413

whitelist, 409

validation errors, reporting forms, 279

validation filters, 421

validation tools, using for debugging, 246

$var, removing backslashes from, 44


variable names, replacing, 29

variable scope

altering, 109

circumventing, 109

global statement, 109

superglobal alternative, 109

variables. See also strings

adding to function definitions, 97

appending to URLs, 303

arrays, 14

assigning values to, 14, 20

assignment operator (=), 14

Boolean, 14

case sensitivity, 14

confirming values of, 44

vs. constants, 26

defined, 14

floating point, 14

including underscore, 17

integer, 14

naming, 14, 17

nonscalar, 14

NULL, 14

objects, 14

omitting spaces, 17

preceding with $ (dollar sign), 14

predefined, 14

printing, 14–15

printing values of, 31

scalar, 14

shorthand version, 16

strings, 14

superglobal, 44

syntactical rules, 14

tracking during debugging, 260

treatment of, 17

typecasting, 410

using, 15–17

using with numbers, 24

using with strings, 19

version of PHP constant, 26, 33

view_users.php script, 282–283, 300–302

modifying, 290–291

OOP example, 506–507

paginating, 316–322

sortable displays, 323–325


warnings, error reporting, 250

Web applications

date and time functions, 362–365

file uploads, 336–338

file uploads with PHP, 342–347

HTTP headers, 355–361

PHP and JavaScript, 348–354

preparing servers for uploads, 338–341

sending email, 330–335

Web browser

sending data to, 7–9

sending HTML to, 12

Web pages, altering spacing in, 9

Web sites, dynamic vs. static, 75. See also dynamic Web sites

WHEN...THEN clauses, 219

WHERE clause, 140–141

using with indexes, 180

using with UPDATE, 150

while loop. See also loops

example, 69

functionality, 70

white space, areas of, 9

whitelist validation, 409

wildcards, using with LIKE and NOT LIKE, 144


wordwrap( ) function, 333, loading, 461


XHTML, resource for, 5

XHTML 1.0 Transitional document, 2

XML-style tags, 4

XOR (and not) operator, 45, 48, 140

XSS attacks, preventing, 418–420

xss.php script, 419


YEAR( ) function, 159


Z (Zulu) time

explained, 189

using, 191–194

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