Before you dive into the following pages, I want take a moment to thank you for purchasing this book. I’ve always been someone who gains tremendous pleasure from sharing what I do and seeing others progress, so my hope is that the content in this book not only teaches you some tips, tricks, and techniques, but also serves to inspire and motivate you.

If you’ve been following any of the work I share online through my blog, YouTube channel, presentations, and social media platforms, then you’re no doubt aware of how much importance I place on having personal projects. Without question, my personal projects have been instrumental in helping me to define who I am as a photographer and digital artist.

This creative industry—photography, in particular—involves gear and lots of it. I have spent, or rather wasted, so much money on gear that I thought was going to be the answer to developing my portfolio, when in reality, it probably hindered it. The moment I truly acknowledged the importance of projects and using what I had, everything began to click into place, especially when I started creating what I wanted rather than what others wanted. This alone brought the fun back, and now I have more projects and pictures I want to create than I have time for, and that is exciting.

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